Source code for

# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright (c) 2021-2024 NVIDIA CORPORATION & AFFILIATES. All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
"""Layer for simulating an AWGN channel"""

import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow.keras.layers import Layer
from sionna.utils import expand_to_rank, complex_normal

[docs]class AWGN(Layer): r"""AWGN(dtype=tf.complex64, **kwargs) Add complex AWGN to the inputs with a certain variance. This class inherits from the Keras `Layer` class and can be used as layer in a Keras model. This layer adds complex AWGN noise with variance ``no`` to the input. The noise has variance ``no/2`` per real dimension. It can be either a scalar or a tensor which can be broadcast to the shape of the input. Example -------- Setting-up: >>> awgn_channel = AWGN() Running: >>> # x is the channel input >>> # no is the noise variance >>> y = awgn_channel((x, no)) Parameters ---------- dtype : Complex tf.DType Defines the datatype for internal calculations and the output dtype. Defaults to `tf.complex64`. Input ----- (x, no) : Tuple: x : Tensor, tf.complex Channel input no : Scalar or Tensor, tf.float Scalar or tensor whose shape can be broadcast to the shape of ``x``. The noise power ``no`` is per complex dimension. If ``no`` is a scalar, noise of the same variance will be added to the input. If ``no`` is a tensor, it must have a shape that can be broadcast to the shape of ``x``. This allows, e.g., adding noise of different variance to each example in a batch. If ``no`` has a lower rank than ``x``, then ``no`` will be broadcast to the shape of ``x`` by adding dummy dimensions after the last axis. Output ------- y : Tensor with same shape as ``x``, tf.complex Channel output """ def __init__(self, dtype=tf.complex64, **kwargs): super().__init__(dtype=dtype, **kwargs) self._real_dtype = tf.dtypes.as_dtype(self._dtype).real_dtype def call(self, inputs): x, no = inputs # Create tensors of real-valued Gaussian noise for each complex dim. noise = complex_normal(tf.shape(x), dtype=x.dtype) # Add extra dimensions for broadcasting no = expand_to_rank(no, tf.rank(x), axis=-1) # Apply variance scaling no = tf.cast(no, self._real_dtype) noise *= tf.cast(tf.sqrt(no), noise.dtype) # Add noise to input y = x + noise return y