Here is a list of all modules:
[detail level 123]
 Stateless datapath blocks - implemented as functions
 Nvhls_intInteger library with built-in support for sc_int and ac_int datatypes
 <br>Configurable nxn crossbar datapath
 <br>One-hot to binary convertor
 Loosly-timed units with state - implemented as classes
 <br>Configurable n inputs arbiter
 <br>Abstract Memory Class
 <br>Configurable FIFO class
 <br>Vector helper container with vector operations
 <br>Modular IO supporting latency-insensitive channels
 ArbitratedCrossbarCrossbar with conflict arbitration and queuing
 ArbitratedScratchpadScratchpad memories with arbitration and queuing
 ReorderBufferOut-of-order writes into queue, in-order reads
 Timed units - implemented as sc_module
 <br>Wormhole router with virtual channels
 <br>N-bit packets to/from M cycles of (N/M)-bit packets
 CacheDirect-mapped Cache design
 <br>Banked Memory Array with Crossbar
 FlitMplexMux multiple input channels to single output channel
 <br>DeMux single input channel to one of multiple output channels
 <br>Manager/Subordinate Interfaces & bridges for AXI interconnect
 Misc utilities and auxiliary constructs
 <br>Convert any datatype to bit-vector
 <br>Configurable packet and flit classes
 ComptreesCompile-time minmax tree
 <br>Debug print statements
 <br>A variant of synthesizable array implementation
 <br>Macros for synthesizable and non-synthesizable assertions
 <br>Marshaller is used to automatically convert types to logic vector and vice versa
 StaticMaxStaticMax Class: returns the larger value between two unsigned integers
 BitUnion2BitUnion2 class: A union class to hold two Marshallers
 <br>Matchlib Module class: a wrapper of sc_module with tracing and stats support
 <br>Tracer class to dump simulation stats to an output stream
 NVHLSVerifyVerification co-simulation support
 Non-synthesizable components suitable for testbench construction
 PacerRandom stall generator
 Set_random_seedSet random seed
 Gen_random_payloadGenerate Random payload of any type