Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234]
 CArbiter< size_, ArbiterType >A generalized implementation of generic n-way roundrobin arbiter
 CArbiter< 1, Roundrobin >Simplified specialization of a single entry arbiter to be implemented as single passthrough of valid bit. Usage identical to generic Arbiter class
 CArbiter< num_ports >
 CArbiter< NumInputs >
 CArbiter< size_, Static >Static arbitration specialization. Usage similar to generic Arbiter class
 CArbitratedCrossbar< DataType, NumInputs, NumOutputs, LenInputBuffer, LenOutputBuffer >Crossbar with conflict arbitration and input queuing
 CArbitratedCrossbar< ArbitratedScratchpad::bank_req_t, NumInputs, NumBanks, InputQueueLen, 0 >
 CArbitratedCrossbar< bankread_req_t, kNumReadPorts, kNumBanks, 0, 0 >
 CArbitratedCrossbar< bankwrite_req_t, kNumWritePorts, kNumBanks, 0, 0 >
 CArbitratedScratchpad< DataType, CapacityInBytes, NumInputs, NumBanks, InputQueueLen >Scratchpad Memories with arbitration and queuing
 CArbitratedScratchpadDP< kNumBanks, kNumReadPorts, kNumWritePorts, kEntriesPerBank, WordType, isSF, IsSPRAM >ArbitratedScratchpad with dual port support
 Caxi::AXI4_Encoding::ARCACHEHardcoded values for the ARCACHE field
 Caxi::AXI4_Encoding::AWCACHEHardcoded values for the AWCACHE field
 Caxi::AXI4_Encoding::AXBURSTHardcoded values shared by the ARBURST and AWBURST fields
 Caxi::axi4< Cfg >The base axi4 class parameterized according a valid config
 Caxi::AXI4_EncodingHardcoded values associated with the AXI4 standard
 CScratchpad< T, N, CAPACITY_IN_WORDS >::bank_req_t
 CScratchpadClass< T, N, CAPACITY_IN_WORDS >::bank_req_t
 Caxi::axi4< Cfg >::read::chan< PortType >The AXI read channel, used for connecting an AXI manager and AXI subordinate
 Caxi::axi4< Cfg >::write::chan< PortType >The AXI write channel, used for connecting an AXI manager and AXI subordinate
 CConnections::ChannelBinder< Message, NumEntries >
 CConcat< BaseTemplate, ElemW, NumElements >
 CConcat< BaseTemplate, ElemW, 1 >
 CConcat< BaseTemplate, ElemW, 2 >
 CCSVFileReaderA helper class to read CSV files
 CFIFO< DataType, FifoLen, NumBanks >Configurable FIFO class
 CFIFO< ArbitratedScratchpad::bank_req_t, LenOutputBuffer, NumOutputs >
 CFIFO< bankread_req_t, LenOutputBuffer, NumOutputs >
 CFIFO< bankwrite_req_t, LenOutputBuffer, NumOutputs >
 CFIFO< bool, Depth >
 CFIFO< BuffIdx, buffersize >
 CFIFO< DataDest, LenInputBuffer, NumInputs >
 CFIFO< DataType, 0, NumBanks >
 CFIFO< DataType, 1, 1 >Specialization for single entry and single bank for QoR optimization
 CFIFO< DataType, 1, NumBanks >Specialization for single entry and NumBanks for QoR optimization
 CFIFO< DataType, LenOutputBuffer, NumOutputs >
 CFIFO< Flit_t, buffersize, num_ports *num_vchannels >
 CFIFO< inFlight_t, maxOutstandingRequests >
 CFIFO< Message, 1 >
 CFIFO< Message, BufferSizeRead >
 CFIFO< Message, BufferSizeWrite >
 CFIFO< RdRequest< Cfg >, 4 >
 CFIFO< typename axi::axi4::AddrPayload, 8 >
 CFIFO< typename axi::axi4::ReadPayload, 8 >
 CFIFO< typename axi::axi4::WRespPayload, 8 >
 CFIFO< typename axiM::BId, maxInFlight >
 CFIFO< WrRequest< Cfg >, 4 >
 CFlit< DataWidth, DestWidthPerHop, MaxHops, PacketIdWidth, FlitId, Rtype >
 CFlit< 64, 0, 0, 0, FlitId2bit, WormHole >
 Cnvhls::index_width< X >Compute index width of a constant
 Caxi::cfg::liteAn AXI configuration corresponding to the AXI4-Lite standard
 Caxi::cfg::lite_nowstrbA configuration similar to AXI4-Lite, but without write strobes
 Cnvhls::log2_ceil< X >Compute Celing of log2 of a constant
 Cnvhls::log2_ceil< 0 >Log2 of 0 is not defined: generate compiler error
 Cnvhls::log2_floor< X >Compute Floor of log2 of a constant
 Cnvhls::log2_floor< 0 >Log2 of 0 is not defined: generate compiler error
 Caxi::axi4< Cfg >::read::manager< PortType >The AXI read manager port. This port has an AR request channel as output and an R response channel as input
 Caxi::axi4< Cfg >::write::manager< PortType >The AXI write manager port. This port has AW and W request channels as outputs and a B response channel as input
 CmanagerCfgAn example config for the AXI manager
 Cmem_array< T, N >
 Cmem_array_2d< T, N, A >
 Cmem_array_2d_transp< T, N, A >
 Cmem_array_opt< T, NumEntriesPerBank, NumBanks, NumByteEnables >Abstract Memory Class
 Cmem_array_sep< T, NumEntries, NumBanks, NumByteEnables >Abstract Memory Class
 Cmem_array_sep< Data, capacity_in_bytes, banks >
 Cmem_array_sep< Data, Depth, 1 >
 Cmem_array_sep< DataType, CapacityInBytes, NumBanks >
 Cmem_array_sep< DataType, FifoLen *1, 1 >
 Cmem_array_sep< EntryNum, InFlight, 1 >
 Cmem_array_sep< T, CAPACITY_IN_WORDS, N >
 Cmem_array_sep< WordType, kNumBanks *kEntriesPerBank, kNumBanks >
 CMinmax< ArrT, ElemT, IdxT, is_max, Width >Compile-time minmax tree
 CMinmax< ArrT, ElemT, IdxT, is_max, 1 >
 CMinmax< ArrT, ElemT, IdxT, is_max, 2 >
 Cnvhls::nbits< X >Compute number of bits to represent a constant
 Cnvhls::next_pow2< n_val >Compute power of 2 value greater than a given value
 Caxi::cfg::no_wrespAn AXI configuration with no write responses
 Caxi::cfg::no_wstrbAn AXI configuration with no write strobes
 Cnvhls::nv_array_bank_array_no_assert_base< B, C >
 Cnvhls::nv_array_bank_array_no_assert_base< B, 1 >
 Cnvhls::nv_array_bank_array_no_assert_base< Type, VectorLength >
 Cnvhls::nv_array_pow2< W >
 Cnvhls::nv_array_pow2< 1 >
 Cnvhls::nvhls_t< N, B >Definition of vendor agnostic integer data types
 Cnvhls::nvhls_t< 1 >
 Cnvhls::nvhls_t< N, false >
 Cnvhls::nvhls_t< N, true >
 CPriEnc< VecT, ValT, IdxT, Width >
 CPriEnc< VecT, ValT, IdxT, 1 >
 Caxi::axi4< Cfg >::readThe AXI read class
 CReorderBuf< Data, Depth, InFlight >Reorder Buffer that allows out-of-order writes to queue and in-order reads
 CReorderBuf< WrResp< Cfg >, 8, 4 >
 Cnvhls::s_N< N >
 Cnvhls::s_N< 0 >
 Cnvhls::s_N< N >::s_X< X >
 Cnvhls::s_N< 0 >::s_X
 CScratchpadClass< T, N, CAPACITY_IN_WORDS >Parameterized banked scratchpad memory implemented as a C++ class (i.e. not a SystemC module)
 CScratchpadTraits< WORD_TYPE, NUM_BANKS, CAPACITY_IN_WORDS >Traits class for Scratchpad and ScratchpadClass
 Caxi::cfg::standardA standard AXI configuration
 CConnections::StateSignal< Message, port_marshall_type >
 CConnections::StateSignal< Message, AUTO_PORT >
 CConnections::StateSignal< Message, DIRECT_PORT >
 CConnections::StateSignal< Message, MARSHALL_PORT >
 CConnections::StateSignal< Message, port_marshall_type >
 CConnections::StateSignal< Message, SYN_PORT >
 Caxi::axi4< Cfg >::read::subordinate< PortType >The AXI read subordinate port. This port has an AR request channel as input and an R response channel as output
 Caxi::axi4< Cfg >::write::subordinate< PortType >The AXI write subordinate port. This port has AW and W request channels as inputs and a B response channel as output
 Cmatch::TracerTracer class to dump simulation stats to an output stream (stdout by default)
 Cnvhls::UIntOrEmpty< W >The UIntOrEmpty class is used to define a bitvector that can have a bitwidth of 0
 Cnvhls::UIntOrEmpty< ALEN_WIDTH >
 Cnvhls::UIntOrEmpty< ASIZE_WIDTH >
 Cnvhls::UIntOrEmpty< AUSER_WIDTH >
 Cnvhls::UIntOrEmpty< BID_WIDTH >
 Cnvhls::UIntOrEmpty< BURST_WIDTH >
 Cnvhls::UIntOrEmpty< BUSER_WIDTH >
 Cnvhls::UIntOrEmpty< CACHE_WIDTH >
 Cnvhls::UIntOrEmpty< ID_WIDTH >
 Cnvhls::UIntOrEmpty< LAST_WIDTH >
 Cnvhls::UIntOrEmpty< RUSER_WIDTH >
 Cnvhls::UIntOrEmpty< WSTRB_WIDTH >
 Cnvhls::UIntOrEmpty< WUSER_WIDTH >
 Cnvhls::UIntOrEmptywCheck< bool, W >A class to determine whether to instantiate an NVUINT or an EmptyField
 Cnvhls::UIntOrEmptywCheck< false, W >Template specialization to instantiate an EmptyField if the width of the UIntOrEmpty is 0
 Cnvhls::UIntOrEmptywCheck< true, W >Template specialization to instantiate an NVUINT if the width of the UIntOrEmpty is greater than 0
 Caxi::axi4< Cfg >::writeThe AXI write class
 Caxi::AXI4_Encoding::XRESPHardcoded values shared by the RRESP and BRESP fields