| <br> |
| Convert any datatype to bit-vector.
| <br> |
| Configurable packet and flit classes.
| Comptrees |
| Compile-time minmax tree.
| <br> |
| debug print statements
| <br> |
| A variant of synthesizable array implementation.
| <br> |
| Macros for synthesizable and non-synthesizable assertions.
| <br> |
| Marshaller is used to automatically convert types to logic vector and vice versa.
| StaticMax |
| StaticMax Class: returns the larger value between two unsigned integers.
| BitUnion2 |
| BitUnion2 class: A union class to hold two Marshallers.
| <br> |
| Matchlib Module class: a wrapper of sc_module with tracing and stats support.
| <br> |
| Tracer class to dump simulation stats to an output stream.
| NVHLSVerify |
| Verification co-simulation support.
| Non-synthesizable components suitable for testbench construction |