

Rank Team Final Score Phase 1 - S_{I} Phase 1 - S_{I} Phase 2 - S_{I} Dataset Size* Duplication Ratio**
1 VeriBest 0.769 49.97 46.86 32.30 529,756 0.23
2 SDUAES 0.657 44.51 54.18 41.75 10,042 0.45
3 UMD 0.637 44.36 52.74 39.06 24,886 0.63
4 lcm-verilog 0.544 41.13 39.51 10,318 0.80
5 DRIVE 0.533 42.44 53.52 37.21 33,160 0.40
6 Origen 0.523 49.75 48.54 24.77 168,554 0.24
7 CSDL 0.475 39.71 37.68 4,003 0.64
8 nathan 0.403 39.38 34.99 82 0.20
9 CircuitUp 0.359 39.75 32.90 151 0.95
10 UCLA VAST lab 0.356 42.01 51.95 28.11 2,469 0.81
11 BisonCAD 0.344 35.36 35.36 15,009 0.36
12 Chip Synapses 0.332 39.76 31.80 26,628 0.30
13 LLM4HW 0.197 41.55 51.51 1,876 0.01
14 Aurangabad 0.145 41.83 53.18 238 0.14
15 HDLOJ 0.099 41.17 21.32 4,719 0.74
16 UFO 0.088 40.49 2 0.99
17 Team Flames 0.085 40.35 0.53 1,560 0.26

* Dataset size refers to the number of unique code samples in the submitted dataset after deduplication within the submitted dataset itself as well as against VerilogEval, RTLLM, and MG-Verilog.
** Duplication ratio is defined as the ratio of duplicated code samples to unique code samples in the dataset, calculated by comparing against VerilogEval, RTLLM, MG-Verilog, and the corresponding participant's submitted dataset.