Source code for

# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright (c) 2021-2024 NVIDIA CORPORATION & AFFILIATES. All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

This module defines the split-step Fourier method to approximate the solution of
the nonlinear Schroedinger equation.

import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow.keras.layers import Layer
import sionna
from import utils

[docs]class SSFM(Layer): # pylint: disable=line-too-long r"""SSFM(alpha=0.046,beta_2=-21.67,f_c=193.55e12,gamma=1.27,half_window_length=0,length=80,n_ssfm=1,n_sp=1.0,sample_duration=1.0,t_norm=1e-12,with_amplification=False,with_attenuation=True,with_dispersion=True,with_manakov=False,with_nonlinearity=True,swap_memory=True,dtype=tf.complex64,**kwargs) Layer implementing the split-step Fourier method (SSFM) The SSFM (first mentioned in [HT1973]_) numerically solves the generalized nonlinear Schrödinger equation (NLSE) .. math:: \frac{\partial E(t,z)}{\partial z}=-\frac{\alpha}{2} E(t,z)+j\frac{\beta_2}{2}\frac{\partial^2 E(t,z)}{\partial t^2}-j\gamma |E(t,z)|^2 E(t,z) + n(n_{\text{sp}};\,t,\,z) for an unpolarized (or single polarized) optical signal; or the Manakov equation (according to [WMC1991]_) .. math:: \frac{\partial \mathbf{E}(t,z)}{\partial z}=-\frac{\alpha}{2} \mathbf{E}(t,z)+j\frac{\beta_2}{2}\frac{\partial^2 \mathbf{E}(t,z)}{\partial t^2}-j\gamma \frac{8}{9}||\mathbf{E}(t,z)||_2^2 \mathbf{E}(t,z) + \mathbf{n}(n_{\text{sp}};\,t,\,z) for dual polarization, with attenuation coefficient :math:`\alpha`, group velocity dispersion parameters :math:`\beta_2`, and nonlinearity coefficient :math:`\gamma`. The noise terms :math:`n(n_{\text{sp}};\,t,\,z)` and :math:`\mathbf{n}(n_{\text{sp}};\,t,\,z)`, respectively, stem from an (optional) ideally distributed Raman amplification with spontaneous emission factor :math:`n_\text{sp}`. The optical signal :math:`E(t,\,z)` has the unit :math:`\sqrt{\text{W}}`. For the dual polarized case, :math:`\mathbf{E}(t,\,z)=(E_x(t,\,z), E_y(t,\,z))` is a vector consisting of the signal components of both polarizations. The symmetrized SSFM is applied according to Eq. (7) of [FMF1976]_ that can be written as .. math:: E(z+\Delta_z,t) \approx \exp\left(\frac{\Delta_z}{2}\hat{D}\right)\exp\left(\int^{z+\Delta_z}_z \hat{N}(z')dz'\right)\exp\left(\frac{\Delta_z}{2}\hat{D}\right)E(z,\,t) where only the single-polarized case is shown. The integral is approximated by :math:`\Delta_z\hat{N}` with :math:`\hat{D}` and :math:`\hat{N}` denoting the linear and nonlinear SSFM operator, respectively [A2012]_. Additionally, ideally distributed Raman amplification may be applied, which is implemented as in [MFFP2009]_. Please note that the implemented Raman amplification currently results in a transparent fiber link. Hence, the introduced gain cannot be parametrized. The SSFM operates on normalized time :math:`T_\text{norm}` (e.g., :math:`T_\text{norm}=1\,\text{ps}=1\cdot 10^{-12}\,\text{s}`) and distance units :math:`L_\text{norm}` (e.g., :math:`L_\text{norm}=1\,\text{km}=1\cdot 10^{3}\,\text{m}`). Hence, all parameters as well as the signal itself have to be given with the same unit prefix for the same unit (e.g., always pico for time, or kilo for distance). Despite the normalization, the SSFM is implemented with physical units, which is different from the normalization, e.g., used for the nonlinear Fourier transform. For simulations, only :math:`T_\text{norm}` has to be provided. To avoid reflections at the signal boundaries during simulation, a Hamming window can be applied in each SSFM-step, whose length can be defined by ``half_window_length``. Example -------- Setting-up: >>> ssfm = SSFM( >>> alpha=0.046, >>> beta_2=-21.67, >>> f_c=193.55e12, >>> gamma=1.27, >>> half_window_length=100, >>> length=80, >>> n_ssfm=200, >>> n_sp=1.0, >>> t_norm=1e-12, >>> with_amplification=False, >>> with_attenuation=True, >>> with_dispersion=True, >>> with_manakov=False, >>> with_nonlinearity=True) Running: >>> # x is the optical input signal >>> y = ssfm(x) Parameters ---------- alpha : float Attenuation coefficient :math:`\alpha` in :math:`(1/L_\text{norm})`. Defaults to 0.046. beta_2 : float Group velocity dispersion coefficient :math:`\beta_2` in :math:`(T_\text{norm}^2/L_\text{norm})`. Defaults to -21.67 f_c : float Carrier frequency :math:`f_\mathrm{c}` in :math:`(\text{Hz})`. Defaults to 193.55e12. gamma : float Nonlinearity coefficient :math:`\gamma` in :math:`(1/L_\text{norm}/\text{W})`. Defaults to 1.27. half_window_length : int Half of the Hamming window length. Defaults to 0. length : float Fiber length :math:`\ell` in :math:`(L_\text{norm})`. Defaults to 80.0. n_ssfm : int | "adaptive" Number of steps :math:`N_\mathrm{SSFM}`. Set to "adaptive" to use nonlinear-phase rotation to calculate the step widths adaptively (maxmimum rotation can be set in phase_inc). Defaults to 1. n_sp : float Spontaneous emission factor :math:`n_\mathrm{sp}` of Raman amplification. Defaults to 1.0. sample_duration : float Normalized time step :math:`\Delta_t` in :math:`(T_\text{norm})`. Defaults to 1.0. t_norm : float Time normalization :math:`T_\text{norm}` in :math:`(\text{s})`. Defaults to 1e-12. with_amplification : bool Enable ideal inline amplification and corresponding noise. Defaults to `False`. with_attenuation : bool Enable attenuation. Defaults to `True`. with_dispersion : bool Apply chromatic dispersion. Defaults to `True`. with_manakov : bool Considers axis [-2] as x- and y-polarization and calculates the nonlinear step as given by the Manakov equation. Defaults to `False.` with_nonlinearity : bool Apply Kerr nonlinearity. Defaults to `True`. phase_inc: float Maximum nonlinear-phase rotation in rad allowed during simulation. To be used with ``n_ssfm`` = "adaptive". Defaults to 1e-4. swap_memory : bool Use CPU memory for while loop. Defaults to `True`. dtype : tf.complex Defines the datatype for internal calculations and the output dtype. Defaults to `tf.complex64`. Input ----- x : [...,n] or [...,2,n], tf.complex Input signal in :math:`(\sqrt{\text{W}})`. If ``with_manakov`` is `True`, the second last dimension is interpreted as x- and y-polarization, respectively. Output ------ y : Tensor with same shape as ``x``, `tf.complex` Channel output """ def __init__(self, alpha=0.046, beta_2=-21.67, f_c=193.55e12, gamma=1.27, half_window_length=0, length=80, n_ssfm=1, n_sp=1.0, sample_duration=1.0, t_norm=1e-12, with_amplification=False, with_attenuation=True, with_dispersion=True, with_manakov=False, with_nonlinearity=True, phase_inc=1e-4, swap_memory=True, dtype=tf.complex64, **kwargs): super().__init__(dtype=dtype, **kwargs) self._dtype = dtype self._cdtype = tf.as_dtype(dtype) self._rdtype = tf.as_dtype(dtype).real_dtype self._alpha = tf.cast(alpha, dtype=self._rdtype) self._beta_2 = tf.cast(beta_2, dtype=self._rdtype) self._f_c = tf.cast(f_c, dtype=self._rdtype) self._gamma = tf.cast(gamma, dtype=self._rdtype) self._half_window_length = half_window_length self._length = tf.cast(length, dtype=self._rdtype) self._phase_inc = tf.cast(phase_inc, dtype=self._rdtype) if n_ssfm == "adaptive": self._n_ssfm = tf.cast(-1, dtype=tf.int32) # adaptive == -1 elif isinstance(n_ssfm, int): self._n_ssfm = tf.cast(n_ssfm, dtype=tf.int32) # Precalculate uniform step size tf.assert_greater(self._n_ssfm, 0) else: raise ValueError("Unsupported parameter for n_ssfm. \ Either an integer or 'adaptive'.") # only used for constant step width -> negative value calculated # with adaptive step widths can be ignored self._dz = self._length / tf.cast(self._n_ssfm, dtype=self._rdtype) self._n_sp = tf.cast(n_sp, dtype=self._rdtype) self._swap_memory = swap_memory self._t_norm = tf.cast(t_norm, dtype=self._rdtype) self._sample_duration = tf.cast(sample_duration, dtype=self._rdtype) # Booleans are not casted to avoid branches in the graph self._with_amplification = with_amplification self._with_attenuation = with_attenuation self._with_dispersion = with_dispersion self._with_manakov = with_manakov self._with_nonlinearity = with_nonlinearity self._rho_n = \ sionna.constants.H * self._f_c * self._alpha * self._length * \ self._n_sp # in (W/Hz) # Calculate noise power depending on simulation bandwidth self._p_n_ase = self._rho_n / self._sample_duration / self._t_norm # in (Ws) if self._with_manakov: self._p_n_ase = self._p_n_ase / 2.0 self._window = tf.complex( tf.signal.hamming_window( window_length=2*self._half_window_length, dtype=self._rdtype ), tf.zeros( 2*self._half_window_length, dtype=self._rdtype ) ) def _apply_linear_operator(self, q, dz, zeros, frequency_vector): # Chromatic dispersion if self._with_dispersion: dispersion = tf.exp( tf.complex( zeros, -self._beta_2 / tf.cast(2.0, self._rdtype) * dz * ( tf.cast(2.0, self._rdtype) * tf.cast(sionna.constants.PI, self._rdtype) * frequency_vector ) ** tf.cast(2.0, self._rdtype) ) ) dispersion = tf.signal.fftshift(dispersion, axes=-1) q = tf.signal.ifft(tf.signal.fft(q) * dispersion) # Attenuation if self._with_attenuation: q = q * tf.cast(tf.exp(-self._alpha / 2.0 * dz), self._cdtype) # Amplification (Raman) if self._with_amplification: q = q * tf.cast(tf.exp(self._alpha / 2.0 * dz), self._cdtype) return q def _apply_noise(self, q, dz): # Noise due to Amplification (Raman) if self._with_amplification: step_noise = self._p_n_ase * tf.cast(dz, self._rdtype) \ / tf.cast(self._length, self._rdtype) \ / tf.cast(2.0, self._rdtype) q_n = tf.complex( tf.random.normal( q.shape, tf.cast(0.0, self._rdtype), tf.sqrt(step_noise), self._rdtype), tf.random.normal( q.shape, tf.cast(0.0, self._rdtype), tf.sqrt(step_noise), self._rdtype) ) q = q + q_n return q def _apply_nonlinear_operator(self, q, dz, zeros): if self._with_nonlinearity: if self._with_manakov: q = q * tf.exp( tf.complex( zeros, tf.cast(8.0/9.0, self._rdtype) * tf.reduce_sum( tf.abs(q) ** tf.cast(2.0, self._rdtype), axis=-2, keepdims=True ) * self._gamma * tf.negative(tf.math.real(dz))) ) else: q = q * tf.exp( tf.complex( zeros, tf.abs(q) ** tf.cast(2.0, self._rdtype) * self._gamma * tf.negative(tf.math.real(dz))) ) return q def _calculate_step_width(self, q, remaining_length): max_power = tf.math.reduce_max(tf.math.pow(tf.math.abs(q),2.0),axis=None) # ensure that the exact length is reached in the end dz = tf.math.minimum(self._phase_inc / self._gamma / max_power,remaining_length) return dz def _adaptive_step(self,q, precalculations, remaining_length, step_counter): (window, _, zeros, f) = precalculations dz = self._calculate_step_width(q,remaining_length) # Apply window-function q = self._apply_window(q, window) q = self._apply_linear_operator(q, dz, zeros, f) # D q = self._apply_nonlinear_operator(q, dz, zeros) # N q = self._apply_noise(q, dz) remaining_length = remaining_length - dz precalculations = (window, dz, zeros, f) step_counter = step_counter + 1 return q, precalculations, remaining_length, step_counter def _cond_adaptive(self, q, precalculations,remaining_length,step_counter): # pylint: disable=unused-argument return tf.greater_equal(remaining_length, 1e-3) # avoid numerical issues for 0 def _apply_window(self, q, window): return q * window def _step(self, q, precalculations, n_steps, step_counter): (window, dz, zeros, f) = precalculations # Apply window-function q = self._apply_window(q, window) q = self._apply_nonlinear_operator(q, dz, zeros) # N q = self._apply_noise(q, dz) q = self._apply_linear_operator(q, dz, zeros, f) # D step_counter = step_counter + 1 return q, precalculations, n_steps, step_counter def _cond(self, q, precalculations, n_steps, step_counter): # pylint: disable=unused-argument return tf.less(step_counter, n_steps) def call(self, inputs): if self._with_manakov: tf.assert_equal(tf.shape(inputs)[-2], 2) x = inputs # Calculate support parameters input_shape = x.shape # Generate frequency vectors _, f = utils.time_frequency_vector( input_shape[-1], self._sample_duration, dtype=self._rdtype) # Window function calculation (depends on length of the signal) window = tf.concat( [ self._window[0:self._half_window_length], tf.complex( tf.ones( [input_shape[-1] - 2*self._half_window_length], dtype=self._rdtype ), tf.zeros( [input_shape[-1] - 2*self._half_window_length], dtype=self._rdtype ) ), self._window[self._half_window_length::] ], axis=0 ) # All-zero vector zeros = tf.zeros(input_shape, dtype=self._rdtype) # SSFM step counter iterator = tf.constant(0, dtype=tf.int32, name="step_counter") if self._n_ssfm == -1: # adaptive step width x, _, _, _ = tf.while_loop( self._cond_adaptive, self._adaptive_step, (x, (window, tf.cast(0.,self._rdtype), zeros, f), self._length, iterator), swap_memory=self._swap_memory, parallel_iterations=1 ) # constant step size else: # Spatial step size dz = tf.cast(self._dz, dtype=self._rdtype) dz_half = dz/tf.cast(2.0, self._rdtype) # Symmetric SSFM # Start with half linear propagation x = self._apply_linear_operator(x, dz_half, zeros, f) # Proceed with N_SSFM-1 steps applying nonlinear and linear operator x, _, _, _ = tf.while_loop( self._cond, self._step, (x, (window, dz, zeros, f), self._n_ssfm-1, iterator), swap_memory=self._swap_memory, parallel_iterations=1 ) # Final nonlinear operator x = self._apply_nonlinear_operator(x, dz, zeros) # Final noise application x = self._apply_noise(x, dz) # End with half linear propagation x = self._apply_linear_operator(x, dz_half, zeros, f) return x