Linear Codes

This package provides generic support for binary linear block codes.

For encoding, a universal LinearEncoder is available and can be initialized with either a generator or parity-check matrix. The matrix must be binary and of full rank.

For decoding, OSDecoder implements the ordered-statistics decoding (OSD) algorithm [Fossorier] which provides close to maximum-likelihood (ML) estimates for a sufficiently large order of the decoder. Please note that OSD is highly complex and not feasible for all code lengths.

Remark: As this package provides support for generic encoding and decoding (including Polar and LDPC codes), it cannot rely on code specific optimizations. To benefit from an optimized decoder and keep the complexity as low as possible, please use the code specific enc-/decoders whenever available.

The encoder and decoder can be set up as follows:

pcm, k, n, coderate = load_parity_check_examples(pcm_id=1) # load example code

# or directly import an external parity-check matrix in alist format
al = load_alist(path=filename)
pcm, k, n, coderate = alist2mat(al)

# encoder can be directly initialized with the parity-check matrix
encoder = LinearEncoder(enc_mat=pcm, is_pcm=True)

# decoder can be initialized with generator or parity-check matrix
decoder = OSDecoder(pcm, t=4, is_pcm=True) # t is the OSD order

# or instantiated from a specific encoder
decoder = OSDecoder(encoder=encoder, t=4) # t is the OSD order

We can now run the encoder and decoder:

# u contains the information bits to be encoded and has shape [...,k].
# c contains codeword bits and has shape [...,n]
c = encoder(u)

# after transmission LLRs must be calculated with a demapper
# let's assume the resulting llr_ch has shape [...,n]
c_hat = decoder(llr_ch)



class sionna.fec.linear.LinearEncoder(enc_mat, is_pcm=False, dtype=tf.float32, **kwargs)[source]

Linear binary encoder for a given generator or parity-check matrix enc_mat.

If is_pcm is True, enc_mat is interpreted as parity-check matrix and internally converted to a corresponding generator matrix.

The class inherits from the Keras layer class and can be used as layer in a Keras model.

  • enc_mat ([k, n] or [n-k, n], ndarray) – Binary generator matrix of shape [k, n]. If is_pcm is True, enc_mat is interpreted as parity-check matrix of shape [n-k, n].

  • dtype (tf.DType) – Defaults to tf.float32. Defines the datatype for the output dtype.


inputs ([…,k], tf.float32) – 2+D tensor containing information bits.


[…,n], tf.float32 – 2+D tensor containing codewords with same shape as inputs, except the last dimension changes to […,n].


AssertionError – If the encoding matrix is not a valid binary 2-D matrix.


If is_pcm is True, this layer uses pcm2gm to find the generator matrix for encoding. Please note that this imposes a few constraints on the provided parity-check matrix such as full rank and it must be binary.

Note that this encoder is generic for all binary linear block codes and, thus, cannot implement any code specific optimizations. As a result, the encoding complexity is \(O(k^2)\). Please consider code specific encoders such as the Polar5GEncoder or LDPC5GEncoder for an improved encoding performance.

property coderate

Coderate of the code.

property gm

Generator matrix used for encoding.

property k

Number of information bits per codeword.

property n

Codeword length.


class sionna.fec.linear.AllZeroEncoder(k, n, dtype=tf.float32, **kwargs)[source]

Dummy encoder that always outputs the all-zero codeword of length n.

Note that this encoder is a dummy encoder and does NOT perform real encoding!

The class inherits from the Keras layer class and can be used as layer in a Keras model.

  • k (int) – Defining the number of information bit per codeword.

  • n (int) – Defining the desired codeword length.

  • dtype (tf.DType) – Defaults to tf.float32. Defines the datatype for internal calculations and the output dtype.


inputs ([…,k], tf.float32) – 2+D tensor containing arbitrary values (not used!).


[…,n], tf.float32 – 2+D tensor containing all-zero codewords.


AssertionErrork and n must be positive integers and k must be smaller (or equal) than n.


As the all-zero codeword is part of any linear code, it is often used to simulate BER curves of arbitrary (LDPC) codes without the need of having access to the actual generator matrix. However, this “all-zero codeword trick” requires symmetric channels (such as BPSK), otherwise scrambling is required (cf. [Pfister] for further details).

This encoder is a dummy encoder that is needed for some all-zero codeword simulations independent of the input. It does NOT perform real encoding although the information bits are taken as input. This is just to ensure compatibility with other encoding layers.

property coderate

Coderate of the LDPC code.

property k

Number of information bits per codeword.

property n

Codeword length.



class sionna.fec.linear.OSDecoder(enc_mat=None, t=0, is_pcm=False, encoder=None, dtype=tf.float32, **kwargs)[source]

Ordered statistics decoding (OSD) for binary, linear block codes.

This layer implements the OSD algorithm as proposed in [Fossorier] and, thereby, approximates maximum likelihood decoding for a sufficiently large order \(t\). The algorithm works for arbitrary linear block codes, but has a high computational complexity for long codes.

The algorithm consists of the following steps:

1. Sort LLRs according to their reliability and apply the same column permutation to the generator matrix.

2. Bring the permuted generator matrix into its systematic form (so-called most-reliable basis).

3. Hard-decide and re-encode the \(k\) most reliable bits and discard the remaining \(n-k\) received positions.

4. Generate all possible error patterns up to \(t\) errors in the \(k\) most reliable positions find the most likely codeword within these candidates.

This implementation of the OSD algorithm uses the LLR-based distance metric from [Stimming_LLR_OSD] which simplifies the handling of higher-order modulation schemes.

The class inherits from the Keras layer class and can be used as layer in a Keras model.

  • enc_mat ([k, n] or [n-k, n], ndarray) – Binary generator matrix of shape [k, n]. If is_pcm is True, enc_mat is interpreted as parity-check matrix of shape [n-k, n].

  • t (int) – Order of the OSD algorithm

  • is_pcm (bool) – Defaults to False. If True, enc_mat is interpreted as parity-check matrix.

  • encoder (Layer) – Keras layer that implements a FEC encoder. If not None, enc_mat will be ignored and the code as specified by he encoder is used to initialize OSD.

  • dtype (tf.DType) – Defaults to tf.float32. Defines the datatype for the output dtype.


llrs_ch ([…,n], tf.float32) – 2+D tensor containing the channel logits/llr values.


[…,n], tf.float32 – 2+D Tensor of same shape as llrs_ch containing binary hard-decisions of all codeword bits.


OS decoding is of high complexity and is only feasible for small values of \(t\) as \({n \choose t}\) patterns must be evaluated. The advantage of OSD is that it works for arbitrary linear block codes and provides an estimate of the expected ML performance for sufficiently large \(t\). However, for some code families, more efficient decoding algorithms with close to ML performance exist which can exploit certain code specific properties. Examples of such decoders are the ViterbiDecoder algorithm for convolutional codes or the PolarSCLDecoder for Polar codes (for a sufficiently large list size).

It is recommended to run the decoder in XLA mode as it significantly reduces the memory complexity.

property gm

Generator matrix of the code

property k

Number of information bits per codeword

property n

Codeword length

property t

Order of the OSD algorithm


M. Fossorier, S. Lin, “Soft-Decision Decoding of Linear Block Codes Based on Ordered Statistics”, IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory, vol. 41, no.5, 1995.


A.Balatsoukas-Stimming, M. Parizi, A. Burg, “LLR-Based Successive Cancellation List Decoding of Polar Codes.” IEEE Trans Signal Processing, 2015.