Examples ======== .. important:: These examples are only to demonstrate the use of the GBRL library and its functions. Specific algorithm implementations can be found for stable_baselines3 in `the GBRL_SB3 repository `_. The full tutorial is also available as a `jupyter notebook `_ Basic Usage: Training, Saving, Loading, Copying ----------------------------------------------- In the following example, we will train, save, and load a GBRL model incrementally. We will use the base `GradientBoostingTrees` class and get familiarized with the basic usage of the GBRL library. We will train a GBRL model as in supervised learning on the `Diabetes dataset from sklearn `_. Basic imports and preprocessing ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: python import numpy as np import torch as th import gymnasium as gym from sklearn import datasets from torch.nn.functional import mse_loss from torch.distributions import Categorical from gbrl import GradientBoostingTrees, cuda_available, ParametricActor Pre-process data ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: python # CUDA is not deterministic device = 'cuda' if cuda_available else 'cpu' # incremental learning dataset X_numpy, y_numpy = datasets.load_diabetes(return_X_y=True, as_frame=False, scaled=False) # Reshape target as GBRL works with 2D arrays out_dim = 1 if len(y_numpy.shape) == 1 else y_numpy.shape[1] X, y = th.tensor(X_numpy, dtype=th.float32, device=device), th.tensor(y_numpy, dtype=th.float32, device=device) Setting up a GBRL model ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: python # initializing model parameters tree_struct = {'max_depth': 4, 'n_bins': 256, 'min_data_in_leaf': 0, 'par_th': 2, 'grow_policy': 'oblivious'} optimizer = {'algo': 'SGD', 'lr': 1.0} gbrl_params = { "split_score_func": "Cosine", "generator_type": "Quantile" } # setting up model gbt_model = GradientBoostingTrees( output_dim=out_dim, tree_struct=tree_struct, optimizer=optimizer, gbrl_params=gbrl_params, verbose=0, device=device) gbt_model.set_bias_from_targets(y) Incremental learning ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: python # training for 10 epochs n_epochs = 10 for _ in range(n_epochs): # forward pass - setting requires_grad=True is mandatory for training # y_pred is a torch tensor by default y_pred = gbt_model(X, requires_grad=True) # calculate loss - we must scale pytorch's mse loss function by 0.5 to get the correct MSE gradient loss = 0.5 * mse_loss(y_pred, y) loss.backward() # perform a boosting step gbt_model.step(X) print(f"Boosting iteration: {gbt_model.get_iteration()} RMSE loss: {loss.sqrt()}") GBT work with per-sample gradients but pytorch typically calculates the expected loss. GBRL internally multiplies the gradients with the number of samples when calling the step function. Therefore, when working with pytorch losses and multi-output targets one should take this into consideration. For example: when using a summation reduction .. code-block:: python gbt_model = GradientBoostingTrees( output_dim=out_dim, tree_struct=tree_struct, optimizer=optimizer, gbrl_params=gbrl_params, verbose=0, device=device) gbt_model.set_bias_from_targets(y) # continuing training 10 epochs using a sum reduction n_epochs = 10 for _ in range(n_epochs): y_pred = gbt_model(X, requires_grad=True) # we divide the loss by the number of samples to compensate for GBRL's built-in multiplication by the same value loss = 0.5 * mse_loss(y_pred, y, reduction='sum') / len(y_pred) loss.backward() # perform a boosting step gbt_model.step(X) print(f"Boosting iteration: {gbt_model.get_iteration()} RMSE loss: {loss.sqrt()}") or when working with multi-dimensional outputs .. code-block:: python y_multi = th.concat([y, y], dim=1) out_dim = y_multi.shape[1] gbt_model = GradientBoostingTrees( output_dim=out_dim, tree_struct=tree_struct, optimizer=optimizer, gbrl_params=gbrl_params, verbose=0, device=device) gbt_model.set_bias_from_targets(y_multi) # continuing training 10 epochs using a sum reduction n_epochs = 10 for _ in range(n_epochs): y_pred = gbt_model(X, requires_grad=True) # we multiply the loss by the output dimension to compensate for pytorch's mean reduction for MSE loss that averages across all dimensions. # this step is necessary to get the correct loss gradient - however the loss value itself is correct loss = 0.5 * mse_loss(y_pred, y_multi) * out_dim loss.backward() # perform a boosting step gbt_model.step(X) print(f"Boosting iteration: {gbt_model.get_iteration()} RMSE loss: {(loss / out_dim).sqrt()}") Saving, loading, and copying a GBRL Model ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: python # Call the save_model method of a GBRL class # GBRL will automatically save the file with the .gbrl_model ending # The file will be saved in the current working directory # Provide the absolute path to save the file in a different directory. gbt_model.save_model('gbt_model_tutorial') # Loading a saved model is similar and is done by calling the specific class instance. loaded_gbt_model = GradientBoostingTrees.load_model('gbt_model_tutorial') # Copying a model is straighforward copied_model = gbt_model.copy() Manually Calculated Gradients ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Alternatively, GBRL can use manually calculated gradients. Calling the `predict` method instead of the `__call__` method, returns a numpy array instead of a PyTorch tensor. Autograd libraries or manual calculations can be used to calculate gradients. Fitting manually calculated gradients is done using the `_model.step` method that receives numpy arrays. .. code-block:: python # initializing model parameters tree_struct = {'max_depth': 4, 'n_bins': 256, 'min_data_in_leaf': 0, 'par_th': 2, 'grow_policy': 'oblivious'} optimizer = { 'algo': 'SGD', 'lr': 1.0} gbrl_params = { "split_score_func": "Cosine", "generator_type": "Quantile"} # setting up model gbt_model = GradientBoostingTrees( output_dim=1, tree_struct=tree_struct, optimizer=optimizer, gbrl_params=gbrl_params, verbose=0, device=device) # works with numpy arrays as well as PyTorch tensors gbt_model.set_bias_from_targets(y_numpy) # training for 10 epochs n_epochs = 10 for _ in range(n_epochs): # y_pred is a numpy array # set tensor = False to output a numpy array instead of a tensor y_pred = gbt_model(X_numpy, tensor=False) loss = np.sqrt(0.5 * ((y_pred - y_numpy)**2).mean()) grads = y_pred - y_numpy # perform a boosting step gbt_model._model.step(X_numpy, grads) print(f"Boosting iteration: {gbt_model.get_iteration()} RMSE loss: {loss}") Multiple boosting iterations ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ GBRL supports training multiple boosting iterations with targets similar to other GBT libraries. This is done using the `fit` method. .. important:: Only the RMSE loss function is supported for the `fit` method .. code-block:: python gbt_model = GradientBoostingTrees( output_dim=1, tree_struct=tree_struct, optimizer=optimizer, gbrl_params=gbrl_params, verbose=1, device=device) final_loss = gbt_model.fit(X_numpy, y_numpy, iterations=10) RL using GBRL ------------- Now that we have seen how GBRL is trained using incremental learning and PyTorch, we can use it within an RL training loop. .. important:: When collecting a rollout, often the observations are flattened. As GBRL works with 2D arrays, GBRL automatically assumes that the flattened inputs are a single sample and reshapes accordingly. In case of a flattened array that represents multiple samples and a single input dimension, the user must reshape the array manually. Let's start by training a simple Reinforce algorithm. .. code-block:: python def calculate_returns(rewards, gamma): returns = [] running_g = 0.0 for reward in rewards[::-1]: running_g = reward + gamma * running_g returns.insert(0, running_g) return returns env = gym.make("CartPole-v1") wrapped_env = gym.wrappers.RecordEpisodeStatistics(env, 50) # Records episode-reward num_episodes = 1000 gamma = 0.99 optimizer = { 'algo': 'SGD', 'lr': 0.05} bias = np.zeros(env.action_space.n, dtype=np.single) agent = ParametricActor( output_dim=env.action_space.n, tree_struct=tree_struct, policy_optimizer=optimizer, gbrl_params=gbrl_params, verbose=0, bias=bias, device='cpu') update_every = 20 rollout_buffer = {'actions': [], 'obs': [], 'returns': []} for episode in range(num_episodes): # gymnasium v26 requires users to set seed while resetting the environment obs, info = wrapped_env.reset(seed=0) rollout_buffer['rewards'] = [] done = False while not done: # obs is a flattened array representing a single sample and multiple input dimensions # hence GBRL reshapes obs automatically to a 2D-array. action_logits = agent(obs) action = Categorical(logits=action_logits).sample() action_numpy = action.cpu().numpy() obs, reward, terminated, truncated, info = wrapped_env.step(action_numpy.squeeze()) rollout_buffer['rewards'].append(reward) rollout_buffer['obs'].append(obs) rollout_buffer['actions'].append(action) done = terminated or truncated rollout_buffer['returns'].extend(calculate_returns(rollout_buffer['rewards'], gamma)) if episode % update_every == 0 and episode > 0: returns = th.tensor(rollout_buffer['returns'], device=device) actions = th.cat(rollout_buffer['actions']).to(device) # input to model can be either a torch tensor or a numpy ndarray observations = np.stack(rollout_buffer['obs']) # model update action_logits = agent(observations, requires_grad=True) dist = Categorical(logits=action_logits) log_probs = dist.log_prob(actions) # calculate reinforce loss with subtracted baseline loss = -(log_probs * (returns - returns.mean())).mean() loss.backward() grads = agent.step(observations) rollout_buffer = {'actions': [], 'obs': [], 'returns': []} if episode % 100 == 0: print(f"Episode {episode} - boosting iteration: {agent.get_iteration()} episodic return: {np.mean(wrapped_env.return_queue)}") Explainability -------------- GBRL implements SHAP value calculation. SHAP values can be calculated over the entire ensemble as well as for individual trees. GBRL returns SHAP values with shap: [n_samples, n_features, n_actions]. .. code-block:: python # per tree shap values tree_shap = agent.tree_shap(0, obs) # for the entire ensemble shap_values = agent.shap(obs) SHAP values are calculated internally and can be plotted using the `SHAP library `__. .. code-block:: python import shap import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.close('all') explainable_values_action_1 = shap.Explanation(tree_shap.squeeze()[: , 0]) explainable_values_action_2 = shap.Explanation(tree_shap.squeeze()[: , 1]) fig, ax = plt.subplots() shap.plots.bar(explainable_values_action_1, ax=ax) ax.set_title("SHAP values Action 1") fig, ax = plt.subplots() shap.plots.bar(explainable_values_action_2, ax=ax) ax.set_title("SHAP values Action 2") plt.show()