Source code for sionna.fec.conv.encoding

# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright (c) 2021-2024 NVIDIA CORPORATION & AFFILIATES. All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
"""Layer for Convolutional Code Encoding."""

import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow.keras.layers import Layer
from sionna.fec.utils import bin2int_tf, int2bin_tf
from sionna.fec.conv.utils import polynomial_selector, Trellis

[docs]class ConvEncoder(Layer): # pylint: disable=line-too-long r"""ConvEncoder(gen_poly=None, rate= 1/2, constraint_length=3, rsc=False, terminate=False, output_dtype=tf.float32, **kwargs) Encodes an information binary tensor to a convolutional codeword. Currently, only generator polynomials for codes of rate=1/n for n=2,3,4,... are allowed. The class inherits from the Keras layer class and can be used as layer in a Keras model. Parameters ---------- gen_poly: tuple Sequence of strings with each string being a 0,1 sequence. If `None`, ``rate`` and ``constraint_length`` must be provided. rate: float Valid values are 1/3 and 0.5. Only required if ``gen_poly`` is `None`. constraint_length: int Valid values are between 3 and 8 inclusive. Only required if ``gen_poly`` is `None`. rsc: boolean Boolean flag indicating whether the Trellis generated is recursive systematic or not. If `True`, the encoder is recursive-systematic. In this case first polynomial in ``gen_poly`` is used as the feedback polynomial. Defaults to `False`. terminate: boolean Encoder is terminated to all zero state if `True`. If terminated, the `true` rate of the code is slightly lower than ``rate``. output_dtype: tf.DType Defaults to `tf.float32`. Defines the output datatype of the layer. Input ----- inputs : [...,k], tf.float32 2+D tensor containing the information bits where `k` is the information length Output ------ : [...,k/rate], tf.float32 2+D tensor containing the encoded codeword for the given input information tensor where `rate` is :math:`\frac{1}{\textrm{len}\left(\textrm{gen_poly}\right)}` (if ``gen_poly`` is provided). Note ---- The generator polynomials from [Moon]_ are available for various rate and constraint lengths. To select them, use the ``rate`` and ``constraint_length`` arguments. In addition, polynomials for any non-recursive convolutional encoder can be given as input via ``gen_poly`` argument. Currently, only polynomials with rate=1/n are supported. When the ``gen_poly`` argument is given, the ``rate`` and ``constraint_length`` arguments are ignored. Various notations are used in the literature to represent the generator polynomials for convolutional codes. In [Moon]_, the octal digits format is primarily used. In the octal format, the generator polynomial `10011` corresponds to 46. Another widely used format is decimal notation with MSB. In this notation, polynomial `10011` corresponds to 19. For simplicity, the :class:`~sionna.fec.conv.encoding.ConvEncoder` only accepts the bit format i.e. `10011` as ``gen_poly`` argument. Also note that ``constraint_length`` and ``memory`` are two different terms often used to denote the strength of a convolutional code. In this sub-package, we use ``constraint_length``. For example, the polynomial `10011` has a ``constraint_length`` of 5, however its ``memory`` is only 4. When ``terminate`` is `True`, the true rate of the convolutional code is slightly lower than ``rate``. It equals :math:`\frac{r*k}{k+\mu}` where `r` denotes ``rate`` and :math:`\mu` is ``constraint_length`` - 1. For example when ``terminate`` is `True`, ``k=100``, :math:`\mu=4` and ``rate`` =0.5, true rate equals :math:`\frac{0.5*100}{104}=0.481`. """ def __init__(self, gen_poly=None, rate=1/2, constraint_length=3, rsc=False, terminate=False, output_dtype=tf.float32, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) if gen_poly is not None: assert all(isinstance(poly, str) for poly in gen_poly), \ "Each element of gen_poly must be a string." assert all(len(poly)==len(gen_poly[0]) for poly in gen_poly), \ "Each polynomial must be of same length." assert all(all( char in ['0','1'] for char in poly) for poly in gen_poly),\ "Each Polynomial must be a string of 0/1 s." self._gen_poly = gen_poly else: valid_rates = (1/2, 1/3) valid_constraint_length = (3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8) assert constraint_length in valid_constraint_length, \ "Constraint length must be between 3 and 8." assert rate in valid_rates, \ "Rate must be 1/3 or 1/2." self._gen_poly = polynomial_selector(rate, constraint_length) self._rsc = rsc self._terminate = terminate self._coderate_desired = 1/len(self.gen_poly) # Differ when terminate is True self._coderate = self._coderate_desired self._trellis = Trellis(self.gen_poly,rsc=self._rsc) self._mu = self.trellis._mu # conv_k denotes number of input bit streams. # Only 1 allowed in current implementation self._conv_k = self._trellis.conv_k # conv_n denotes number of output bits for conv_k input bits self._conv_n = self._trellis.conv_n self._ni = 2**self._conv_k self._no = 2**self._conv_n self._ns = self._trellis.ns self._k = None self._n = None self.output_dtype = output_dtype ######################################### # Public methods and properties ######################################### @property def gen_poly(self): """Generator polynomial used by the encoder""" return self._gen_poly @property def coderate(self): """Rate of the code used in the encoder""" if self.terminate and self._k is None: print("Note that, due to termination, the true coderate is lower "\ "than the returned design rate. "\ "The exact true rate is dependent on the value of k and "\ "hence cannot be computed before the first call().") elif self.terminate and self._k is not None: term_factor = self._k/(self._k + self._mu) self._coderate = self._coderate_desired*term_factor return self._coderate @property def trellis(self): """Trellis object used during encoding""" return self._trellis @property def terminate(self): """Indicates if the convolutional encoder is terminated""" return self._terminate @property def k(self): """Number of information bits per codeword""" if self._k is None: print("Note: The value of k cannot be computed before the first " \ "call().") return self._k @property def n(self): """Number of codeword bits""" if self._n is None: print("Note: The value of n cannot be computed before the first " \ "call().") return self._n ######################### # Keras layer functions ######################### def build(self, input_shape): """Build layer and check dimensions. Args: input_shape: shape of input tensor (...,k). """ self._k = input_shape[-1] self._n = int(self._k/self.coderate) # num_syms denote number of encoding periods or state transitions. # different from _k when _conv_k > 1. self.num_syms = int(self._k//self._conv_k) def call(self, inputs): """Convolutional code encoding function. Args: inputs (tf.float32): Information tensor of shape `[...,k]`. Returns: `tf.float32`: Encoded codeword tensor of shape `[...,n]`. """ tf.debugging.assert_greater(tf.rank(inputs), 1) if inputs.shape[-1] != self._k: msg = tf.cast(inputs, tf.int32) output_shape = msg.get_shape().as_list() output_shape[0] = -1 # overwrite batch dim (can be none in keras) output_shape[-1] = self._n # assign n to the last dim msg_reshaped = tf.reshape(msg, [-1, self._k]) term_syms = int(self._mu) if self._terminate else 0 prev_st = tf.zeros([tf.shape(msg_reshaped)[0]], tf.int32) ta = tf.TensorArray(tf.int32, size=self.num_syms, dynamic_size=False) idx_offset = range(0, self._conv_k) for idx in tf.range(0, self._k, self._conv_k): msg_bits_idx = tf.gather(msg_reshaped, idx + idx_offset, axis=-1) msg_idx = bin2int_tf(msg_bits_idx) indices = tf.stack([prev_st, msg_idx], -1) new_st = tf.gather_nd(self._trellis.to_nodes, indices=indices) idx_syms = tf.gather_nd(self._trellis.op_mat, tf.stack([prev_st, new_st], -1)) idx_bits = int2bin_tf(idx_syms, self._conv_n) ta = ta.write(idx//self._conv_k, idx_bits) prev_st = new_st cw = tf.concat(tf.unstack(ta.stack()), axis=1) ta_term = tf.TensorArray(tf.int32, size=term_syms, dynamic_size=False) # Termination if self._terminate: if self._rsc: fb_poly = tf.constant([int(x) for x in self.gen_poly[0][1:]]) fb_poly_tiled = tf.tile( tf.expand_dims(fb_poly,0),[tf.shape(prev_st)[0],1]) for idx in tf.range(0, term_syms, self._conv_k): prev_st_bits = int2bin_tf(prev_st, self._mu) if self._rsc: msg_idx = tf.math.reduce_sum( tf.multiply(fb_poly_tiled, prev_st_bits),-1) msg_idx = tf.squeeze(int2bin_tf(msg_idx,1),-1) else: msg_idx = tf.zeros((tf.shape(prev_st)[0],), dtype=tf.int32) indices = tf.stack([prev_st, msg_idx], -1) new_st = tf.gather_nd(self._trellis.to_nodes, indices=indices) idx_syms = tf.gather_nd(self._trellis.op_mat, tf.stack([prev_st, new_st], -1)) idx_bits = int2bin_tf(idx_syms, self._conv_n) ta_term = ta_term.write(idx//self._conv_k, idx_bits) prev_st = new_st term_bits = tf.concat(tf.unstack(ta_term.stack()), axis=1) cw = tf.concat([cw, term_bits], axis=-1) cw = tf.cast(cw, self.output_dtype) cw_reshaped = tf.reshape(cw, output_shape) return cw_reshaped