nvBWT is an application built on top of NVBIO to perform BWT-based reference indexing for nvBowtie and potentially other FM-index based applications.
- Given one or multiple fasta files, it will create both the forward and reverse BWT as well as 2-bit packed representation of the files and a few other auxiliary indices:
* ./nvBWT my-reference.fasta my-index
- will generate the following files:
* my-index.pac
* my-index.rpac
* my-index.bwt
* my-index.rbwt
* my-index.sa
* my-index.rsa
* my-index.ann
* my-index.amb
- nvBWT runs the BWT construction on the GPU, using newly developed parallel algorithms. Here's a graph showing its superior performance compared to two other popular CPU based BWT builders:
- nvBWT supports the following command options:
* nvBWT [options] input_file output-prefix
* options:
* -v | --verbosity int (0-6) [5] // select the verbosity level
* -m | --max-length int [inf] // clamp input length
* -b | --byte-packing // output a byte-encoded .pac file
* -w | --word-packing // output a word-encoded .wpac file (more efficient)
* -c | --crc // compute CRCs
* -d | --device // select a cuda device