Source code for

# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright (c) 2021-2024 NVIDIA CORPORATION & AFFILIATES. All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
"""3GPP TR 38.901 antenna modeling"""

import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow import sin, cos, sqrt

import numpy as np

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.markers import MarkerStyle

from sionna import SPEED_OF_LIGHT, PI
from sionna.utils import log10

class AntennaElement:
    """Antenna element following the [TR38901]_ specification


    pattern : str
        Radiation pattern. Should be "omni" or "38.901".

    slant_angle : float
        Polarization slant angle [radian]

    dtype : tf.DType
        Complex datatype to use for internal processing and output.
        Defaults to `tf.complex64`.

    def __init__(self,

        assert pattern in ["omni", "38.901"], \
            "The radiation_pattern must be one of [\"omni\", \"38.901\"]."
        assert dtype.is_complex, "'dtype' must be complex type"

        self._pattern = pattern
        self._slant_angle = tf.constant(slant_angle, dtype=dtype.real_dtype)

        # Selected the radiation field correspding to the requested pattern
        if pattern == "omni":
            self._radiation_pattern = self._radiation_pattern_omni
            self._radiation_pattern = self._radiation_pattern_38901

        self._dtype = dtype

    def field(self, theta, phi):
        Field pattern in the vertical and horizontal polarization (7.3-4/5)

            Zenith angle wrapped within (0,pi) [radian]

            Azimuth angle wrapped within (-pi, pi) [radian]
        a = sqrt(self._radiation_pattern(theta, phi))
        f_theta = a * cos(self._slant_angle)
        f_phi   = a * sin(self._slant_angle)
        return (f_theta, f_phi)

    def show(self):
        Shows the field pattern of an antenna element
        theta = tf.linspace(0.0, PI, 361)
        phi = tf.linspace(-PI, PI, 361)
        a_v = 10*log10(self._radiation_pattern(theta, tf.zeros_like(theta) ))
        a_h = 10*log10(self._radiation_pattern(PI/2*tf.ones_like(phi) , phi))

        fig = plt.figure()
        plt.polar(theta, a_v)
        plt.title(r"Vertical cut of the radiation pattern ($\phi = 0 $) ")

        fig = plt.figure()
        plt.polar(phi, a_h)
        plt.title(r"Horizontal cut of the radiation pattern ($\theta = \pi/2$)")

        theta = tf.linspace(0.0, PI, 50)
        phi = tf.linspace(-PI, PI, 50)
        phi_grid, theta_grid = tf.meshgrid(phi, theta)
        a = self._radiation_pattern(theta_grid, phi_grid)
        x = a * sin(theta_grid) * cos(phi_grid)
        y = a * sin(theta_grid) * sin(phi_grid)
        z = a * cos(theta_grid)
        fig = plt.figure()
        ax = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1, projection='3d')
        ax.plot_surface(x, y, z, rstride=1, cstride=1,
                        linewidth=0, antialiased=False, alpha=0.5)
        ax.view_init(elev=30., azim=-45)
        plt.title(f"Radiation power pattern ({self._pattern})")

    # Utility functions

    # pylint: disable=unused-argument
    def _radiation_pattern_omni(self, theta, phi):
        Radiation pattern of an omnidirectional 3D radiation pattern

            Zenith angle

            Azimuth angle
        return tf.ones_like(theta)

    def _radiation_pattern_38901(self, theta, phi):
        Radiation pattern from TR38901 (Table 7.3-1)

            Zenith angle wrapped within (0,pi) [radian]

            Azimuth angle wrapped within (-pi, pi) [radian]
        theta_3db = phi_3db = 65/180*PI
        a_max = sla_v = 30
        g_e_max = 8
        a_v = -tf.minimum(12*((theta-PI/2)/theta_3db)**2, sla_v)
        a_h = -tf.minimum(12*(phi/phi_3db)**2, a_max)
        a_db = -tf.minimum(-(a_v + a_h), a_max) + g_e_max
        return 10**(a_db/10)

    def _compute_gain(self):
        Compute antenna gain and directivity through numerical integration
        # Create angular meshgrid
        theta = tf.linspace(0.0, PI, 181)
        phi = tf.linspace(-PI, PI, 361)
        phi_grid, theta_grid = tf.meshgrid(phi, theta)

        # Compute field strength over the grid
        f_theta, f_phi =  self.field(theta_grid, phi_grid)
        u = f_theta**2 + f_phi**2
        gain_db = 10*log10(tf.reduce_max(u))

        # Numerical integration of the field components
        dtheta = theta[1]-theta[0]
        dphi = phi[1]-phi[0]
        po = tf.reduce_sum(u*sin(theta_grid)*dtheta*dphi)

        # Compute directivity
        u_bar = po/(4*PI) # Equivalent isotropic radiator
        d = u/u_bar # Directivity grid
        directivity_db = 10*log10(tf.reduce_max(d))
        return (gain_db, directivity_db)

class AntennaPanel:
    """Antenna panel following the [TR38901]_ specification


    num_rows : int
        Number of rows forming the panel

    num_cols : int
        Number of columns forming the panel

    polarization : str
        Polarization. Should be "single" or "dual"

    vertical_spacing : float
        Vertical antenna element spacing [multiples of wavelength]

    horizontal_spacing : float
        Horizontal antenna element spacing [multiples of wavelength]

    dtype : tf.DType
        Complex datatype to use for internal processing and output.
        Defaults to `tf.complex64`.

    def __init__(self,

        assert dtype.is_complex, "'dtype' must be complex type"
        assert polarization in ('single', 'dual'), \
            "polarization must be either 'single' or 'dual'"

        self._num_rows = tf.constant(num_rows, tf.int32)
        self._num_cols = tf.constant(num_cols, tf.int32)
        self._polarization = polarization
        self._horizontal_spacing = tf.constant(horizontal_spacing,
        self._vertical_spacing = tf.constant(vertical_spacing, dtype.real_dtype)
        self._dtype = dtype.real_dtype

        # Place the antenna elements of the first polarization direction
        # on the y-z-plane
        p = 1 if polarization == 'single' else 2
        ant_pos = np.zeros([num_rows*num_cols*p, 3])
        for i in range(num_rows):
            for j in range(num_cols):
                ant_pos[i +j*num_rows] = [  0,

        # Center the panel around the origin
        offset = [  0,
        ant_pos += offset

        # Create the antenna elements of the second polarization direction
        if polarization == 'dual':
            ant_pos[num_rows*num_cols:] = ant_pos[:num_rows*num_cols]
        self._ant_pos = tf.constant(ant_pos, self._dtype.real_dtype)

    def ant_pos(self):
        """Antenna positions in the local coordinate system"""
        return self._ant_pos

    def num_rows(self):
        """Number of rows"""
        return self._num_rows

    def num_cols(self):
        """Number of columns"""
        return self._num_cols

    def porlarization(self):
        """Polarization ("single" or "dual")"""
        return self._polarization

    def vertical_spacing(self):
        """Vertical spacing between elements [multiple of wavelength]"""
        return self._vertical_spacing

    def horizontal_spacing(self):
        """Vertical spacing between elements [multiple of wavelength]"""
        return self._horizontal_spacing

    def show(self):
        """Shows the panel geometry"""
        fig = plt.figure()
        pos = self._ant_pos[:self._num_rows*self._num_cols]
        plt.plot(pos[:,1], pos[:,2], marker = "|", markeredgecolor='red',
            markersize="20", linestyle="None", markeredgewidth="2")
        for i, p in enumerate(pos):
            fig.axes[0].annotate(i+1, (p[1], p[2]))
        if self._polarization == 'dual':
            pos = self._ant_pos[self._num_rows*self._num_cols:]
            plt.plot(pos[:,1], pos[:,2], marker = "_", markeredgecolor='black',
                markersize="20", linestyle="None", markeredgewidth="1")
        plt.xlabel(r"y ($\lambda_0$)")
        plt.ylabel(r"z ($\lambda_0$)")
        plt.title("Antenna Panel")
        plt.legend(["Polarization 1", "Polarization 2"], loc="upper right")

[docs]class PanelArray: # pylint: disable=line-too-long r"""PanelArray(num_rows_per_panel, num_cols_per_panel, polarization, polarization_type, antenna_pattern, carrier_frequency, num_rows=1, num_cols=1, panel_vertical_spacing=None, panel_horizontal_spacing=None, element_vertical_spacing=None, element_horizontal_spacing=None, dtype=tf.complex64) Antenna panel array following the [TR38901]_ specification. This class is used to create models of the panel arrays used by the transmitters and receivers and that need to be specified when using the :ref:`CDL <cdl>`, :ref:`UMi <umi>`, :ref:`UMa <uma>`, and :ref:`RMa <rma>` models. Example -------- >>> array = PanelArray(num_rows_per_panel = 4, ... num_cols_per_panel = 4, ... polarization = 'dual', ... polarization_type = 'VH', ... antenna_pattern = '38.901', ... carrier_frequency = 3.5e9, ... num_cols = 2, ... panel_horizontal_spacing = 3.) >>> .. image:: ../figures/panel_array.png Parameters ---------- num_rows_per_panel : int Number of rows of elements per panel num_cols_per_panel : int Number of columns of elements per panel polarization : str Polarization, either "single" or "dual" polarization_type : str Type of polarization. For single polarization, must be "V" or "H". For dual polarization, must be "VH" or "cross". antenna_pattern : str Element radiation pattern, either "omni" or "38.901" carrier_frequency : float Carrier frequency [Hz] num_rows : int Number of rows of panels. Defaults to 1. num_cols : int Number of columns of panels. Defaults to 1. panel_vertical_spacing : `None` or float Vertical spacing of panels [multiples of wavelength]. Must be greater than the panel width. If set to `None` (default value), it is set to the panel width + 0.5. panel_horizontal_spacing : `None` or float Horizontal spacing of panels [in multiples of wavelength]. Must be greater than the panel height. If set to `None` (default value), it is set to the panel height + 0.5. element_vertical_spacing : `None` or float Element vertical spacing [multiple of wavelength]. Defaults to 0.5 if set to `None`. element_horizontal_spacing : `None` or float Element horizontal spacing [multiple of wavelength]. Defaults to 0.5 if set to `None`. dtype : Complex tf.DType Defines the datatype for internal calculations and the output dtype. Defaults to `tf.complex64`. """ def __init__(self, num_rows_per_panel, num_cols_per_panel, polarization, polarization_type, antenna_pattern, carrier_frequency, num_rows=1, num_cols=1, panel_vertical_spacing=None, panel_horizontal_spacing=None, element_vertical_spacing=None, element_horizontal_spacing=None, dtype=tf.complex64): assert dtype.is_complex, "'dtype' must be complex type" assert polarization in ('single', 'dual'), \ "polarization must be either 'single' or 'dual'" # Setting default values for antenna and panel spacings if not # specified by the user # Default spacing for antenna elements is half a wavelength if element_vertical_spacing is None: element_vertical_spacing = 0.5 if element_horizontal_spacing is None: element_horizontal_spacing = 0.5 # Default values of panel spacing is the pannel size + 0.5 if panel_vertical_spacing is None: panel_vertical_spacing = (num_rows_per_panel-1)\ *element_vertical_spacing+0.5 if panel_horizontal_spacing is None: panel_horizontal_spacing = (num_cols_per_panel-1)\ *element_horizontal_spacing+0.5 # Check that panel spacing is larger than panel dimensions assert panel_horizontal_spacing > (num_cols_per_panel-1)\ *element_horizontal_spacing,\ "Pannel horizontal spacing must be larger than the panel width" assert panel_vertical_spacing > (num_rows_per_panel-1)\ *element_vertical_spacing,\ "Pannel vertical spacing must be larger than panel height" self._num_rows = tf.constant(num_rows, tf.int32) self._num_cols = tf.constant(num_cols, tf.int32) self._num_rows_per_panel = tf.constant(num_rows_per_panel, tf.int32) self._num_cols_per_panel = tf.constant(num_cols_per_panel, tf.int32) self._polarization = polarization self._polarization_type = polarization_type self._panel_vertical_spacing = tf.constant(panel_vertical_spacing, dtype.real_dtype) self._panel_horizontal_spacing = tf.constant(panel_horizontal_spacing, dtype.real_dtype) self._element_vertical_spacing = tf.constant(element_vertical_spacing, dtype.real_dtype) self._element_horizontal_spacing=tf.constant(element_horizontal_spacing, dtype.real_dtype) self._dtype = dtype self._num_panels = tf.constant(num_cols*num_rows, tf.int32) p = 1 if polarization == 'single' else 2 self._num_panel_ant = tf.constant( num_cols_per_panel* num_rows_per_panel*p, tf.int32) # Total number of antenna elements self._num_ant = self._num_panels * self._num_panel_ant # Wavelength (m) self._lambda_0 = tf.constant(SPEED_OF_LIGHT / carrier_frequency, dtype.real_dtype) # Create one antenna element for each polarization direction # polarization must be one of {"V", "H", "VH", "cross"} if polarization == 'single': assert polarization_type in ["V", "H"],\ "For single polarization, polarization_type must be 'V' or 'H'" slant_angle = 0 if polarization_type == "V" else PI/2 self._ant_pol1 = AntennaElement(antenna_pattern, slant_angle, self._dtype) else: assert polarization_type in ["VH", "cross"],\ "For dual polarization, polarization_type must be 'VH' or 'cross'" slant_angle = 0 if polarization_type == "VH" else -PI/4 self._ant_pol1 = AntennaElement(antenna_pattern, slant_angle, self._dtype) self._ant_pol2 = AntennaElement(antenna_pattern, slant_angle+PI/2, self._dtype) # Compose array from panels ant_pos = np.zeros([self._num_ant, 3]) panel = AntennaPanel(num_rows_per_panel, num_cols_per_panel, polarization, element_vertical_spacing, element_horizontal_spacing, dtype) pos = panel.ant_pos count = 0 num_panel_ant = self._num_panel_ant for j in range(num_cols): for i in range(num_rows): offset = [ 0, j*panel_horizontal_spacing, -i*panel_vertical_spacing] new_pos = pos + offset ant_pos[count*num_panel_ant:(count+1)*num_panel_ant] = new_pos count += 1 # Center the entire panel array around the orgin of the y-z plane offset = [ 0, -(num_cols-1)*panel_horizontal_spacing/2, (num_rows-1)*panel_vertical_spacing/2] ant_pos += offset # Scale antenna element positions by the wavelength ant_pos *= self._lambda_0 self._ant_pos = tf.constant(ant_pos, dtype.real_dtype) # Compute indices of antennas for polarization directions ind = np.arange(0, self._num_ant) ind = np.reshape(ind, [self._num_panels*p, -1]) self._ant_ind_pol1 = tf.constant(np.reshape(ind[::p], [-1]), tf.int32) if polarization == 'single': self._ant_ind_pol2 = tf.constant(np.array([]), tf.int32) else: self._ant_ind_pol2 = tf.constant(np.reshape( ind[1:self._num_panels*p:2], [-1]), tf.int32) # Get positions of antenna elements for each polarization direction self._ant_pos_pol1 = tf.gather(self._ant_pos, self._ant_ind_pol1, axis=0) self._ant_pos_pol2 = tf.gather(self._ant_pos, self._ant_ind_pol2, axis=0) @property def num_rows(self): """Number of rows of panels""" return self._num_rows @property def num_cols(self): """Number of columns of panels""" return self._num_cols @property def num_rows_per_panel(self): """Number of rows of elements per panel""" return self._num_rows_per_panel @property def num_cols_per_panel(self): """Number of columns of elements per panel""" return self._num_cols_per_panel @property def polarization(self): """Polarization ("single" or "dual")""" return self._polarization @property def polarization_type(self): """Polarization type. "V" or "H" for single polarization. "VH" or "cross" for dual polarization.""" return self._polarization_type @property def panel_vertical_spacing(self): """Vertical spacing between the panels [multiple of wavelength]""" return self._panel_vertical_spacing @property def panel_horizontal_spacing(self): """Horizontal spacing between the panels [multiple of wavelength]""" return self._panel_horizontal_spacing @property def element_vertical_spacing(self): """Vertical spacing between the antenna elements within a panel [multiple of wavelength]""" return self._element_vertical_spacing @property def element_horizontal_spacing(self): """Horizontal spacing between the antenna elements within a panel [multiple of wavelength]""" return self._element_horizontal_spacing @property def num_panels(self): """Number of panels""" return self._num_panels @property def num_panels_ant(self): """Number of antenna elements per panel""" return self._num_panel_ant @property def num_ant(self): """Total number of antenna elements""" return self._num_ant @property def ant_pol1(self): """Field of an antenna element with the first polarization direction""" return self._ant_pol1 @property def ant_pol2(self): """Field of an antenna element with the second polarization direction. Only defined with dual polarization.""" assert self._polarization == 'dual',\ "This property is not defined with single polarization" return self._ant_pol2 @property def ant_pos(self): """Positions of the antennas""" return self._ant_pos @property def ant_ind_pol1(self): """Indices of antenna elements with the first polarization direction""" return self._ant_ind_pol1 @property def ant_ind_pol2(self): """Indices of antenna elements with the second polarization direction. Only defined with dual polarization.""" assert self._polarization == 'dual',\ "This property is not defined with single polarization" return self._ant_ind_pol2 @property def ant_pos_pol1(self): """Positions of the antenna elements with the first polarization direction""" return self._ant_pos_pol1 @property def ant_pos_pol2(self): """Positions of antenna elements with the second polarization direction. Only defined with dual polarization.""" assert self._polarization == 'dual',\ "This property is not defined with single polarization" return self._ant_pos_pol2
[docs] def show(self): """Show the panel array geometry""" if self._polarization == 'single': if self._polarization_type == 'H': marker_p1 = MarkerStyle("_").get_marker() else: marker_p1 = MarkerStyle("|") elif self._polarization == 'dual': if self._polarization_type == 'cross': marker_p1 = (2, 0, -45) marker_p2 = (2, 0, 45) else: marker_p1 = MarkerStyle("_").get_marker() marker_p2 = MarkerStyle("|").get_marker() fig = plt.figure() pos_pol1 = self._ant_pos_pol1 plt.plot(pos_pol1[:,1], pos_pol1[:,2], marker=marker_p1, markeredgecolor='red', markersize="20", linestyle="None", markeredgewidth="2") for i, p in enumerate(pos_pol1): fig.axes[0].annotate(self._ant_ind_pol1[i].numpy()+1, (p[1], p[2])) if self._polarization == 'dual': pos_pol2 = self._ant_pos_pol2 plt.plot(pos_pol2[:,1], pos_pol2[:,2], marker=marker_p2, markeredgecolor='black', markersize="20", linestyle="None", markeredgewidth="1") plt.xlabel("y (m)") plt.ylabel("z (m)") plt.title("Panel Array") plt.legend(["Polarization 1", "Polarization 2"], loc="upper right")
[docs] def show_element_radiation_pattern(self): """Show the radiation field of antenna elements forming the panel"""
[docs]class Antenna(PanelArray): # pylint: disable=line-too-long r"""Antenna(polarization, polarization_type, antenna_pattern, carrier_frequency, dtype=tf.complex64) Single antenna following the [TR38901]_ specification. This class is a special case of :class:``, and can be used in lieu of it. Parameters ---------- polarization : str Polarization, either "single" or "dual" polarization_type : str Type of polarization. For single polarization, must be "V" or "H". For dual polarization, must be "VH" or "cross". antenna_pattern : str Element radiation pattern, either "omni" or "38.901" carrier_frequency : float Carrier frequency [Hz] dtype : Complex tf.DType Defines the datatype for internal calculations and the output dtype. Defaults to `tf.complex64`. """ def __init__(self, polarization, polarization_type, antenna_pattern, carrier_frequency, dtype=tf.complex64): super().__init__(num_rows_per_panel=1, num_cols_per_panel=1, polarization=polarization, polarization_type=polarization_type, antenna_pattern=antenna_pattern, carrier_frequency=carrier_frequency, dtype=dtype)
[docs]class AntennaArray(PanelArray): # pylint: disable=line-too-long r"""AntennaArray(num_rows, num_cols, polarization, polarization_type, antenna_pattern, carrier_frequency, vertical_spacing, horizontal_spacing, dtype=tf.complex64) Antenna array following the [TR38901]_ specification. This class is a special case of :class:``, and can used in lieu of it. Parameters ---------- num_rows : int Number of rows of elements num_cols : int Number of columns of elements polarization : str Polarization, either "single" or "dual" polarization_type : str Type of polarization. For single polarization, must be "V" or "H". For dual polarization, must be "VH" or "cross". antenna_pattern : str Element radiation pattern, either "omni" or "38.901" carrier_frequency : float Carrier frequency [Hz] vertical_spacing : `None` or float Element vertical spacing [multiple of wavelength]. Defaults to 0.5 if set to `None`. horizontal_spacing : `None` or float Element horizontal spacing [multiple of wavelength]. Defaults to 0.5 if set to `None`. dtype : Complex tf.DType Defines the datatype for internal calculations and the output dtype. Defaults to `tf.complex64`. """ def __init__(self, num_rows, num_cols, polarization, polarization_type, antenna_pattern, carrier_frequency, vertical_spacing=None, horizontal_spacing=None, dtype=tf.complex64): super().__init__(num_rows_per_panel=num_rows, num_cols_per_panel=num_cols, polarization=polarization, polarization_type=polarization_type, antenna_pattern=antenna_pattern, carrier_frequency=carrier_frequency, element_vertical_spacing=vertical_spacing, element_horizontal_spacing=horizontal_spacing, dtype=dtype)