Source code for

# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright (c) 2021-2024 NVIDIA CORPORATION & AFFILIATES. All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
"""Layer for discrete channel models"""

import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow.keras.layers import Layer
from sionna.utils import expand_to_rank

[docs]class BinaryMemorylessChannel(Layer): # pylint: disable=line-too-long r"""BinaryMemorylessChannel(return_llrs=False, bipolar_input=False, llr_max=100., dtype=tf.float32, **kwargs) Discrete binary memory less channel with (possibly) asymmetric bit flipping probabilities. Inputs bits are flipped with probability :math:`p_\text{b,0}` and :math:`p_\text{b,1}`, respectively. .. figure:: ../figures/BMC_channel.png :align: center This layer supports binary inputs (:math:`x \in \{0, 1\}`) and `bipolar` inputs (:math:`x \in \{-1, 1\}`). If activated, the channel directly returns log-likelihood ratios (LLRs) defined as .. math:: \ell = \begin{cases} \operatorname{log} \frac{p_{b,1}}{1-p_{b,0}}, \qquad \text{if} \, y=0 \\ \operatorname{log} \frac{1-p_{b,1}}{p_{b,0}}, \qquad \text{if} \, y=1 \\ \end{cases} The error probability :math:`p_\text{b}` can be either scalar or a tensor (broadcastable to the shape of the input). This allows different erasure probabilities per bit position. In any case, its last dimension must be of length 2 and is interpreted as :math:`p_\text{b,0}` and :math:`p_\text{b,1}`. This class inherits from the Keras `Layer` class and can be used as layer in a Keras model. Parameters ---------- return_llrs: bool Defaults to `False`. If `True`, the layer returns log-likelihood ratios instead of binary values based on ``pb``. bipolar_input : bool, False Defaults to `False`. If `True`, the expected input is given as :math:`\{-1,1\}` instead of :math:`\{0,1\}`. llr_max: tf.float Defaults to 100. Defines the clipping value of the LLRs. dtype : tf.DType Defines the datatype for internal calculations and the output dtype. Defaults to `tf.float32`. Input ----- (x, pb) : Tuple: x : [...,n], tf.float32 Input sequence to the channel consisting of binary values :math:`\{0,1\} ` or :math:`\{-1,1\}`, respectively. pb : [...,2], tf.float32 Error probability. Can be a tuple of two scalars or of any shape that can be broadcasted to the shape of ``x``. It has an additional last dimension which is interpreted as :math:`p_\text{b,0}` and :math:`p_\text{b,1}`. Output ------- : [...,n], tf.float32 Output sequence of same length as the input ``x``. If ``return_llrs`` is `False`, the output is ternary where a `-1` and `0` indicate an erasure for the binary and bipolar input, respectively. """ def __init__(self, return_llrs=False, bipolar_input=False, llr_max=100.,dtype=tf.float32, **kwargs): super().__init__(dtype=dtype,**kwargs) assert isinstance(return_llrs, bool), "return_llrs must be bool." self._return_llrs = return_llrs assert isinstance(bipolar_input, bool), "bipolar_input must be bool." self._bipolar_input = bipolar_input assert llr_max>=0., "llr_max must be a positive scalar value." self._llr_max = tf.cast(llr_max, dtype=self.dtype) if self._return_llrs: assert dtype in (tf.float16, tf.float32, tf.float64),\ "LLR outputs require non-integer dtypes." else: if self._bipolar_input: assert dtype in (tf.float16, tf.float32, tf.float64, tf.int8, tf.int16, tf.int32, tf.int64),\ "Only, signed dtypes are supported for bipolar inputs." else: assert dtype in (tf.float16, tf.float32, tf.float64, tf.uint8, tf.uint16, tf.uint32, tf.uint64, tf.int8, tf.int16, tf.int32, tf.int64),\ "Only, real-valued dtypes are supported." self._check_input = True # check input for consistency (i.e., binary) self._eps = 1e-9 # small additional term for numerical stability self._temperature = tf.constant(0.1, tf.float32) # for Gumble-softmax ######################################### # Public methods and properties ######################################### @property def llr_max(self): """Maximum value used for LLR calculations.""" return self._llr_max @llr_max.setter def llr_max(self, value): """Maximum value used for LLR calculations.""" assert value>=0, 'llr_max cannot be negative.' self._llr_max = tf.cast(value, dtype=tf.float32) @property def temperature(self): """Temperature for Gumble-softmax trick.""" return self._temperature @temperature.setter def temperature(self, value): """Temperature for Gumble-softmax trick.""" assert value>=0, 'temperature cannot be negative.' self._temperature = tf.cast(value, dtype=tf.float32) ######################### # Utility methods ######################### def _check_inputs(self, x): """Check input x for consistency, i.e., verify that all values are binary of bipolar values.""" x = tf.cast(x, tf.float32) if self._check_input: if self._bipolar_input: # allow -1 and 1 for bipolar inputs values = (tf.constant(-1, x.dtype),tf.constant(1, x.dtype)) else: # allow 0,1 for binary input values = (tf.constant(0, x.dtype),tf.constant(1, x.dtype)) tf.debugging.assert_equal( tf.reduce_min(tf.cast(tf.logical_or(tf.equal(x, values[0]), tf.equal(x, values[1])), x.dtype)), tf.constant(1, x.dtype), "Input must be binary.") # input datatype consistency should be only evaluated once self._check_input = False @tf.custom_gradient def _custom_xor(self, a, b): """Straight through estimator for XOR.""" def grad(upstream): """identity in backward direction""" return upstream, upstream # xor in forward path # use module for "exotic" dtypes if self.dtype in (tf.uint8, tf.uint16, tf.uint32, tf.uint64, tf.int8, tf.int16, tf.int32, tf.int64): z = tf.math.mod(a+b, tf.constant(2, self.dtype)) else: # use abs for float dtypes z = tf.abs(a - b) return z, grad @tf.custom_gradient def _ste_binarizer(self, x): """Straight through binarizer to quantize bits to int values.""" def grad(upstream): """identity in backward direction""" return upstream # hard-decide in forward path z = tf.where(x<.5, 0., 1.) return z, grad def _sample_errors(self, pb, shape): """Samples binary error vector with given error probability e. This function is based on the Gumble-softmax "trick" to keep the sampling differentiable.""" # this implementation follows # and u1 = tf.random.uniform(shape=shape, minval=0., maxval=1., dtype=tf.float32) u2 = tf.random.uniform(shape=shape, minval=0., maxval=1., dtype=tf.float32) u = tf.stack((u1, u2), axis=-1) # sample Gumble distribution q = - tf.math.log(- tf.math.log(u + self._eps) + self._eps) p = tf.stack((pb,1-pb), axis=-1) p = expand_to_rank(p, tf.rank(q), axis=0) p = tf.broadcast_to(p, tf.shape(q)) a = (tf.math.log(p + self._eps) + q) / self._temperature # apply softmax e_cat = tf.nn.softmax(a) # binarize final values via straight-through estimator return self._ste_binarizer(e_cat[...,0]) # only take first class ######################### # Keras layer functions ######################### def build(self, input_shapes): """Verify correct input shapes""" pb_shapes = input_shapes[1] # allow tuple of scalars as alternative input if isinstance(pb_shapes, (tuple, list)): if not len(pb_shapes)==2: raise ValueError("Last dim of pb must be of length 2.") else: if len(pb_shapes)>0: if not pb_shapes[-1]==2: raise ValueError("Last dim of pb must be of length 2.") else: raise ValueError("Last dim of pb must be of length 2.") def call(self, inputs): """Apply discrete binary memoryless channel to inputs.""" x, pb = inputs # allow pb to be a tuple of two scalars if isinstance(pb, (tuple, list)): pb0 = pb[0] pb1 = pb[1] else: pb0 = pb[...,0] pb1 = pb[...,1] # clip for numerical stability pb0 = tf.cast(pb0, tf.float32) # Gumble requires float dtypes pb1 = tf.cast(pb1, tf.float32) # Gumble requires float dtypes pb0 = tf.clip_by_value(pb0, 0., 1.) pb1 = tf.clip_by_value(pb1, 0., 1.) # check x for consistency (binary, bipolar) self._check_inputs(x) e0 = self._sample_errors(pb0, tf.shape(x)) e1 = self._sample_errors(pb1, tf.shape(x)) if self._bipolar_input: neutral_element = tf.constant(-1, dtype=x.dtype) else: neutral_element = tf.constant(0, dtype=x.dtype) # mask e0 and e1 with input such that e0 only applies where x==0 e = tf.where(x==neutral_element, e0, e1) e = tf.cast(e, x.dtype) if self._bipolar_input: # flip signs for bipolar case y = x * (-2*e + 1) else: # XOR for binary case y = self._custom_xor(x, e) # if LLRs should be returned if self._return_llrs: if not self._bipolar_input: y = 2 * y - 1 # transform to bipolar # Remark: Sionna uses the logit definition log[p(x=1)/p(x=0)] y0 = - (tf.math.log(pb1 + self._eps) - tf.math.log(1 - pb0 - self._eps)) y1 = (tf.math.log(1 - pb1 - self._eps) - tf.math.log(pb0 + self._eps)) # multiply by y to keep gradient y = tf.cast(tf.where(y==1, y1, y0), dtype=y.dtype) * y # and clip output llrs y = tf.clip_by_value(y, -self._llr_max, self._llr_max) return y
[docs]class BinarySymmetricChannel(BinaryMemorylessChannel): # pylint: disable=line-too-long r"""BinarySymmetricChannel(return_llrs=False, bipolar_input=False, llr_max=100., dtype=tf.float32, **kwargs) Discrete binary symmetric channel which randomly flips bits with probability :math:`p_\text{b}`. .. figure:: ../figures/BSC_channel.png :align: center This layer supports binary inputs (:math:`x \in \{0, 1\}`) and `bipolar` inputs (:math:`x \in \{-1, 1\}`). If activated, the channel directly returns log-likelihood ratios (LLRs) defined as .. math:: \ell = \begin{cases} \operatorname{log} \frac{p_{b}}{1-p_{b}}, \qquad \text{if}\, y=0 \\ \operatorname{log} \frac{1-p_{b}}{p_{b}}, \qquad \text{if}\, y=1 \\ \end{cases} where :math:`y` denotes the binary output of the channel. The bit flipping probability :math:`p_\text{b}` can be either a scalar or a tensor (broadcastable to the shape of the input). This allows different bit flipping probabilities per bit position. This class inherits from the Keras `Layer` class and can be used as layer in a Keras model. Parameters ---------- return_llrs: bool Defaults to `False`. If `True`, the layer returns log-likelihood ratios instead of binary values based on ``pb``. bipolar_input : bool, False Defaults to `False`. If `True`, the expected input is given as {-1,1} instead of {0,1}. llr_max: tf.float Defaults to 100. Defines the clipping value of the LLRs. dtype : tf.DType Defines the datatype for internal calculations and the output dtype. Defaults to `tf.float32`. Input ----- (x, pb) : Tuple: x : [...,n], tf.float32 Input sequence to the channel. pb : tf.float32 Bit flipping probability. Can be a scalar or of any shape that can be broadcasted to the shape of ``x``. Output ------- : [...,n], tf.float32 Output sequence of same length as the input ``x``. If ``return_llrs`` is `False`, the output is binary and otherwise soft-values are returned. """ def __init__(self, return_llrs=False, bipolar_input=False, llr_max=100., dtype=tf.float32, **kwargs): super().__init__(return_llrs=return_llrs, bipolar_input=bipolar_input, llr_max=llr_max, dtype=dtype, **kwargs) ######################### # Keras layer functions ######################### def build(self, input_shapes): """Verify correct input shapes""" pass # nothing to verify here def call(self, inputs): """Apply discrete binary symmetric channel, i.e., randomly flip bits with probability pb.""" x, pb = inputs # the BSC is implemented by calling the DMC with symmetric pb pb = tf.cast(pb, x.dtype) pb = tf.stack((pb, pb), axis=-1) y = super().call((x, pb)) return y
[docs]class BinaryZChannel(BinaryMemorylessChannel): # pylint: disable=line-too-long r"""BinaryZChannel(return_llrs=False, bipolar_input=False, llr_max=100., dtype=tf.float32, **kwargs) Layer that implements the binary Z-channel. In the Z-channel, transmission errors only occur for the transmission of second input element (i.e., if a `1` is transmitted) with error probability probability :math:`p_\text{b}` but the first element is always correctly received. .. figure:: ../figures/Z_channel.png :align: center This layer supports binary inputs (:math:`x \in \{0, 1\}`) and `bipolar` inputs (:math:`x \in \{-1, 1\}`). If activated, the channel directly returns log-likelihood ratios (LLRs) defined as .. math:: \ell = \begin{cases} \operatorname{log} \left( p_b \right), \qquad \text{if} \, y=0 \\ \infty, \qquad \qquad \text{if} \, y=1 \\ \end{cases} assuming equal probable inputs :math:`P(X=0) = P(X=1) = 0.5`. The error probability :math:`p_\text{b}` can be either a scalar or a tensor (broadcastable to the shape of the input). This allows different error probabilities per bit position. This class inherits from the Keras `Layer` class and can be used as layer in a Keras model. Parameters ---------- return_llrs: bool Defaults to `False`. If `True`, the layer returns log-likelihood ratios instead of binary values based on ``pb``. bipolar_input : bool, False Defaults to `False`. If True, the expected input is given as {-1,1} instead of {0,1}. llr_max: tf.float Defaults to 100. Defines the clipping value of the LLRs. dtype : tf.DType Defines the datatype for internal calculations and the output dtype. Defaults to `tf.float32`. Input ----- (x, pb) : Tuple: x : [...,n], tf.float32 Input sequence to the channel. pb : tf.float32 Error probability. Can be a scalar or of any shape that can be broadcasted to the shape of ``x``. Output ------- : [...,n], tf.float32 Output sequence of same length as the input ``x``. If ``return_llrs`` is `False`, the output is binary and otherwise soft-values are returned. """ def __init__(self, return_llrs=False, bipolar_input=False, llr_max=100.,dtype=tf.float32, **kwargs): super().__init__(return_llrs=return_llrs, bipolar_input=bipolar_input, llr_max=llr_max, dtype=dtype, **kwargs) ######################### # Keras layer functions ######################### def build(self, input_shapes): """Verify correct input shapes""" pass # nothing to verify here def call(self, inputs): """Apply discrete binary symmetric channel, i.e., randomly flip bits with probability pb.""" x, pb = inputs # the Z is implemented by calling the DMC with p(1|0)=0 pb = tf.cast(pb, x.dtype) pb = tf.stack((tf.zeros_like(pb), pb), axis=-1) y = super().call((x, pb)) return y
[docs]class BinaryErasureChannel(BinaryMemorylessChannel): # pylint: disable=line-too-long r"""BinaryErasureChannel(return_llrs=False, bipolar_input=False, llr_max=100., dtype=tf.float32, **kwargs) Binary erasure channel (BEC) where a bit is either correctly received or erased. In the binary erasure channel, bits are always correctly received or erased with erasure probability :math:`p_\text{b}`. .. figure:: ../figures/BEC_channel.png :align: center This layer supports binary inputs (:math:`x \in \{0, 1\}`) and `bipolar` inputs (:math:`x \in \{-1, 1\}`). If activated, the channel directly returns log-likelihood ratios (LLRs) defined as .. math:: \ell = \begin{cases} -\infty, \qquad \text{if} \, y=0 \\ 0, \qquad \quad \,\, \text{if} \, y=? \\ \infty, \qquad \quad \text{if} \, y=1 \\ \end{cases} The erasure probability :math:`p_\text{b}` can be either a scalar or a tensor (broadcastable to the shape of the input). This allows different erasure probabilities per bit position. Please note that the output of the BEC is ternary. Hereby, `-1` indicates an erasure for the binary configuration and `0` for the bipolar mode, respectively. This class inherits from the Keras `Layer` class and can be used as layer in a Keras model. Parameters ---------- return_llrs: bool Defaults to `False`. If `True`, the layer returns log-likelihood ratios instead of binary values based on ``pb``. bipolar_input : bool, False Defaults to `False`. If `True`, the expected input is given as {-1,1} instead of {0,1}. llr_max: tf.float Defaults to 100. Defines the clipping value of the LLRs. dtype : tf.DType Defines the datatype for internal calculations and the output dtype. Defaults to `tf.float32`. Input ----- (x, pb) : Tuple: x : [...,n], tf.float32 Input sequence to the channel. pb : tf.float32 Erasure probability. Can be a scalar or of any shape that can be broadcasted to the shape of ``x``. Output ------- : [...,n], tf.float32 Output sequence of same length as the input ``x``. If ``return_llrs`` is `False`, the output is ternary where each `-1` and each `0` indicate an erasure for the binary and bipolar input, respectively. """ def __init__(self, return_llrs=False, bipolar_input=False, llr_max=100.,dtype=tf.float32, **kwargs): super().__init__(return_llrs=return_llrs, bipolar_input=bipolar_input, llr_max=llr_max, dtype=dtype, **kwargs) # also exclude uints, as -1 indicator for erasures does not exist assert dtype in (tf.float16, tf.float32, tf.float64, tf.int8, tf.int16, tf.int32, tf.int64),\ "Unsigned integers are currently not supported." ######################### # Keras layer functions ######################### def build(self, input_shapes): """Verify correct input shapes""" pass # nothing to verify here def call(self, inputs): """Apply erasure channel to inputs.""" x, pb = inputs # clip for numerical stability pb = tf.cast(pb, tf.float32) # Gumble requires float dtypes pb = tf.clip_by_value(pb, 0., 1.) # check x for consistency (binary, bipolar) self._check_inputs(x) # sample erasure pattern e = self._sample_errors(pb, tf.shape(x)) # if LLRs should be returned # remark: the Sionna logit definition is llr = log[p(x=1)/p(x=0)] if self._return_llrs: if not self._bipolar_input: x = 2 * x -1 x *= tf.cast(self._llr_max, x.dtype) # calculate llrs # erase positions by setting llrs to 0 y = tf.where(e==1, tf.constant(0, x.dtype), x) else: # ternary outputs # the erasure indicator depends on the operation mode if self._bipolar_input: erased_element = tf.constant(0, dtype=x.dtype) else: erased_element = tf.constant(-1, dtype=x.dtype) y = tf.where(e==0, x, erased_element) return y