Recent advances in differentiable rendering have enabled high-quality reconstruction of 3D scenes from multi-view images.
Most methods rely on simple rendering algorithms: pre-filtered direct lighting or learned representations
of irradiance. We show that a more realistic shading model, incorporating ray tracing and Monte Carlo integration,
substantially improves decomposition into shape, materials and lighting.
Unfortunately, Monte Carlo integration provides estimates with significant noise, even at large sample counts,
which makes gradient-based inverse rendering very challenging.
To address this, we incorporate multiple importance sampling and denoising in a novel inverse rendering pipeline.
This substantially improves convergence and enables gradient-based optimization at low sample counts.
We present an efficient method to jointly reconstruct geometry (explicit triangle meshes), materials, and lighting,
which substantially improves material and light separation compared to previous work. We argue that denoising
can become an integral part of high quality inverse rendering pipelines.
Video illustrating our training progress and scene editing examples. All examples enabled by our explicit decomposition
into a triangle mesh, PBR materials and HDR environment light, directly compatible with traditional graphics engines.
Feel free to download the video, native resolution: 1024x1024 pixels.
Improved material and light separation
Scene manipulation in standard DCC tools
Explicit decomposition of shape, materials, and lighting
Benefits of denoising
Visualization of the optimization process
author = {Jon Hasselgren and Nikolai Hofmann and Jacob Munkberg},
title = "{Shape, Light, and Material Decomposition from Images using Monte Carlo Rendering and Denoising}",
journal = {arXiv:2206.03380},
year = {2022}
Shape, Light, and Material Decomposition from Images using Monte Carlo Rendering and Denoising
Jon Hasselgren, Nikolai Hofmann and Jacob Munkberg