Source code for sionna.fec.crc

# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright (c) 2021-2024 NVIDIA CORPORATION & AFFILIATES. All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
"""Layers for cyclic redundancy checks (CRC) and utility functions"""

import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow.keras.layers import Layer
from sionna.fec.utils import int_mod_2

[docs]class CRCEncoder(Layer): """CRCEncoder(crc_degree, output_dtype=tf.float32, **kwargs) Adds cyclic redundancy check to input sequence. The CRC polynomials from Sec. 5.1 in [3GPPTS38212_CRC]_ are available: `{CRC24A, CRC24B, CRC24C, CRC16, CRC11, CRC6}`. The class inherits from the Keras layer class and can be used as layer in a Keras model. Parameters ---------- crc_degree: str Defining the CRC polynomial to be used. Can be any value from `{CRC24A, CRC24B, CRC24C, CRC16, CRC11, CRC6}`. dtype: tf.DType Defaults to `tf.float32`. Defines the output dtype. Input ----- inputs : [...,k], tf.float32 2+D tensor of arbitrary shape where the last dimension is `[...,k]`. Must have at least rank two. Output ------ x_crc : [...,k+crc_degree], tf.float32 2+D tensor containing CRC encoded bits of same shape as ``inputs`` except the last dimension changes to `[...,k+crc_degree]`. Raises ------ AssertionError If ``crc_degree`` is not `str`. ValueError If requested CRC polynomial is not available in [3GPPTS38212_CRC]_. InvalidArgumentError When rank(``inputs``)<2. Note ---- For performance enhancements, we implement a generator-matrix based implementation for fixed `k` instead of the more common shift register-based operations. Thus, the encoder need to trigger an (internal) rebuild if `k` changes. """ def __init__(self, crc_degree, dtype=tf.float32, **kwargs): super().__init__(dtype=dtype, **kwargs) assert isinstance(crc_degree, str), "crc_degree must be str" self._crc_degree = crc_degree # init 5G CRC polynomial self._crc_pol, self._crc_length = self._select_crc_pol(self._crc_degree) self._k = None self._n = None ######################################### # Public methods and properties ######################################### @property def crc_degree(self): """CRC degree as string.""" return self._crc_degree @property def crc_length(self): """Length of CRC. Equals number of CRC parity bits.""" return self._crc_length @property def crc_pol(self): """CRC polynomial in binary representation.""" return self._crc_pol @property def k(self): """Number of information bits per codeword.""" return self._k @property def n(self): """Number of codeword bits.""" return self._n ######################### # Utility methods ######################### def _select_crc_pol(self, crc_degree): """Select 5G CRC polynomial according to Sec. 5.1 [3GPPTS38212_CRC]_.""" if crc_degree=="CRC24A": crc_length = 24 crc_coeffs = [24, 23, 18, 17, 14, 11, 10, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 1, 0] elif crc_degree=="CRC24B": crc_length = 24 crc_coeffs = [24, 23, 6, 5, 1, 0] elif crc_degree=="CRC24C": crc_length = 24 crc_coeffs = [24, 23, 21, 20, 17, 15, 13, 12, 8, 4, 2, 1, 0] elif crc_degree=="CRC16": crc_length = 16 crc_coeffs = [16, 12, 5, 0] elif crc_degree=="CRC11": crc_length = 11 crc_coeffs = [11, 10, 9, 5, 0] elif crc_degree=="CRC6": crc_length = 6 crc_coeffs = [6, 5, 0] else: raise ValueError("Invalid CRC Polynomial") crc_pol = np.zeros(crc_length+1) for c in crc_coeffs: crc_pol[c] = 1 # invert array (MSB instead of LSB) crc_pol_inv = np.zeros(crc_length+1) for i in range(crc_length+1): crc_pol_inv[crc_length-i] = crc_pol[i] return crc_pol_inv.astype(int), crc_length def _gen_crc_mat(self, k, pol_crc): """ Build (dense) generator matrix for CRC parity bits. The principle idea is to treat the CRC as systematic linear code, i.e., the generator matrix can be composed out of ``k`` linear independent (valid) codewords. For this, we CRC encode all ``k`` unit-vectors `[0,...1,...,0]` and build the generator matrix. To avoid `O(k^2)` complexity, we start with the last unit vector given as `[0,...,0,1]` and can generate the result for next vector `[0,...,1,0]` via another polynom division of the remainder from the previous result. This allows to successively build the generator matrix at linear complexity `O(k)`. """ crc_length = len(pol_crc) - 1 g_mat = np.zeros([k, crc_length]) x_crc = np.zeros(crc_length).astype(int) x_crc[0] = 1 for i in range(k): # shift by one position x_crc = np.concatenate([x_crc, [0]]) if x_crc[0]==1: x_crc = np.bitwise_xor(x_crc, pol_crc) x_crc = x_crc[1:] g_mat[k-i-1,:] = x_crc return g_mat ######################### # Keras layer functions ######################### def build(self, input_shape): """Build the generator matrix The CRC is always added to the last dimension of the input. """ k = input_shape[-1] # we perform the CRC check on the last dimension assert k is not None, "Shape of last dimension cannot be None." g_mat_crc = self._gen_crc_mat(k, self.crc_pol) self._g_mat_crc = tf.constant(g_mat_crc, dtype=tf.float32) self._k = k self._n = k + g_mat_crc.shape[1] def call(self, inputs): """cyclic redundancy check function. This function add the CRC parity bits to ``inputs`` and returns the result of the CRC validation. Args: inputs (tf.float32): Tensor of arbitrary shape `[...,k]`. Must have at least rank two. Returns: `tf.float32`: CRC encoded bits ``x_crc``of shape `[...,k+crc_degree]`. Raises: InvalidArgumentError: When rank(``x``)<2. """ # assert rank must be two tf.debugging.assert_greater(tf.rank(inputs), 1) # re-init if shape has changed, update generator matrix if inputs.shape[-1] != self._g_mat_crc.shape[0]: # note: as the code is systematic, we only encode the crc positions # this the generator matrix is non-sparse and a "full" matrix # multiplication is probably the fastest implementation. x_exp = tf.expand_dims(inputs, axis=-2) # row vector of shape 1xk # tf.matmul onl supports floats (and int32 but not uint8 etc.) x_exp32 = tf.cast(x_exp, tf.float32) x_crc = tf.matmul(x_exp32, self._g_mat_crc) # calculate crc bits # take modulo 2 of x_crc (bitwise operations instead of tf.mod) # cast to tf.int64 first as TF 2.15 has an XLA bug with casting directly # to tf.int32 x_crc = tf.cast(x_crc, dtype=tf.int64) x_crc = int_mod_2(x_crc) x_crc = tf.cast(x_crc, dtype=self.dtype) x_conc = tf.concat([x_exp, x_crc], -1) x_out = tf.squeeze(x_conc, axis=-2) return x_out
[docs]class CRCDecoder(Layer): """CRCDecoder(crc_encoder, dtype=None, **kwargs) Allows cyclic redundancy check verification and removes parity-bits. The CRC polynomials from Sec. 5.1 in [3GPPTS38212_CRC]_ are available: `{CRC24A, CRC24B, CRC24C, CRC16, CRC11, CRC6}`. The class inherits from the Keras layer class and can be used as layer in a Keras model. Parameters ---------- crc_encoder: CRCEncoder An instance of :class:`~sionna.fec.crc.CRCEncoder` to which the CRCDecoder is associated. dtype: tf.DType Defaults to `None`. Defines the datatype for internal calculations and the output dtype. If no explicit dtype is provided the dtype from the associated interleaver is used. Input ----- inputs: [...,k+crc_degree], tf.float32 2+D Tensor containing the CRC encoded bits (i.e., the last `crc_degree` bits are parity bits). Must have at least rank two. Output ------ (x, crc_valid): Tuple: x : [...,k], tf.float32 2+D tensor containing the information bit sequence without CRC parity bits. crc_valid : [...,1], tf.bool 2+D tensor containing the result of the CRC per codeword. Raises ------ AssertionError If ``crc_encoder`` is not `CRCEncoder`. InvalidArgumentError When rank(``x``)<2. """ def __init__(self, crc_encoder, dtype=tf.float32, **kwargs): assert isinstance(crc_encoder, CRCEncoder), \ "crc_encoder must be an instance of CRCEncoder." self._encoder = crc_encoder # if dtype is None, use same dtype as associated encoder if dtype is None: dtype = self._encoder.dtype super().__init__(dtype=dtype, **kwargs) ######################################### # Public methods and properties ######################################### @property def crc_degree(self): """CRC degree as string.""" return self._encoder.crc_degree @property def encoder(self): """CRC Encoder used for internal validation.""" return self._encoder ######################### # Keras layer functions ######################### def build(self, input_shape): """Nothing to build.""" pass def call(self, inputs): """cyclic redundancy check verification This function verifies the CRC of ``inputs``. Returns the result of the CRC validation and removes parity bits from ``inputs``. Args: inputs (tf.float32): Tensor of arbitrary shape `[...,k+crc_degree]`. Must have at least rank two. Returns: List(`tf.float32`, `tf.bool`): ``[x, crc_valid]`` list of the information bits ``x`` and the result of the parity check validation ``crc_valid`` of each codeword, where ``x`` has shape `[...,k]` and ``crc_valid`` has shape `[...,1]`. Raises: InvalidArgumentError: When rank(``inputs``)<2. """ # assert rank must be two tf.debugging.assert_greater(tf.rank(inputs), 1) # last dim must be at least crc_bits long tf.debugging.assert_greater_equal(tf.shape(inputs)[-1], self._encoder.crc_length) # re-encode information bits of x and verify that CRC bits are correct x_info = inputs[...,0:-self._encoder.crc_length] x_parity = self._encoder(inputs)[...,-self._encoder.crc_length:] # return if x fulfils the CRC crc_check = tf.reduce_sum(x_parity, axis=-1, keepdims=True) crc_check = tf.where(crc_check>0, False, True) return [x_info, crc_check]