Source code for sionna.fec.conv.decoding

# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright (c) 2021-2024 NVIDIA CORPORATION & AFFILIATES. All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
"""Layer for Convolutional Code Viterbi Decoding."""

import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow.keras.layers import Layer
from sionna.fec.utils import int2bin
from sionna.fec.conv.utils import polynomial_selector, Trellis

[docs]class ViterbiDecoder(Layer): # pylint: disable=line-too-long r"""ViterbiDecoder(encoder=None, gen_poly=None, rate=1/2, constraint_length=3, rsc=False, terminate=False, method='soft_llr', output_dtype=tf.float32, **kwargs) Implements the Viterbi decoding algorithm [Viterbi]_ that returns an estimate of the information bits for a noisy convolutional codeword. Takes as input either LLR values (`method` = `soft_llr`) or hard bit values (`method` = `hard`) and returns a hard decided estimation of the information bits. The class inherits from the Keras layer class and can be used as layer in a Keras model. Parameters ---------- encoder: :class:`~sionna.fec.conv.encoding.ConvEncoder` If ``encoder`` is provided as input, the following input parameters are not required and will be ignored: ``gen_poly``, ``rate``, ``constraint_length``, ``rsc``, ``terminate``. They will be inferred from the ``encoder`` object itself. If ``encoder`` is `None`, the above parameters must be provided explicitly. gen_poly: tuple tuple of strings with each string being a 0, 1 sequence. If `None`, ``rate`` and ``constraint_length`` must be provided. rate: float Valid values are 1/3 and 0.5. Only required if ``gen_poly`` is `None`. constraint_length: int Valid values are between 3 and 8 inclusive. Only required if ``gen_poly`` is `None`. rsc: boolean Boolean flag indicating whether the encoder is recursive-systematic for given generator polynomials. `True` indicates encoder is recursive-systematic. `False` indicates encoder is feed-forward non-systematic. terminate: boolean Boolean flag indicating whether the codeword is terminated. `True` indicates codeword is terminated to all-zero state. `False` indicates codeword is not terminated. method: str Valid values are `soft_llr` or `hard`. In computing path metrics, `soft_llr` expects channel LLRs as input `hard` assumes a `binary symmetric channel` (BSC) with 0/1 values are inputs. In case of `hard`, `inputs` will be quantized to 0/1 values. output_dtype: tf.DType Defaults to tf.float32. Defines the output datatype of the layer. Input ----- inputs: [...,n], tf.float32 2+D tensor containing the (noisy) channel output symbols where `n` denotes the codeword length Output ------ : [...,rate*n], tf.float32 2+D tensor containing the estimates of the information bit tensor Note ---- A full implementation of the decoder rather than a windowed approach is used. For a given codeword of duration `T`, the path metric is computed from time `0` to `T` and the path with optimal metric at time `T` is selected. The optimal path is then traced back from `T` to `0` to output the estimate of the information bit vector used to encode. For larger codewords, note that the current method is sub-optimal in terms of memory utilization and latency. """ def __init__(self, encoder=None, gen_poly=None, rate=1/2, constraint_length=3, rsc=False, terminate=False, method='soft_llr', return_info_bits=True, output_dtype=tf.float32, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) if encoder is not None: self._gen_poly = encoder.gen_poly self._trellis = encoder.trellis self._terminate = encoder.terminate else: valid_rates = (1/2, 1/3) valid_constraint_length = (3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8) if gen_poly is not None: assert all(isinstance(poly, str) for poly in gen_poly), \ "Each polynomial must be a string." assert all(len(poly)==len(gen_poly[0]) for poly in gen_poly), \ "Each polynomial must be of same length." assert all(all( char in ['0','1'] for char in poly) for poly in gen_poly),\ "Each polynomial must be a string of 0's and 1's." self._gen_poly = gen_poly else: valid_rates = (1/2, 1/3) valid_constraint_length = (3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8) assert constraint_length in valid_constraint_length, \ "Constraint length must be between 3 and 8." assert rate in valid_rates, \ "Rate must be 1/3 or 1/2." self._gen_poly = polynomial_selector(rate, constraint_length) # init Trellis parameters self._trellis = Trellis(self.gen_poly, rsc=rsc) self._terminate = terminate self._coderate_desired = 1/len(self.gen_poly) self._mu = len(self._gen_poly[0])-1 assert method in ('soft_llr', 'hard'), \ "method must be `soft_llr` or `hard`." # conv_k denotes number of input bit streams # can only be 1 in current implementation self._conv_k = self._trellis.conv_k # conv_n denotes number of output bits for conv_k input bits self._conv_n = self._trellis.conv_n self._k = None self._n = None # num_syms denote number of encoding periods or state transitions. self._num_syms = None self._ni = 2**self._conv_k self._no = 2**self._conv_n self._ns = self._trellis.ns self._method = method self._return_info_bits = return_info_bits self.output_dtype = output_dtype # If i->j state transition emits symbol k, tf.gather with ipst_op_idx # gathers (i,k) element from input in row j. self.ipst_op_idx = self._mask_by_tonode() ######################################### # Public methods and properties ######################################### @property def gen_poly(self): """Generator polynomial used by the encoder""" return self._gen_poly @property def coderate(self): """Rate of the code used in the encoder""" if self.terminate and self._n is None: print("Note that, due to termination, the true coderate is lower "\ "than the returned design rate. "\ "The exact true rate is dependent on the value of n and "\ "hence cannot be computed before the first call().") self._coderate = self._coderate_desired elif self.terminate and self._n is not None: k = self._coderate_desired*self._n - self._mu self._coderate = k/self._n return self._coderate @property def trellis(self): """Trellis object used during encoding""" return self._trellis @property def terminate(self): """Indicates if the encoder is terminated during codeword generation""" return self._terminate @property def k(self): """Number of information bits per codeword""" if self._k is None: print("Note: The value of k cannot be computed before the first " \ "call().") return self._k @property def n(self): """Number of codeword bits""" if self._n is None: print("Note: The value of n cannot be computed before the first " \ "call().") return self._n ######################### # Utility functions ######################### def _mask_by_tonode(self): r""" _Ns x _No index matrix, each element of shape (2,) where num_ops = 2**conv_n When applied as tf.gather index on a Ns x num_ops matrix ((i,j) denoting metric for prev_st=i and output=j) the output is matrix sorted by next_state. Row i in output denotes the 2 possible metrics for transition to state i. """ cnst = self._ns * self._ni from_nodes_vec = tf.reshape(self._trellis.from_nodes,(cnst,)) op_idx = tf.reshape(self._trellis.op_by_tonode, (cnst,)) st_op_idx = tf.transpose(tf.stack([from_nodes_vec, op_idx])) st_op_idx = tf.reshape(st_op_idx[None,:,:],(self._ns, self._ni, 2)) return st_op_idx def _update_fwd(self, init_cm, bm_mat): state_vec = tf.tile(tf.range(self._ns, dtype=tf.int32)[None,:], [tf.shape(init_cm)[0], 1]) ipst_op_mask = tf.tile(self.ipst_op_idx[None,:], [tf.shape(init_cm)[0], 1, 1, 1]) cm_ta = tf.TensorArray(tf.float32, size=self._num_syms, dynamic_size=False, clear_after_read=False) tb_ta = tf.TensorArray(tf.int32, size=self._num_syms, dynamic_size=False, clear_after_read=False) prev_cm = init_cm for idx in tf.range(0, self._n, self._conv_n): sym = idx//self._conv_n metrics_t = bm_mat[..., sym] # Ns x No matrix- (s,j) is path_metric at state s with transition op=j sum_metric = prev_cm[:,:,None] + metrics_t[:,None,:] sum_metric_bytonode = tf.gather_nd(sum_metric, ipst_op_mask, batch_dims=1) tb_state_idx = tf.math.argmin(sum_metric_bytonode, axis=2) tb_state_idx = tf.cast(tb_state_idx, tf.int32) # Transition to states argmin state index from_st_idx = tf.transpose(tf.stack([state_vec, tb_state_idx]), perm=[1, 2, 0]) tb_states = tf.gather_nd(self._trellis.from_nodes, from_st_idx) cum_t = tf.math.reduce_min(sum_metric_bytonode,axis=2) cm_ta = cm_ta.write(sym, cum_t) tb_ta = tb_ta.write(sym, tb_states) prev_cm = cum_t return cm_ta, tb_ta def _op_bits_path(self, paths): r""" Given a path, compute the input bit stream that results in the path. Used in call() where the input is optimal path (seq of states) such as the path returned by _return_optimal. """ paths = tf.cast(paths, tf.int32) ip_bits = tf.TensorArray(tf.int32, size=paths.shape[-1]-1, dynamic_size=False, clear_after_read=False) dec_syms = tf.TensorArray(tf.int32, size=paths.shape[-1]-1, dynamic_size=False, clear_after_read=False) ni = ip_sym_mask = tf.range(ni)[None, :] for sym in tf.range(1, paths.shape[-1]): # gather index from paths to enable XLA # replaces p_idx = paths[:,sym-1:sym+1] p_idx = tf.gather(paths, [sym-1, sym], axis=-1) dec_ = tf.gather_nd(self._trellis.op_mat, p_idx) dec_syms = dec_syms.write(sym-1, value=dec_) # bs x ni boolean tensor. Each row has a True and False. True # corresponds to input_bit which produced the next state (t=sym) match_st = tf.math.equal( tf.gather(self._trellis.to_nodes,paths[:, sym-1]), tf.tile(paths[:, sym][:, None], [1, 2]) ) # tf.boolean_mask throws error in XLA mode #ip_bit = tf.boolean_mask(ip_sym_mask, match_st) ip_bit_ = tf.where(match_st, ip_sym_mask, tf.zeros_like(ip_sym_mask)) ip_bit = tf.reduce_sum(ip_bit_, axis=-1) ip_bits = ip_bits.write(sym-1, ip_bit) ip_bit_vec_est = tf.transpose(ip_bits.stack()) ip_sym_vec_est = tf.transpose(dec_syms.stack()) return ip_bit_vec_est, ip_sym_vec_est def _optimal_path(self, cm_, tb_): r""" Compute optimal path (state at each time t) given tensors cm_ & tb_ of shapes (None, Ns, T). Output is of shape (None, T) cm_: cumulative metrics for each state at time t(0 to T) tb_: traceback state for each state at time t(0 to T) """ # tb and ca are of shape (batch x self._ns x num_syms) assert(tb_.get_shape()[1] == self._ns), "Invalid shape." optst_ta = tf.TensorArray(tf.int32, size=tb_.shape[-1], dynamic_size=False, clear_after_read=False) if self._terminate: opt_term_state = tf.zeros((tf.shape(cm_)[0],), tf.int32) else: opt_term_state =tf.cast(tf.argmin(cm_[:, :, -1], axis=1), tf.int32) optst_ta = optst_ta.write(tb_.shape[-1]-1,opt_term_state) for sym in tf.range(tb_.shape[-1]-1, 0, -1): opt_st =[:,None] idx_ = tf.concat([tf.range(tf.shape(cm_)[0])[:,None], opt_st], axis=1) opt_st_tminus1 = tf.gather_nd(tb_[:, :, sym], idx_) optst_ta = optst_ta.write(sym-1, opt_st_tminus1) return tf.transpose(optst_ta.stack()) def _bmcalc(self, y): """ Calculate branch metrics for a given noisy codeword tensor. For each time period t, _bmcalc computes the distance of symbol vector y[t] from each possible output symbol. The distance metric is L2 distance if decoder parameter `method` is "soft". The distance metric is L1 distance if parameter `method` is "hard". """ op_bits = np.stack( [int2bin(op, self._conv_n) for op in range(self._no)]) op_mat = tf.cast(tf.tile(op_bits, [1,self._num_syms]), tf.float32) op_mat = tf.expand_dims(op_mat, axis=0) y = tf.expand_dims(y, axis=1) if self._method=='soft_llr': op_mat_sign = 1 - 2.*op_mat llr_sign = -1. * tf.math.multiply(y, op_mat_sign) llr_sign = tf.reshape(llr_sign, (-1, self._no, self._num_syms, self._conv_n)) # Sum of LLR*(sign of bit) for each symbol bm = tf.math.reduce_sum(llr_sign, axis=-1) elif self._method == 'hard': diffabs = tf.math.abs(y-op_mat) diffabs = tf.reshape(diffabs, (-1, self._no, self._num_syms, self._conv_n)) # Manhattan distance of symbols bm = tf.math.reduce_sum(diffabs, axis=-1) return bm ######################### # Keras layer functions ######################### def build(self, input_shape): """Build layer and check dimensions.""" # assert rank must be two tf.debugging.assert_greater_equal(len(input_shape), 2) self._n = input_shape[-1] divisible = tf.math.floormod(self._n, self._conv_n) assert divisible==0, 'length of codeword should be divisible by \ number of output bits per symbol.' self._num_syms = int(self._n*self._coderate_desired) self._num_term_syms = self._mu if self.terminate else 0 self._k = self._num_syms - self._num_term_syms def call(self, inputs): """ Viterbi decoding function. inputs is the (noisy) codeword tensor where the last dimension should equal n. All the leading dimensions are assumed as batch dimensions. """ LARGEDIST = 2.**20 # pylint: disable=invalid-name tf.debugging.assert_type(inputs, tf.float32, message="input must be tf.float32.") if self._method == 'hard': inputs = tf.math.floormod(tf.cast(inputs, tf.int32),2) elif self._method == 'soft_llr': inputs = -1. * inputs inputs = tf.cast(inputs, tf.float32) output_shape = inputs.get_shape().as_list() y_resh = tf.reshape(inputs, [-1, self._n]) output_shape[0] = -1 if self._return_info_bits: output_shape[-1] = self._k # assign k to the last dimension else: output_shape[-1] = self._n # Branch metrics matrix for a given y bm_mat = self._bmcalc(y_resh) init_cm_np = np.full((self._ns,), LARGEDIST) init_cm_np[0] = 0.0 prev_cm_ = tf.convert_to_tensor(init_cm_np, dtype=tf.float32) prev_cm = tf.tile(prev_cm_[None,:], [tf.shape(y_resh)[0], 1]) cm_ta, tb_ta = self._update_fwd(prev_cm, bm_mat) cm = tf.transpose(cm_ta.stack(), perm=[1,2,0]) tb = tf.transpose(tb_ta.stack(),perm=[1,2,0]) del cm_ta, tb_ta zero_st = tf.zeros((tf.shape(y_resh)[0], 1), tf.int32) opt_path = self._optimal_path(cm, tb) opt_path = tf.concat((zero_st, opt_path), axis=1) del cm, tb msghat, cwhat = self._op_bits_path(opt_path) if self._return_info_bits: msghat = msghat[...,:self._k] output = tf.cast(msghat, self.output_dtype) else: output = tf.cast(cwhat, self.output_dtype) output_reshaped = tf.reshape(output, output_shape) return output_reshaped
[docs]class BCJRDecoder(Layer): # pylint: disable=line-too-long r"""BCJRDecoder(encoder=None, gen_poly=None, rate=1/2, constraint_length=3, rsc=False, terminate=False, hard_out=True, algorithm='map', output_dtype=tf.float32, **kwargs) Implements the BCJR decoding algorithm [BCJR]_ that returns an estimate of the information bits for a noisy convolutional codeword. Takes as input either channel LLRs or a tuple (channel LLRs, apriori LLRs). Returns an estimate of the information bits, either output LLRs ( ``hard_out`` = `False`) or hard decoded bits ( ``hard_out`` = `True`), respectively. The class inherits from the Keras layer class and can be used as layer in a Keras model. Parameters ---------- encoder: :class:`~sionna.fec.conv.encoding.ConvEncoder` If ``encoder`` is provided as input, the following input parameters are not required and will be ignored: ``gen_poly``, ``rate``, ``constraint_length``, ``rsc``, ``terminate``. They will be inferred from the ``encoder`` object itself. If ``encoder`` is `None`, the above parameters must be provided explicitly. gen_poly: tuple tuple of strings with each string being a 0, 1 sequence. If `None`, ``rate`` and ``constraint_length`` must be provided. rate: float Valid values are 1/3 and 1/2. Only required if ``gen_poly`` is `None`. constraint_length: int Valid values are between 3 and 8 inclusive. Only required if ``gen_poly`` is `None`. rsc: boolean Boolean flag indicating whether the encoder is recursive-systematic for given generator polynomials. `True` indicates encoder is recursive-systematic. `False` indicates encoder is feed-forward non-systematic. terminate: boolean Boolean flag indicating whether the codeword is terminated. `True` indicates codeword is terminated to all-zero state. `False` indicates codeword is not terminated. hard_out: boolean Boolean flag indicating whether to output hard or soft decisions on the decoded information vector. `True` implies a hard-decoded information vector of 0/1's as output. `False` implies output is decoded LLR's of the information. algorithm: str Defaults to `map`. Indicates the implemented BCJR algorithm, where `map` denotes the exact MAP algorithm, `log` indicates the exact MAP implementation, but in log-domain, and `maxlog` indicates the approximated MAP implementation in log-domain, where :math:`\log(e^{a}+e^{b}) \sim \max(a,b)`. output_dtype: tf.DType Defaults to tf.float32. Defines the output datatype of the layer. Input ----- llr_ch or (llr_ch, llr_a) : Tensor or Tuple: llr_ch: [...,n], tf.float32 2+D tensor containing the (noisy) channel LLRs, where `n` denotes the codeword length llr_a: [...,k], tf.float32 2+D tensor containing the a priori information of each information bit. Implicitly assumed to be 0 if only ``llr_ch`` is provided. Output ------ : tf.float32 2+D tensor of shape `[...,coderate*n]` containing the estimates of the information bit tensor """ def __init__(self, encoder=None, gen_poly=None, rate=1/2, constraint_length=3, rsc=False, terminate=False, hard_out=True, algorithm='map', output_dtype=tf.float32, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) if encoder is not None: self._gen_poly = encoder.gen_poly self._trellis = encoder.trellis self._terminate = encoder.terminate else: if gen_poly is not None: assert all(isinstance(poly, str) for poly in gen_poly), \ "Each polynomial must be a string." assert all(len(poly)==len(gen_poly[0]) for poly in gen_poly), \ "Each polynomial must be of same length." assert all(all( char in ['0','1'] for char in poly) for poly in gen_poly),\ "Each polynomial must be a string of 0's and 1's." self._gen_poly = gen_poly else: valid_rates = (1/2, 1/3) valid_constraint_length = (3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8) assert constraint_length in valid_constraint_length, \ "Constraint length must be between 3 and 8." assert rate in valid_rates, \ "Rate must be 1/3 or 1/2." self._gen_poly = polynomial_selector(rate, constraint_length) # init Trellis parameters self._trellis = Trellis(self.gen_poly, rsc=rsc) self._terminate = terminate valid_algorithms = ['map', 'log', 'maxlog'] assert algorithm in valid_algorithms, \ "algorithm must be one of map, log or maxlog" self._coderate_desired = 1/len(self._gen_poly) self._mu = len(self._gen_poly[0])-1 self._num_term_bits = None self._num_term_syms = None # conv_k denotes number of input bit streams # can only be 1 in current implementation self._conv_k = self._trellis.conv_k assert self._conv_k == 1 self._mu = self._trellis._mu # conv_n denotes number of output bits for conv_k input bits self._conv_n = self._trellis.conv_n # Length of Info-bit vector. Equal to _num_syms if terminate=False, # else < _num_syms self._k = None # Length of Turbo codeword, including termination bits self._n = None # num_syms denote number of encoding periods or state transitions. self._num_syms = None self._ni = 2**self._conv_k self._no = 2**self._conv_n self._ns = self._trellis.ns self._hard_out = hard_out self._algorithm = algorithm self._output_dtype = output_dtype self.ipst_op_idx, self.ipst_ip_idx = self._mask_by_tonode() ######################################### # Public methods and properties ######################################### @property def gen_poly(self): """Generator polynomial used by the encoder""" return self._gen_poly @property def coderate(self): """Rate of the code used in the encoder""" if self.terminate and self._n is None: print("Note that, due to termination, the true coderate is lower "\ "than the returned design rate. "\ "The exact true rate is dependent on the value of n and "\ "hence cannot be computed before the first call().") self._coderate = self._coderate_desired elif self.terminate and self._n is not None: k = self._coderate_desired*self._n - self._mu self._coderate = k/self._n return self._coderate @property def trellis(self): """Trellis object used during encoding""" return self._trellis @property def terminate(self): """Indicates if the encoder is terminated during codeword generation""" return self._terminate @property def k(self): """Number of information bits per codeword""" if self._k is None: print("Note: The value of k cannot be computed before the first " \ "call().") return self._k @property def n(self): """Number of codeword bits""" if self._n is None: print("Note: The value of n cannot be computed before the first " \ "call().") return self._n ######################### # Utility functions ######################### def _mask_by_tonode(self): """ Assume i->j a valid state transition given info-bit b & emits symbol k returns following two _ns x _no matrices, each element of shape (2,). - st_op_idx: jth row contains (i,k) tuples - st_ip_idx: jth row contains (i,b) tuples When applied as tf.gather on a _ns x _no matrix, the output is matrix sorted by next_state. For e.g., tf.gather when applied on "input" (shape _ns x _no), with mask - st_op_idx: gathers input[i][k] in row j, - st_ip_idx: gathers input[i][b] in row j. """ cnst = self._ns * self._ni from_nodes_vec = tf.reshape(self._trellis.from_nodes,(cnst,)) op_idx = tf.reshape(self._trellis.op_by_tonode, (cnst,)) st_op_idx = tf.transpose(tf.stack([from_nodes_vec, op_idx])) st_op_idx = tf.reshape(st_op_idx[None,:,:],(self._ns, self._ni, 2)) ip_idx = tf.reshape(self._trellis.ip_by_tonode, (cnst,)) st_ip_idx = tf.transpose(tf.stack([from_nodes_vec, ip_idx])) st_ip_idx = tf.reshape(st_ip_idx[None,:,:],(self._ns, self._ni, 2)) return st_op_idx, st_ip_idx def _bmcalc(self, llr_in): """ Calculate branch gamma metrics for a given noisy codeword tensor. For each time period t, _bmcalc computes the "distance" of symbol vector y[t] from each possible output symbol i.e., (2*Eb/N0)* sum_i x_y*y_i for i=1,2,...,conv_n The above metric is used in calculation of gamma. If the input is llr, which is nothing but 2*Eb*y/N0. """ op_bits = np.stack( [int2bin(op, self._conv_n) for op in range(self._no)]) op_mat = tf.cast(tf.tile(op_bits, [1, self._num_syms]), tf.float32) op_mat = tf.expand_dims(op_mat, axis=0) llr_in = tf.expand_dims(llr_in, axis=1) op_mat_sign = 1. - 2. * op_mat llr_sign = tf.math.multiply(llr_in, op_mat_sign) half_llr_sign = tf.reshape(0.5 * llr_sign, (-1, self._no, self._num_syms, self._conv_n)) if self._algorithm in ['log', 'maxlog']: bm = tf.math.reduce_sum(half_llr_sign, axis=-1) else: bm = tf.math.exp(tf.math.reduce_sum(half_llr_sign, axis=-1)) return bm def _initialize(self, llr_ch): if self._algorithm in ['log', 'maxlog']: init_vals = -np.inf, 0.0 else: init_vals = 0.0, 1.0 alpha_init_np = np.full((self._ns,), init_vals[0]) alpha_init_np[0] = init_vals[1] beta_init_np = alpha_init_np if not self._terminate: eq_prob = 1./self._ns if self._algorithm in ['log', 'maxlog']: eq_prob = np.log(eq_prob) beta_init_np = np.full((self._ns,), eq_prob) alpha_init = tf.convert_to_tensor(alpha_init_np, dtype=tf.float32) alpha_init = tf.tile(alpha_init[None,:], [tf.shape(llr_ch)[0], 1]) beta_init = tf.convert_to_tensor(beta_init_np, dtype=tf.float32) beta_init = tf.tile(beta_init[None,:], [tf.shape(llr_ch)[0], 1]) return alpha_init, beta_init def _update_fwd(self, alph_init, bm_mat, llr): """ Run forward update from time t=0 to t=k-1. At each time t, computes alpha_t using alpha_t-1 and gamma_t. Returns tensor array of alpha_t, t-0,1,2...,k-1 """ alph_ta = tf.TensorArray(tf.float32, size=self._num_syms+1, dynamic_size=False, clear_after_read=False) alph_prev = tf.cast(alph_init, tf.float32) # (bs, _Ns, _ni, 2) matrix ipst_ip_mask = tf.tile( self.ipst_ip_idx[None,:],[tf.shape(alph_init)[0],1,1,1]) # (bs, _Ns, _ni) matrix, by from state op_mask = tf.tile(self.trellis.op_by_fromnode[None,:,:], [tf.shape(alph_init)[0],1,1]) ipbit_mat = tf.tile(tf.range(self._ni)[None, None, :], [tf.shape(alph_init)[0], self._ns, 1]) ipbitsign_mat = 1. - 2. * tf.cast(ipbit_mat, tf.float32) alph_ta = alph_ta.write(0, alph_prev) for t in tf.range(self._num_syms): bm_t = bm_mat[..., t] llr_t = 0.5 * llr[...,t][:, None,None] bm_byfromst = tf.gather(bm_t, op_mask, batch_dims=1) signed_half_llr = tf.math.multiply( tf.tile(llr_t,[1, self._ns, self._ni]), ipbitsign_mat) if self._algorithm in ['log', 'maxlog']: llr_byfromst = signed_half_llr gamma_byfromst = llr_byfromst + bm_byfromst alph_gam_prod = gamma_byfromst + alph_prev[:,:,None] else: llr_byfromst = tf.math.exp(signed_half_llr) gamma_byfromst = tf.multiply(llr_byfromst, bm_byfromst) alph_gam_prod = tf.math.multiply(gamma_byfromst, alph_prev[:,:,None]) alphgam_bytost = tf.gather_nd(alph_gam_prod, ipst_ip_mask, batch_dims=1) if self._algorithm =='map': alph_t = tf.math.reduce_sum(alphgam_bytost, axis=-1) alph_t_sum = tf.reduce_sum(alph_t, axis=-1) alph_t = tf.divide(alph_t, tf.tile(alph_t_sum[:,None],[1,self._ns])) elif self._algorithm == 'log': alph_t = tf.math.reduce_logsumexp(alphgam_bytost, axis=-1) else: # self._algorithm = 'maxlog' alph_t = tf.math.reduce_max(alphgam_bytost, axis=-1) alph_prev = alph_t alph_ta = alph_ta.write(t+1, alph_t) return alph_ta def _update_bwd(self, beta_init, bm_mat, llr, alpha_ta): """ Run backward update from time t=k-1 to t=0. At each time t, computes beta_t-1 using beta_t and gamma_t. Returns llr for information bits for t=0,1,...,k-1 """ beta_next = beta_init llr_op_ta = tf.TensorArray(tf.float32, size=self._num_syms, dynamic_size=False, clear_after_read=False) beta_next = tf.cast(beta_next, tf.float32) # (bs, _Ns, _ni) matrix, by from state op_mask = tf.tile(self.trellis.op_by_fromnode[None,:,:], [tf.shape(beta_init)[0],1,1]) tonode_mask = tf.tile(self.trellis.to_nodes[None,:,:], [tf.shape(beta_init)[0], 1, 1]) ipbit_mat = tf.tile(tf.range(self._ni)[None, None, :], [tf.shape(beta_init)[0], self._ns, 1]) ipbitsign_mat = 1.0 - 2.0 * tf.cast(ipbit_mat, tf.float32) for t in tf.range(self._num_syms-1, -1, -1): bm_t = bm_mat[..., t] llr_t = 0.5 * llr[...,t][:, None,None] signed_half_llr = tf.math.multiply( tf.tile(llr_t,[1, self._ns, self._ni]), ipbitsign_mat) bm_byfromst = tf.gather(bm_t, op_mask, batch_dims=1) if self._algorithm in ['log', 'maxlog']: llr_byfromst = signed_half_llr gamma_byfromst = tf.math.add(llr_byfromst, bm_byfromst) else: llr_byfromst = tf.math.exp(signed_half_llr) gamma_byfromst = tf.multiply(llr_byfromst, bm_byfromst) beta_bytonode = tf.gather(beta_next, tonode_mask, batch_dims=1) if self._algorithm not in ['log', 'maxlog']: beta_gam_prod = tf.math.multiply(gamma_byfromst, beta_bytonode) beta_t = tf.math.reduce_sum(beta_gam_prod, axis=-1) beta_t_sum = tf.reduce_sum(beta_t, axis=-1) beta_t = tf.divide(beta_t, tf.tile(beta_t_sum[:,None],[1,self._ns])) elif self._algorithm == 'log': beta_gam_prod = gamma_byfromst + beta_bytonode beta_t = tf.math.reduce_logsumexp(beta_gam_prod, axis=-1, keepdims=False) else: #self._algorithm = 'maxlog' beta_gam_prod = gamma_byfromst + beta_bytonode beta_t = tf.math.reduce_max(beta_gam_prod, axis=-1) alph_t = if self._algorithm not in ['log', 'maxlog']: llr_op_t0 = tf.math.multiply( tf.math.multiply(alph_t, gamma_byfromst[...,0]), beta_bytonode[...,0]) llr_op_t1 = tf.math.multiply( tf.math.multiply(alph_t,gamma_byfromst[...,1]), beta_bytonode[...,1]) llr_op_t = tf.math.log(tf.divide(tf.reduce_sum(llr_op_t0, axis=-1), tf.reduce_sum(llr_op_t1,axis=-1))) else: llr_op_t0 = alph_t + gamma_byfromst[...,0] + beta_bytonode[...,0] llr_op_t1 = alph_t + gamma_byfromst[...,1] + beta_bytonode[...,1] if self._algorithm == 'log': llr_op_t = tf.math.subtract( tf.math.reduce_logsumexp(llr_op_t0, axis=-1), tf.math.reduce_logsumexp(llr_op_t1, axis=-1)) else: llr_op_t = tf.math.subtract( tf.math.reduce_max(llr_op_t0, axis=-1), tf.math.reduce_max(llr_op_t1, axis=-1)) llr_op_ta = llr_op_ta.write(t, llr_op_t) beta_next = beta_t llr_op = tf.transpose(llr_op_ta.stack()) return llr_op ######################### # Keras layer functions ######################### def build(self, input_shape): """Build layer and check dimensions.""" # assert rank must be two tf.debugging.assert_greater_equal(len(input_shape), 2) if isinstance(input_shape, tf.TensorShape): self._n = input_shape[-1] else: self._n = input_shape[0][-1] self._num_syms = int(self._n*self._coderate_desired) self._num_term_syms = self._mu if self._terminate else 0 self._num_term_bits = int(self._num_term_syms/self._coderate_desired) self._k = self._num_syms - self._num_term_syms def call(self, inputs): """ BCJR decoding function. inputs is the (noisy) codeword tensor where the last dimension should equal n. All the leading dimensions are assumed as batch dimensions. """ if isinstance(inputs, (tuple, list)): assert(len(inputs)) == 2 llr_ch, llr_apr = inputs else: tf.debugging.assert_greater(tf.rank(inputs), 1) llr_ch = inputs llr_apr = None tf.debugging.assert_type(llr_ch, tf.float32, message="input must be tf.float32.") output_shape = llr_ch.get_shape().as_list() # allow different codeword lengths in eager mode if output_shape[-1] != self._n: if isinstance(inputs, (tuple, list)):[0].get_shape(), inputs[1].get_shape())) else: output_shape[0] = -1 output_shape[-1] = self._k # assign k to the last dimension llr_ch = tf.reshape(llr_ch, [-1, self._n]) if llr_apr is None: llr_apr = tf.zeros((tf.shape(llr_ch)[0], self._num_syms), dtype=tf.float32) llr_ch = -1. * llr_ch llr_apr = -1. * llr_apr # Branch metrics matrix for a given y bm_mat = self._bmcalc(llr_ch) alpha_init, beta_init = self._initialize(llr_ch) alph_ta = self._update_fwd(alpha_init, bm_mat, llr_apr) llr_op = self._update_bwd(beta_init, bm_mat, llr_apr, alph_ta) msghat = -1. * llr_op[...,:self._k] if self._hard_out: # hard decide decoder output if required msghat = tf.less(0.0, msghat) msghat = tf.cast(msghat, self._output_dtype) msghat_reshaped = tf.reshape(msghat, output_shape) return msghat_reshaped