►Naxi | The axi namespace contains classes and definitions related to the AXI standard |
►Ncfg | Examples of valid AXI configs |
Cstandard | A standard AXI configuration |
Cno_wresp | An AXI configuration with no write responses |
Cno_wstrb | An AXI configuration with no write strobes |
Clite | An AXI configuration corresponding to the AXI4-Lite standard |
Clite_nowstrb | A configuration similar to AXI4-Lite, but without write strobes |
►Caxi4 | The base axi4 class parameterized according a valid config |
CAddrPayload | A struct composed of the signals associated with AXI read and write requests |
►Cread | The AXI read class |
Cchan | The AXI read channel, used for connecting an AXI manager and AXI subordinate |
Cmanager | The AXI read manager port. This port has an AR request channel as output and an R response channel as input |
Csubordinate | The AXI read subordinate port. This port has an AR request channel as input and an R response channel as output |
CReadPayload | A struct composed of the signals associated with an AXI read response |
CWRespPayload | A struct composed of the signals associated with an AXI write response |
►Cwrite | The AXI write class |
Cchan | The AXI write channel, used for connecting an AXI manager and AXI subordinate |
Cmanager | The AXI write manager port. This port has AW and W request channels as outputs and a B response channel as input |
Csubordinate | The AXI write subordinate port. This port has AW and W request channels as inputs and a B response channel as output |
CWritePayload | A struct composed of the signals associated with AXI write data |
►CAXI4_Encoding | Hardcoded values associated with the AXI4 standard |
CARCACHE | Hardcoded values for the ARCACHE field |
CAWCACHE | Hardcoded values for the AWCACHE field |
CAXBURST | Hardcoded values shared by the ARBURST and AWBURST fields |
CXRESP | Hardcoded values shared by the RRESP and BRESP fields |
►NConnections | |
CCombinationalBufferedPorts | |
CCombinationalBufferedPorts< Message, BufferSizeRead, 0 > | |
CCombinationalBufferedPorts< Message, 0, BufferSizeWrite > | |
CInBuffered | |
COutBuffered | |
CStateSignal | |
CStateSignal< Message, SYN_PORT > | |
CStateSignal< Message, MARSHALL_PORT > | |
CStateSignal< Message, DIRECT_PORT > | |
CStateSignal< Message, TLM_PORT > | |
CBypass | |
CBypass< Message, TLM_PORT > | |
CPipeline | |
CPipeline< Message, TLM_PORT > | |
CBypassBuffered | |
CBypassBuffered< Message, NumEntries, TLM_PORT > | |
CBuffer | |
CBuffer< Message, NumEntries, TLM_PORT > | |
CSink | |
CDummySink | |
CDummySource | |
CChannelBinder | |
CInNetwork | |
COutNetwork | |
CInNetworkCredit | |
COutNetworkCredit | |
►Nmatch | |
CModule | Matchlib Module class: a wrapper of sc_module with tracing and stats support |
CFlusher | |
CTracer | Tracer class to dump simulation stats to an output stream (stdout by default) |
►Nnvhls | |
Cnv_array_pow2 | |
Cnv_array_pow2< 1 > | |
Cnv_array_bank_array_no_assert_base | |
Cnv_array_bank_array_no_assert_base< B, 1 > | |
Cnv_array | An implementation of array that declares VectorLength variables for array of size VectorLength |
►Cs_N | |
Cs_X | |
►Cs_N< 0 > | |
Cs_X | |
Cnbits | Compute number of bits to represent a constant |
Clog2_floor | Compute Floor of log2 of a constant |
Clog2_floor< 0 > | Log2 of 0 is not defined: generate compiler error |
Clog2_ceil | Compute Celing of log2 of a constant |
Clog2_ceil< 0 > | Log2 of 0 is not defined: generate compiler error |
Cnext_pow2 | Compute power of 2 value greater than a given value |
Cindex_width | Compute index width of a constant |
Cnvhls_t | Definition of vendor agnostic integer data types |
Cnvhls_t< N, true > | |
Cnvhls_t< N, false > | |
Cnv_scvector | Vector helper container with vector operations |
CEmptyField | Used for rudimentary support for members of a struct that can be configured to have zero width |
CUIntOrEmptywCheck | A class to determine whether to instantiate an NVUINT or an EmptyField |
CUIntOrEmptywCheck< true, W > | Template specialization to instantiate an NVUINT if the width of the UIntOrEmpty is greater than 0 |
CUIntOrEmptywCheck< false, W > | Template specialization to instantiate an EmptyField if the width of the UIntOrEmpty is 0 |
CUIntOrEmpty | The UIntOrEmpty class is used to define a bitvector that can have a bitwidth of 0 |
CArbiter | A generalized implementation of generic n-way roundrobin arbiter |
CArbiter< 1, Roundrobin > | Simplified specialization of a single entry arbiter to be implemented as single passthrough of valid bit. Usage identical to generic Arbiter class |
CArbiter< size_, Static > | Static arbitration specialization. Usage similar to generic Arbiter class |
CArbitratedCrossbar | Crossbar with conflict arbitration and input queuing |
►CArbitratedScratchpad | Scratchpad Memories with arbitration and queuing |
Cbank_req_t | |
Cbank_rsp_t | |
CArbitratedScratchpadDP | ArbitratedScratchpad with dual port support |
CAxiAddWriteResponse | A simple shim that converts between two AXI configs by adding write responses |
CAxiArbiter | An n-way arbiter that connects multiple AXI manager ports to a single AXI subordinate port |
CAxiLiteSubordinateToMem | An AXI subordinate SRAM for the AXI-Lite protocol |
CAxiManagerGate | An AXI manager that converts from a simple request/response interface to AXI with reordering support |
CAxiRemoveWriteResponse | A simple shim that converts between two AXI configs by removing write responses |
CAxiSplitter | An n-way splitter that connects a single AXI manager port to a multiple AXI subordinate ports |
CAxiSubordinateToCSReg | An AXI subordinate containing memory-mapped registers |
CAxiSubordinateToMem | An AXI subordinate SRAM |
CAxiSubordinateToReadyValid | An AXI subordinate that converts AXI requests into a simplified format |
CAxiSubordinateToReg | An AXI subordinate containing memory-mapped registers |
Ccli_req_t | |
Ccli_rsp_t | |
CConcat | |
CConcat< BaseTemplate, ElemW, 1 > | |
CConcat< BaseTemplate, ElemW, 2 > | |
CCSVFileReader | A helper class to read CSV files |
Cdeserializer | Deserializer for store-forward router |
Cdeserializer< Packet< PacketDataWidth, DestWidthPerHop, MaxHops, PacketIdWidth >, Flit< FlitDataWidth, 0, 0, PacketIdWidth, FlitId, WormHole >, 0, WormHole > | Deserializer for Wormhole router without input buffer |
Cdeserializer< Packet< PacketDataWidth, DestWidthPerHop, MaxHops, PacketIdWidth >, Flit< FlitDataWidth, 0, 0, PacketIdWidth, FlitId, WormHole >, buffersize, WormHole > | Deserializer for Wormhole router |
CFIFO | Configurable FIFO class |
CFIFO< DataType, 0, NumBanks > | |
CFIFO< DataType, 1, 1 > | Specialization for single entry and single bank for QoR optimization |
CFIFO< DataType, 1, NumBanks > | Specialization for single entry and NumBanks for QoR optimization |
CFlit | |
CFlit< DataWidth, 0, 0, 0, FlitId, WormHole > | |
CFlit< DataWidth, 0, 0, PacketIdWidth, FlitId, WormHole > | |
CFlit< DataWidth, DestWidthPerHop, MaxHops, PacketIdWidth, FlitId, StoreForward > | Parameterized implementation of a network flit |
CFlitId2bit | Encoding for FlitID |
CManager | An AXI manager that generates random traffic for use in a testbench |
CmanagerCfg | An example config for the AXI manager |
CManagerFromFile | |
Cmem_array | |
Cmem_array_2d | |
Cmem_array_2d_transp | |
Cmem_array_opt | Abstract Memory Class |
Cmem_array_sep | Abstract Memory Class |
CMinmax | Compile-time minmax tree |
CMinmax< ArrT, ElemT, IdxT, is_max, 1 > | |
CMinmax< ArrT, ElemT, IdxT, is_max, 2 > | |
Cnvhls_message | |
CPacket | Parameterized implementation of a network packet |
CPacket< DataWidth, DestWidthPerHop, MaxHops, 0 > | |
CPriEnc | |
CPriEnc< VecT, ValT, IdxT, 1 > | |
CRdRequest | The struct for read requests for AxiManagerGate |
CRdResp | The struct for read responses for AxiManagerGate |
CReorderBuf | Reorder Buffer that allows out-of-order writes to queue and in-order reads |
CReorderBufWBeats | An extension of ReorderBuf that allows one entry to contain multiple beats of data |
CRequest | The base type for read or write requests for AxiManagerGate, containing common fields |
Csc_in_conditional | An AXI manager that generates traffic according to a file for use in testbenches |
Csc_in_conditional< T, 1 > | |
►CScratchpad | Parameterized banked scratchpad memory implemented as a SystemC module |
Cbank_req_t | |
►CScratchpadClass | Parameterized banked scratchpad memory implemented as a C++ class (i.e. not a SystemC module) |
Cbank_req_t | |
►CScratchpadTraits | Traits class for Scratchpad and ScratchpadClass |
Cscratchpad_req_t | |
Cserializer | Serializer for store-forward router |
Cserializer< Packet< PacketDataWidth, DestWidthPerHop, MaxHops, 0 >, Flit< FlitDataWidth, 0, 0, 0, FlitId, WormHole >, WormHole > | Serializer for WormHole router without packet-id in flits |
Cserializer< Packet< PacketDataWidth, DestWidthPerHop, MaxHops, PacketIdWidth >, Flit< FlitDataWidth, 0, 0, PacketIdWidth, FlitId, WormHole >, WormHole > | Serializer for WormHole router |
CSubordinate | An AXI subordinate for use in a testbench |
CSubordinateFromFile | An AXI subordinate with its memory prepopulated from a file for use in testbenches |
CWHVCRouterBase | |
CWHVCSourceRouter | Wormhole Router with virtual channels |
CWrRequest | The struct for write requests for AxiManagerGate |
CWrResp | The struct for write responses for AxiManagerGate |