RTContext Member List

This is the complete list of members for RTContext, including all inherited members.

add_ray_generation_program(const uint32 program) (defined in RTContext)RTContext
bind_buffer(const char *name, const uint32 size, const uint32 element_size, void *ptr, const RTformat format) (defined in RTContext)RTContext
bind_var(const char *name, const uint32 size, void *ptr) (defined in RTContext)RTContext
bind_var(const char *name, const T value) (defined in RTContext)RTContextinline
bind_var(const char *name, const int32 value) (defined in RTContext)RTContext
bind_var(const char *name, const uint32 value) (defined in RTContext)RTContext
bind_var(const char *name, const float value) (defined in RTContext)RTContext
create_geometry(const uint32 triCount, const int *index_ptr, const uint32 vertex_count, const float *vertex_ptr, const int *normal_index_ptr, const float *normal_vertex_ptr, const int *tex_index_ptr, const float *tex_vertex_ptr, const int *material_index_ptr) (defined in RTContext)RTContext
create_program(const char *filename, const char *program_name) (defined in RTContext)RTContext
impl (defined in RTContext)RTContext
launch(const uint32 index, const uint32 width) (defined in RTContext)RTContext
launch(const uint32 index, const uint32 width, const uint32 height) (defined in RTContext)RTContext
RTContext() (defined in RTContext)RTContext
trace(const uint32 count, const Ray *rays, Hit *hits) (defined in RTContext)RTContext
trace(const uint32 count, const MaskedRay *rays, Hit *hits) (defined in RTContext)RTContext
trace_shadow(const uint32 count, const MaskedRay *rays, Hit *hits) (defined in RTContext)RTContext
trace_shadow(const uint32 count, const MaskedRay *rays, uint32 *binary_hits) (defined in RTContext)RTContext
~RTContext() (defined in RTContext)RTContext