Examples of valid AXI configs.
- An AXI config consists of a struct with an enum defining the following constants:
- dataWidth: The bitwidth of an AXI data word.
- addrWidth: The bitwidth of the AXI address.
- idWidth: The bitwidth of the AXI ID field.
- useVariableBeatSize: Set to 1 if the interface supports beats that are less than one data word, 0 otherwise.
- useMisalignedAddresses: Set to 1 if addresses not aligned to the data word boundary are supported, 0 otherwise.
- useLast: Set to 1 if the last bit in write data and read requests is used, 0 otherwise.
- useWriteStrobes: Set to 1 if write strobes are supported, 0 otherwise.
- useBurst: Set to 1 if bursts are supported, 0 otherwise
- useFixedBurst: Set to 1 if fixed-type bursts are supported, 0 otherwise.
- useWrapBurst: Set to 1 if wrap-type bursts are supported, 0 otherwise.
- maxBurstSize: The maximum burst length.
- useQoS: Set to 1 if the QoS field is supported, 0 otherwise.
- useLock: Set to 1 if the Lock field is supported, 0 otherwise.
- useProt: Set to 1 if the Prot field is supported, 0 otherwise.
- useCache: Set to 1 if the Cache field is supported, 0 otherwise.
- useRegion: Set to 1 if the Region field is supported, 0 otherwise.
- useWriteResponses: Set to 1 if write responses are supported, 0 otherwise.
- aUserWidth: The bitwidth of the AxUser fields.
- wUserWidth: The bitwidth of the WUser field.
- bUserWidth: The bitwidth of the BUser field.
- rUserWidth: The bitwidth of the RUser field.