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nvbio::cuda Namespace Reference




struct  Arch
struct  condition
struct  condition_set_view
struct  condition_set_storage
struct  host_device_buffer
struct  host_device_buffer_zero_copy
struct  host_device_buffer_sync
struct  ldg_pointer
struct  load_pointer
struct  PingPongQueuesView
struct  PingPongQueues
struct  is_sorted_iterator
struct  is_segment_sorted_iterator
struct  scan_dispatch
struct  scan_dispatch< T, Op, 32 >
struct  scan_dispatch< T, Op, 16 >
struct  scan_dispatch< T, Op, 8 >
struct  scan_dispatch< T, Op, 4 >
struct  scan_dispatch< T, Op, 2 >
struct  all_dispatch
struct  all_dispatch< 32 >
struct  all_dispatch< 2 >
struct  all_dispatch< 4 >
struct  all_dispatch< 8 >
struct  all_dispatch< 16 >
struct  all_dispatch< 64 >
struct  all_dispatch< 128 >
struct  all_dispatch< 256 >
struct  any_dispatch
struct  any_dispatch< 32 >
struct  any_dispatch< 2 >
struct  any_dispatch< 4 >
struct  any_dispatch< 8 >
struct  any_dispatch< 16 >
struct  any_dispatch< 64 >
struct  any_dispatch< 128 >
struct  any_dispatch< 256 >
struct  SortBuffers
struct  SortEnactor
struct  syncblocks
struct  syncblocks_storage
struct  Timer
struct  ScopedTimer
struct  InplaceQueueTag
struct  WorkQueueStatsView
struct  DefaultMover
struct  WorkQueue
struct  WorkQueueStats
struct  MultiPassQueueTag
struct  WorkQueue< MultiPassQueueTag, WorkUnitT, BLOCKDIM >
struct  OrderedQueueTag
struct  WorkQueue< OrderedQueueTag, WorkUnitT, BLOCKDIM >
struct  PersistentWarpsQueueTag
struct  PersistentThreadsQueueTag
struct  WorkQueue< PersistentWarpsQueueTag, WorkUnitT, BLOCKDIM >
struct  WorkQueue< PersistentThreadsQueueTag, WorkUnitT, BLOCKDIM >
struct  DelayList
struct  DiscardDelayList
struct  CompressionSort
struct  PrefixDoublingSufSort
struct  HostBWTConfigGPUBucketer
struct  HostBWTConfigCPUBucketer
struct  DeviceBWTConfig
struct  LargeBWTStatus
struct  LargeBWTSkeleton


enum  CacheLoadModifier {
 Enumeration of cache modifiers for memory load operations. More...
enum  WorkQueueStatsEvent { STREAM_EVENT = 0, RUN_EVENT = 1 }


void device_arch (uint32 &major, uint32 &minor)
uint32 max_grid_size ()
size_t multiprocessor_count ()
size_t smem_allocation_unit (const cudaDeviceProp &properties)
size_t reg_allocation_unit (const cudaDeviceProp &properties, const size_t regsPerThread)
size_t warp_allocation_multiple (const cudaDeviceProp &properties)
size_t num_sides_per_multiprocessor (const cudaDeviceProp &properties)
size_t max_blocks_per_multiprocessor (const cudaDeviceProp &properties)
size_t num_regs_per_block (const cudaDeviceProp &properties, const cudaFuncAttributes &attributes, const size_t CTA_SIZE)
template<typename KernelFunction >
cudaFuncAttributes function_attributes (KernelFunction kernel)
template<typename KernelFunction >
size_t max_active_blocks_per_multiprocessor (KernelFunction kernel, const size_t CTA_SIZE, const size_t dynamic_smem_bytes)
template<typename KernelFunction >
size_t max_active_blocks (KernelFunction kernel, const size_t CTA_SIZE, const size_t dynamic_smem_bytes)
template<typename KernelFunction >
size_t num_registers (KernelFunction kernel)
template<typename KernelFunction >
size_t max_blocksize_with_highest_occupancy (KernelFunction kernel, size_t dynamic_smem_bytes_per_thread)
bool is_tcc_enabled ()
void check_error (const char *message)
template<uint32 N>
syncthreads ()
size_t max_active_blocks_per_multiprocessor (const cudaDeviceProp &properties, const cudaFuncAttributes &attributes, size_t CTA_SIZE, size_t dynamic_smem_bytes)
size_t max_blocksize_with_highest_occupancy (const cudaDeviceProp &properties, const cudaFuncAttributes &attributes, size_t dynamic_smem_bytes_per_thread)
template<typename T >
void copy (const thrust::device_vector< T > &dvec, thrust::host_vector< T > &hvec)
template<typename T >
void copy (host_device_buffer< T > &dvec, thrust::host_vector< T > &hvec)
template<typename T >
const T * device_pointer (const thrust::device_vector< T > &dvec)
template<typename T >
T * device_pointer (thrust::device_vector< T > &dvec)
template<typename T >
const T * device_pointer (const host_device_buffer< T > &dvec)
template<typename T >
T * device_pointer (host_device_buffer< T > &dvec)
template<typename T >
< T > 
make_ldg_pointer (const T *it)
template<CacheLoadModifier MOD, typename T >
NVBIO_HOST_DEVICE load_pointer
< T, MOD
make_load_pointer (const T *it)
template<typename VectorType >
void alloc_temp_storage (VectorType &vec, const uint64 size)
template<typename PredicateIterator >
bool any (const uint32 n, const PredicateIterator pred)
template<typename PredicateIterator >
bool all (const uint32 n, const PredicateIterator pred)
template<typename Iterator >
bool is_sorted (const uint32 n, const Iterator values)
template<typename Iterator , typename Headflags >
bool is_segment_sorted (const uint32 n, const Iterator values, const Headflags flags)
template<typename InputIterator , typename BinaryOp >
< InputIterator >::value_type 
reduce (const uint32 n, InputIterator d_in, BinaryOp op, thrust::device_vector< uint8 > &d_temp_storage)
template<typename InputIterator , typename OutputIterator , typename BinaryOp >
void inclusive_scan (const uint32 n, InputIterator d_in, OutputIterator d_out, BinaryOp op, thrust::device_vector< uint8 > &d_temp_storage)
template<typename InputIterator , typename OutputIterator , typename BinaryOp , typename Identity >
void exclusive_scan (const uint32 n, InputIterator d_in, OutputIterator d_out, BinaryOp op, Identity identity, thrust::device_vector< uint8 > &d_temp_storage)
template<typename InputIterator , typename FlagsIterator , typename OutputIterator >
uint32 copy_flagged (const uint32 n, InputIterator d_in, FlagsIterator d_flags, OutputIterator d_out, thrust::device_vector< uint8 > &d_temp_storage)
template<typename InputIterator , typename OutputIterator , typename Predicate >
uint32 copy_if (const uint32 n, InputIterator d_in, OutputIterator d_out, const Predicate pred, thrust::device_vector< uint8 > &d_temp_storage)
template<typename InputIterator , typename OutputIterator , typename CountIterator >
uint32 runlength_encode (const uint32 n, InputIterator d_in, OutputIterator d_out, CountIterator d_counts, thrust::device_vector< uint8 > &d_temp_storage)
template<typename KeyIterator , typename ValueIterator , typename OutputKeyIterator , typename OutputValueIterator , typename ReductionOp >
uint32 reduce_by_key (const uint32 n, KeyIterator d_keys_in, ValueIterator d_values_in, OutputKeyIterator d_keys_out, OutputValueIterator d_values_out, ReductionOp reduction_op, thrust::device_vector< uint8 > &d_temp_storage)
template<typename PredicateIterator >
__global__ void any_kernel (const uint32 n, const PredicateIterator pred, uint32 *r)
template<typename PredicateIterator >
__global__ void all_kernel (const uint32 n, const PredicateIterator pred, uint32 *r)
template<typename T >
__device__ __forceinline__ T bit_scan (bool p)
template<typename T >
__device__ __forceinline__ T scan_warp (T val, const int32 tidx, volatile T *red)
template<typename T >
__device__ __forceinline__ T scan_warp_total (volatile T *red)
template<uint32 COUNT, typename T , typename Op >
__device__ __forceinline__ T scan (T val, const Op op, const T init, volatile T *red)
template<uint32 COUNT, typename T >
__device__ __forceinline__ T scan (T val, volatile T *red)
template<uint32 COUNT, typename T >
__device__ __forceinline__ T scan_total (volatile T *red)
__device__ __forceinline__ uint32 alloc (uint32 n, uint32 *pool, const int32 warp_tid, volatile uint32 *warp_red, volatile uint32 *warp_broadcast)
template<uint32 N>
__device__ __forceinline__ uint32 alloc (bool pred, uint32 *pool, const int32 warp_tid, volatile uint32 *warp_broadcast)
template<uint32 COUNT>
__device__ __forceinline__ bool all (const bool p, volatile uint8 *sm=NULL)
template<uint32 COUNT>
__device__ __forceinline__ bool any (const bool p, volatile uint8 *sm=NULL)
WorkQueueStatsView view (WorkQueueStats *stats)
template<typename InStringSet , typename StringIterator , typename OffsetIterator >
void copy (const InStringSet &in_string_set, ConcatenatedStringSet< StringIterator, OffsetIterator > &out_string_set)
template<typename InStringSet , typename StringIterator , typename LengthIterator >
void copy (const InStringSet &in_string_set, StridedStringSet< StringIterator, LengthIterator > &out_string_set)
template<typename InStringSet , typename StreamIterator , typename SymbolType , uint32 SYMBOL_SIZE_T, bool BIG_ENDIAN_T, typename LengthIterator >
void copy (const InStringSet &in_string_set, StridedPackedStringSet< StreamIterator, SymbolType, SYMBOL_SIZE_T, BIG_ENDIAN_T, LengthIterator > &out_string_set)
template<typename string_type , typename suffix_iterator , typename output_handler >
void blockwise_suffix_sort (const typename string_type::index_type string_len, string_type string, const typename string_type::index_type n_suffixes, suffix_iterator suffixes, output_handler &output, const DCS *dcs, BWTParams *params)
template<typename string_type >
void blockwise_build (DCS &dcs, const typename string_type::index_type string_len, string_type string, BWTParams *params)
__global__ void prefix_doubling_kernel (const uint32 n_slots, const uint32 n_suffixes, const uint32 j, const uint32 *suffixes, const uint32 *inv_keys, uint32 *out_keys)
void prefix_doubling (const uint32 n_slots, const uint32 n_suffixes, const uint32 j, const uint32 *suffixes, const uint32 *inv_keys, uint32 *out_keys)
template<uint32 BLOCKDIM>
__global__ void build_head_flags_kernel (const uint32 n_flags, const uint32 *keys, uint8 *flags, uint32 *blocks)
template<uint32 BLOCKDIM>
__global__ void extract_segments_kernel (const uint32 n_flags, const uint8 *flags, const uint32 *blocks, const uint32 *slots, uint32 *keys, uint32 *segments)
uint32 extract_segments (const uint32 n_flags, const uint32 *in_keys, uint8 *flags, uint32 *blocks, const uint32 *slots, uint32 *keys, uint32 *segments)
__global__ void compact_kernel (const uint32 n, const uint8 *stencil, const uint32 *keys, const uint8 *flags, const uint32 *slots, const uint32 *indices, uint8 *out_flags, uint32 *out_slots, uint32 *out_indices)
void compact (const uint32 n, const uint8 *stencil, const uint32 *keys, const uint8 *flags, const uint32 *slots, const uint32 *indices, uint8 *out_flags, uint32 *out_slots, uint32 *out_indices)
template<typename string_type >
string_type::index_type find_primary (const typename string_type::index_type string_len, const string_type string)
template<typename string_type , typename output_iterator >
void suffix_sort (const typename stream_traits< string_type >::index_type string_len, const string_type string, output_iterator output, BWTParams *params)
template<typename string_type , typename output_handler >
void blockwise_suffix_sort (const typename string_type::index_type string_len, string_type string, output_handler &output, BWTParams *params)
template<typename string_type , typename output_iterator >
string_type::index_type bwt (const typename string_type::index_type string_len, string_type string, output_iterator output, BWTParams *params)
template<typename string_set_type , typename output_handler >
void suffix_sort (const string_set_type &string_set, output_handler &output, BWTParams *params=NULL)
template<uint32 SYMBOL_SIZE, bool BIG_ENDIAN, typename storage_type , typename output_handler >
void bwt (const ConcatenatedStringSet< PackedStream< storage_type, uint8, SYMBOL_SIZE, BIG_ENDIAN, uint64 >, uint64 * > string_set, output_handler &output, BWTParams *params=NULL)
void scan_test ()

Detailed Description


Enumeration Type Documentation

Enumeration of cache modifiers for memory load operations.


Default (no modifier)


Cache at all levels.


Cache at global level.


Cache streaming (likely to be accessed once)


Cache as volatile (including cached system lines)


Cache as texture.


Volatile (any memory space)

Definition at line 197 of file ldg.h.

Function Documentation

template<uint32 COUNT>
__device__ __forceinline__ bool nvbio::cuda::all ( const bool  p,
volatile uint8 *  sm = NULL 

generalized all primitive for arbitrarily (power of 2) sized thread groups

Template Parameters
COUNTthread-group size
pper-thread predicate
smshared-memory array needed when COUNT is larger than 32
true iff the predicate is true for all threads in the thread-group

Definition at line 394 of file scan.h.

template<typename PredicateIterator >
__global__ void nvbio::cuda::all_kernel ( const uint32  n,
const PredicateIterator  pred,
uint32 *  r 

Definition at line 79 of file primitives_inl.h.

__device__ __forceinline__ uint32 nvbio::cuda::alloc ( uint32  n,
uint32 *  pool,
const int32  warp_tid,
volatile uint32 *  warp_red,
volatile uint32 *  warp_broadcast 

alloc n elements per thread from a common pool, using a synchronous warp scan

nnumber of elements to alloc
warp_tidwarp thread index
warp_redtemporary warp scan storage (2*WARP_SIZE elements)
warp_broadcasttemporary warp broadcasting storage

Definition at line 245 of file scan.h.

template<uint32 N>
__device__ __forceinline__ uint32 nvbio::cuda::alloc ( bool  pred,
uint32 *  pool,
const int32  warp_tid,
volatile uint32 *  warp_broadcast 

alloc zero or exactly N elements per thread from a common pool

pallocation predicate
warp_tidwarp thread id
warp_broadcasttemporary warp broadcasting storage

Definition at line 262 of file scan.h.

template<uint32 COUNT>
__device__ __forceinline__ bool nvbio::cuda::any ( const bool  p,
volatile uint8 *  sm = NULL 

generalized any primitive for arbitrarily (power of 2) sized thread groups

Template Parameters
COUNTthread-group size
pper-thread predicate
smshared-memory array needed when COUNT is larger than 32
true iff the predicate is true for any threads in the thread-group

Definition at line 517 of file scan.h.

template<typename PredicateIterator >
__global__ void nvbio::cuda::any_kernel ( const uint32  n,
const PredicateIterator  pred,
uint32 *  r 

Definition at line 59 of file primitives_inl.h.

template<typename T >
__device__ __forceinline__ T nvbio::cuda::bit_scan ( bool  p)

intra-warp inclusive scan

valper-threrad input value

Definition at line 43 of file scan.h.

template<uint32 BLOCKDIM>
__global__ void nvbio::cuda::build_head_flags_kernel ( const uint32  n_flags,
const uint32 *  keys,
uint8 *  flags,
uint32 *  blocks 

build a set of head flags looking at adjacent keys and compute their block sums

Definition at line 210 of file prefix_doubling_sufsort.h.

void nvbio::cuda::check_error ( const char *  message)

Definition at line 263 of file arch_inl.h.

void nvbio::cuda::compact ( const uint32  n,
const uint8 *  stencil,
const uint32 *  keys,
const uint8 *  flags,
const uint32 *  slots,
const uint32 *  indices,
uint8 *  out_flags,
uint32 *  out_slots,
uint32 *  out_indices 

scatter flags/slots/indices to the position specified by keys (-1) only if the given stencil is true

Definition at line 429 of file prefix_doubling_sufsort.h.

__global__ void nvbio::cuda::compact_kernel ( const uint32  n,
const uint8 *  stencil,
const uint32 *  keys,
const uint8 *  flags,
const uint32 *  slots,
const uint32 *  indices,
uint8 *  out_flags,
uint32 *  out_slots,
uint32 *  out_indices 

scatter flags/slots/indices to the position specified by keys (-1) only if the given stencil is true

Definition at line 375 of file prefix_doubling_sufsort.h.

template<typename T >
void nvbio::cuda::copy ( const thrust::device_vector< T > &  dvec,
thrust::host_vector< T > &  hvec 

Definition at line 155 of file host_device_buffer.h.

template<typename T >
void nvbio::cuda::copy ( host_device_buffer< T > &  dvec,
thrust::host_vector< T > &  hvec 

Definition at line 163 of file host_device_buffer.h.

void nvbio::cuda::device_arch ( uint32 &  major,
uint32 &  minor 

Definition at line 32 of file arch_inl.h.

template<typename T >
const T* nvbio::cuda::device_pointer ( const thrust::device_vector< T > &  dvec)

Definition at line 176 of file host_device_buffer.h.

template<typename T >
T* nvbio::cuda::device_pointer ( thrust::device_vector< T > &  dvec)

Definition at line 182 of file host_device_buffer.h.

template<typename T >
const T* nvbio::cuda::device_pointer ( const host_device_buffer< T > &  dvec)

Definition at line 188 of file host_device_buffer.h.

template<typename T >
T* nvbio::cuda::device_pointer ( host_device_buffer< T > &  dvec)

Definition at line 194 of file host_device_buffer.h.

uint32 nvbio::cuda::extract_segments ( const uint32  n_flags,
const uint32 *  in_keys,
uint8 *  flags,
uint32 *  blocks,
const uint32 *  slots,
uint32 *  keys,
uint32 *  segments 

given a sorted set of n input keys, flags and slots, this function:

  • updates the set of flags or'ing them with the head flags of the segments of equal keys
  • computes a new "compact" set of keys in the range [1,#distinct-keys]
  • computes a set of segment heads segments[1,...,#distinct-keys]: segments[i] := slot[m] + 1, where m is the smallest integer such that keys[m] = i.

Definition at line 330 of file prefix_doubling_sufsort.h.

template<uint32 BLOCKDIM>
__global__ void nvbio::cuda::extract_segments_kernel ( const uint32  n_flags,
const uint8 *  flags,
const uint32 *  blocks,
const uint32 *  slots,
uint32 *  keys,
uint32 *  segments 

extract the slots corresponding to the first key in each segment

Definition at line 261 of file prefix_doubling_sufsort.h.

template<typename KernelFunction >
cudaFuncAttributes nvbio::cuda::function_attributes ( KernelFunction  kernel)

Definition at line 101 of file arch_inl.h.

bool nvbio::cuda::is_tcc_enabled ( )

Definition at line 254 of file arch_inl.h.

template<typename T >
NVBIO_FORCEINLINE NVBIO_HOST_DEVICE ldg_pointer<T> nvbio::cuda::make_ldg_pointer ( const T *  it)

make a ldg_pointer

Definition at line 188 of file ldg.h.

template<CacheLoadModifier MOD, typename T >
NVBIO_FORCEINLINE NVBIO_HOST_DEVICE load_pointer<T,MOD> nvbio::cuda::make_load_pointer ( const T *  it)

make a load_pointer

Definition at line 367 of file ldg.h.

template<typename KernelFunction >
size_t nvbio::cuda::max_active_blocks ( KernelFunction  kernel,
const size_t  CTA_SIZE,
const size_t  dynamic_smem_bytes 

Definition at line 193 of file arch_inl.h.

template<typename KernelFunction >
size_t nvbio::cuda::max_active_blocks_per_multiprocessor ( KernelFunction  kernel,
const size_t  CTA_SIZE,
const size_t  dynamic_smem_bytes 

Definition at line 179 of file arch_inl.h.

size_t nvbio::cuda::max_active_blocks_per_multiprocessor ( const cudaDeviceProp &  properties,
const cudaFuncAttributes &  attributes,
size_t  CTA_SIZE,
size_t  dynamic_smem_bytes 

Definition at line 154 of file arch_inl.h.

size_t nvbio::cuda::max_blocks_per_multiprocessor ( const cudaDeviceProp &  properties)

Definition at line 116 of file arch_inl.h.

template<typename KernelFunction >
size_t nvbio::cuda::max_blocksize_with_highest_occupancy ( KernelFunction  kernel,
size_t  dynamic_smem_bytes_per_thread 

Definition at line 242 of file arch_inl.h.

size_t nvbio::cuda::max_blocksize_with_highest_occupancy ( const cudaDeviceProp &  properties,
const cudaFuncAttributes &  attributes,
size_t  dynamic_smem_bytes_per_thread 

Definition at line 213 of file arch_inl.h.

uint32 nvbio::cuda::max_grid_size ( )

Definition at line 44 of file arch_inl.h.

size_t nvbio::cuda::multiprocessor_count ( )

Definition at line 52 of file arch_inl.h.

template<typename KernelFunction >
size_t nvbio::cuda::num_registers ( KernelFunction  kernel)

Definition at line 207 of file arch_inl.h.

size_t nvbio::cuda::num_regs_per_block ( const cudaDeviceProp &  properties,
const cudaFuncAttributes &  attributes,
const size_t  CTA_SIZE 

Definition at line 134 of file arch_inl.h.

size_t nvbio::cuda::num_sides_per_multiprocessor ( const cudaDeviceProp &  properties)

Definition at line 122 of file arch_inl.h.

void nvbio::cuda::prefix_doubling ( const uint32  n_slots,
const uint32  n_suffixes,
const uint32  j,
const uint32 *  suffixes,
const uint32 *  inv_keys,
uint32 *  out_keys 

perform prefix-doubling on the selected suffixes

Definition at line 188 of file prefix_doubling_sufsort.h.

__global__ void nvbio::cuda::prefix_doubling_kernel ( const uint32  n_slots,
const uint32  n_suffixes,
const uint32  j,
const uint32 *  suffixes,
const uint32 *  inv_keys,
uint32 *  out_keys 

Definition at line 143 of file prefix_doubling_sufsort.h.

size_t nvbio::cuda::reg_allocation_unit ( const cudaDeviceProp &  properties,
const size_t  regsPerThread 

Definition at line 70 of file arch_inl.h.

template<uint32 COUNT, typename T , typename Op >
__device__ __forceinline__ T nvbio::cuda::scan ( val,
const Op  op,
const init,
volatile T *  red 

intra-warp inclusive scan

valper-threrad input value
tidxwarp thread index
redscan result storage (2*WARP_SIZE elements)

Definition at line 216 of file scan.h.

template<uint32 COUNT, typename T >
__device__ __forceinline__ T nvbio::cuda::scan ( val,
volatile T *  red 

intra-warp inclusive scan

valper-threrad input value
tidxwarp thread index
redscan result storage (2*WARP_SIZE elements)

Definition at line 225 of file scan.h.

void nvbio::cuda::scan_test ( )
template<uint32 COUNT, typename T >
__device__ __forceinline__ T nvbio::cuda::scan_total ( volatile T *  red)

return the total from a scan_warp

redscan result storage

Definition at line 232 of file scan.h.

template<typename T >
__device__ __forceinline__ T nvbio::cuda::scan_warp ( val,
const int32  tidx,
volatile T *  red 

intra-warp inclusive scan

valper-threrad input value
tidxwarp thread index
redscan result storage (2*WARP_SIZE elements)

Definition at line 55 of file scan.h.

template<typename T >
__device__ __forceinline__ T nvbio::cuda::scan_warp_total ( volatile T *  red)

return the total from a scan_warp

redscan result storage

Definition at line 73 of file scan.h.

size_t nvbio::cuda::smem_allocation_unit ( const cudaDeviceProp &  properties)

Definition at line 64 of file arch_inl.h.

template<uint32 N>
NVBIO_FORCEINLINE NVBIO_HOST_DEVICE void nvbio::cuda::syncthreads ( )

a generic syncthreads() implementation to synchronize contiguous blocks of N threads at a time

Definition at line 279 of file arch_inl.h.

size_t nvbio::cuda::warp_allocation_multiple ( const cudaDeviceProp &  properties)

Definition at line 95 of file arch_inl.h.