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# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright (c) 2021-2024 NVIDIA CORPORATION & AFFILIATES. All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
"""Classes for the simulation of flat-fading channels"""

import tensorflow as tf
from import AWGN
from sionna.utils import complex_normal

[docs]class GenerateFlatFadingChannel(): # pylint: disable=line-too-long r"""Generates tensors of flat-fading channel realizations. This class generates batches of random flat-fading channel matrices. A spatial correlation can be applied. Parameters ---------- num_tx_ant : int Number of transmit antennas. num_rx_ant : int Number of receive antennas. spatial_corr : SpatialCorrelation, None An instance of :class:`` or `None`. Defaults to `None`. dtype : tf.complex64, tf.complex128 The dtype of the output. Defaults to `tf.complex64`. Input ----- batch_size : int The batch size, i.e., the number of channel matrices to generate. Output ------ h : [batch_size, num_rx_ant, num_tx_ant], ``dtype`` Batch of random flat fading channel matrices. """ def __init__(self, num_tx_ant, num_rx_ant, spatial_corr=None, dtype=tf.complex64, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self._num_tx_ant = num_tx_ant self._num_rx_ant = num_rx_ant self._dtype = dtype self.spatial_corr = spatial_corr @property def spatial_corr(self): """The :class:`` to be used.""" return self._spatial_corr @spatial_corr.setter def spatial_corr(self, value): self._spatial_corr = value def __call__(self, batch_size): # Generate standard complex Gaussian matrices shape = [batch_size, self._num_rx_ant, self._num_tx_ant] h = complex_normal(shape, dtype=self._dtype) # Apply spatial correlation if self.spatial_corr is not None: h = self.spatial_corr(h) return h
[docs]class ApplyFlatFadingChannel(tf.keras.layers.Layer): # pylint: disable=line-too-long r"""ApplyFlatFadingChannel(add_awgn=True, dtype=tf.complex64, **kwargs) Applies given channel matrices to a vector input and adds AWGN. This class applies a given tensor of flat-fading channel matrices to an input tensor. AWGN noise can be optionally added. Mathematically, for channel matrices :math:`\mathbf{H}\in\mathbb{C}^{M\times K}` and input :math:`\mathbf{x}\in\mathbb{C}^{K}`, the output is .. math:: \mathbf{y} = \mathbf{H}\mathbf{x} + \mathbf{n} where :math:`\mathbf{n}\in\mathbb{C}^{M}\sim\mathcal{CN}(0, N_o\mathbf{I})` is an AWGN vector that is optionally added. Parameters ---------- add_awgn: bool Indicates if AWGN noise should be added to the output. Defaults to `True`. dtype : tf.complex64, tf.complex128 The dtype of the output. Defaults to `tf.complex64`. Input ----- (x, h, no) : Tuple: x : [batch_size, num_tx_ant], tf.complex Tensor of transmit vectors. h : [batch_size, num_rx_ant, num_tx_ant], tf.complex Tensor of channel realizations. Will be broadcast to the dimensions of ``x`` if needed. no : Scalar or Tensor, tf.float The noise power ``no`` is per complex dimension. Only required if ``add_awgn==True``. Will be broadcast to the shape of ``y``. For more details, see :class:``. Output ------ y : [batch_size, num_rx_ant, num_tx_ant], ``dtype`` Channel output. """ def __init__(self, add_awgn=True, dtype=tf.complex64, **kwargs): super().__init__(trainable=False, dtype=dtype, **kwargs) self._add_awgn = add_awgn def build(self, input_shape): #pylint: disable=unused-argument if self._add_awgn: self._awgn = AWGN(dtype=self.dtype) def call(self, inputs): if self._add_awgn: x, h, no = inputs else: x, h = inputs x = tf.expand_dims(x, axis=-1) y = tf.matmul(h, x) y = tf.squeeze(y, axis=-1) if self._add_awgn: y = self._awgn((y, no)) return y
[docs]class FlatFadingChannel(tf.keras.layers.Layer): # pylint: disable=line-too-long r"""FlatFadingChannel(num_tx_ant, num_rx_ant, spatial_corr=None, add_awgn=True, return_channel=False, dtype=tf.complex64, **kwargs) Applies random channel matrices to a vector input and adds AWGN. This class combines :class:`` and :class:`` and computes the output of a flat-fading channel with AWGN. For a given batch of input vectors :math:`\mathbf{x}\in\mathbb{C}^{K}`, the output is .. math:: \mathbf{y} = \mathbf{H}\mathbf{x} + \mathbf{n} where :math:`\mathbf{H}\in\mathbb{C}^{M\times K}` are randomly generated flat-fading channel matrices and :math:`\mathbf{n}\in\mathbb{C}^{M}\sim\mathcal{CN}(0, N_o\mathbf{I})` is an AWGN vector that is optionally added. A :class:`` can be configured and the channel realizations optionally returned. This is useful to simulate receiver algorithms with perfect channel knowledge. Parameters ---------- num_tx_ant : int Number of transmit antennas. num_rx_ant : int Number of receive antennas. spatial_corr : SpatialCorrelation, None An instance of :class:`` or `None`. Defaults to `None`. add_awgn: bool Indicates if AWGN noise should be added to the output. Defaults to `True`. return_channel: bool Indicates if the channel realizations should be returned. Defaults to `False`. dtype : tf.complex64, tf.complex128 The dtype of the output. Defaults to `tf.complex64`. Input ----- (x, no) : Tuple or Tensor: x : [batch_size, num_tx_ant], tf.complex Tensor of transmit vectors. no : Scalar of Tensor, tf.float The noise power ``no`` is per complex dimension. Only required if ``add_awgn==True``. Will be broadcast to the dimensions of the channel output if needed. For more details, see :class:``. Output ------ (y, h) : Tuple or Tensor: y : [batch_size, num_rx_ant, num_tx_ant], ``dtype`` Channel output. h : [batch_size, num_rx_ant, num_tx_ant], ``dtype`` Channel realizations. Will only be returned if ``return_channel==True``. """ def __init__(self, num_tx_ant, num_rx_ant, spatial_corr=None, add_awgn=True, return_channel=False, dtype=tf.complex64, **kwargs): super().__init__(trainable=False, dtype=dtype, **kwargs) self._num_tx_ant = num_tx_ant self._num_rx_ant = num_rx_ant self._add_awgn = add_awgn self._return_channel = return_channel self._gen_chn = GenerateFlatFadingChannel(self._num_tx_ant, self._num_rx_ant, spatial_corr, dtype=dtype) self._app_chn = ApplyFlatFadingChannel(add_awgn=add_awgn, dtype=dtype) @property def spatial_corr(self): """The :class:`` to be used.""" return self._gen_chn.spatial_corr @spatial_corr.setter def spatial_corr(self, value): self._gen_chn.spatial_corr = value @property def generate(self): """Calls the internal :class:`GenerateFlatFadingChannel`.""" return self._gen_chn @property def apply(self): """Calls the internal :class:`ApplyFlatFadingChannel`.""" return self._app_chn def call(self, inputs): if self._add_awgn: x, no = inputs else: x = inputs # Generate a batch of channel realizations batch_size = tf.shape(x)[0] h = self._gen_chn(batch_size) # Apply the channel to the input if self._add_awgn: y = self._app_chn([x, h, no]) else: y = self._app_chn([x, h]) if self._return_channel: return y, h else: return y