Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 NaxiThe axi namespace contains classes and definitions related to the AXI standard
 CArbiterA generalized implementation of generic n-way roundrobin arbiter
 CArbiter< 1, Roundrobin >Simplified specialization of a single entry arbiter to be implemented as single passthrough of valid bit. Usage identical to generic Arbiter class
 CArbiter< size_, Static >Static arbitration specialization. Usage similar to generic Arbiter class
 CArbitratedCrossbarCrossbar with conflict arbitration and input queuing
 CArbitratedScratchpadScratchpad Memories with arbitration and queuing
 CArbitratedScratchpadDPArbitratedScratchpad with dual port support
 CAxiAddWriteResponseA simple shim that converts between two AXI configs by adding write responses
 CAxiArbiterAn n-way arbiter that connects multiple AXI master ports to a single AXI slave port
 CAxiLiteSlaveToMemAn AXI slave SRAM for the AXI-Lite protocol
 CAxiMasterGateAn AXI master that converts from a simple request/response interface to AXI with reordering support
 CAxiRemoveWriteResponseA simple shim that converts between two AXI configs by removing write responses
 CAxiSlaveToMemAn AXI slave SRAM
 CAxiSlaveToReadyValidAn AXI slave that converts AXI requests into a simplified format
 CAxiSlaveToRegAn AXI slave containing memory-mapped registers
 CAxiSplitterAn n-way splitter that connects a single AXI master port to a multiple AXI slave ports
 CConcat< BaseTemplate, ElemW, 1 >
 CConcat< BaseTemplate, ElemW, 2 >
 CCSVFileReaderA helper class to read CSV files
 CdeserializerDeserializer for store-forward router
 Cdeserializer< Packet< PacketDataWidth, DestWidthPerHop, MaxHops, PacketIdWidth >, Flit< FlitDataWidth, 0, 0, PacketIdWidth, FlitId, WormHole >, 0, WormHole >Deserializer for Wormhole router without input buffer
 Cdeserializer< Packet< PacketDataWidth, DestWidthPerHop, MaxHops, PacketIdWidth >, Flit< FlitDataWidth, 0, 0, PacketIdWidth, FlitId, WormHole >, buffersize, WormHole >Deserializer for Wormhole router
 CFIFOConfigurable FIFO class
 CFIFO< DataType, 0, NumBanks >
 CFIFO< DataType, 1, 1 >Specialization for single entry and single bank for QoR optimization
 CFIFO< DataType, 1, NumBanks >Specialization for single entry and NumBanks for QoR optimization
 CFlit< DataWidth, 0, 0, 0, FlitId, WormHole >
 CFlit< DataWidth, 0, 0, PacketIdWidth, FlitId, WormHole >
 CFlit< DataWidth, DestWidthPerHop, MaxHops, PacketIdWidth, FlitId, StoreForward >Parameterized implementation of a network flit
 CFlitId2bitEncoding for FlitID
 CMasterAn AXI master that generates random traffic for use in a testbench
 CmasterCfgAn example config for the AXI master
 Cmem_array_sepAbstract Memory Class
 CMinmaxCompile-time minmax tree
 CMinmax< ArrT, ElemT, IdxT, is_max, 1 >
 CMinmax< ArrT, ElemT, IdxT, is_max, 2 >
 CPacketParameterized implementation of a network packet
 CPacket< DataWidth, DestWidthPerHop, MaxHops, 0 >
 CPriEnc< VecT, ValT, IdxT, 1 >
 CRdRequestThe struct for read requests for AxiMasterGate
 CRdRespThe struct for read responses for AxiMasterGate
 CReorderBufReorder Buffer that allows out-of-order writes to queue and in-order reads
 CReorderBufWBeatsAn extension of ReorderBuf that allows one entry to contain multiple beats of data
 CRequestThe base type for read or write requests for AxiMasterGate, containing common fields
 Csc_in_conditionalAn AXI master that generates traffic according to a file for use in testbenches
 Csc_in_conditional< T, 1 >
 CScratchpadParameterized banked scratchpad memory
 CserializerSerializer for store-forward router
 Cserializer< Packet< PacketDataWidth, DestWidthPerHop, MaxHops, 0 >, Flit< FlitDataWidth, 0, 0, 0, FlitId, WormHole >, WormHole >Serializer for WormHole router without packet-id in flits
 Cserializer< Packet< PacketDataWidth, DestWidthPerHop, MaxHops, PacketIdWidth >, Flit< FlitDataWidth, 0, 0, PacketIdWidth, FlitId, WormHole >, WormHole >Serializer for WormHole router
 CSlaveAn AXI slave for use in a testbench
 CSlaveFromFileAn AXI slave with its memory prepopulated from a file for use in testbenches
 CWHVCSourceRouterWormhole Router with virtual channels
 CWrRequestThe struct for write requests for AxiMasterGate
 CWrRespThe struct for write responses for AxiMasterGate