Source code for sionna.fec.linear.decoding

# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright (c) 2021-2024 NVIDIA CORPORATION & AFFILIATES. All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
"""Layers for decoding of linear codes."""

import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
import scipy as sp # for sparse H matrix computations
from tensorflow.keras.layers import Layer
from sionna.fec.utils import pcm2gm, int_mod_2, make_systematic
from sionna.utils import hard_decisions
import itertools

[docs]class OSDecoder(Layer): # pylint: disable=line-too-long r"""OSDecoder(enc_mat=None, t=0, is_pcm=False, encoder=None, dtype=tf.float32, **kwargs) Ordered statistics decoding (OSD) for binary, linear block codes. This layer implements the OSD algorithm as proposed in [Fossorier]_ and, thereby, approximates maximum likelihood decoding for a sufficiently large order :math:`t`. The algorithm works for arbitrary linear block codes, but has a high computational complexity for long codes. The algorithm consists of the following steps: 1. Sort LLRs according to their reliability and apply the same column permutation to the generator matrix. 2. Bring the permuted generator matrix into its systematic form (so-called *most-reliable basis*). 3. Hard-decide and re-encode the :math:`k` most reliable bits and discard the remaining :math:`n-k` received positions. 4. Generate all possible error patterns up to :math:`t` errors in the :math:`k` most reliable positions find the most likely codeword within these candidates. This implementation of the OSD algorithm uses the LLR-based distance metric from [Stimming_LLR_OSD]_ which simplifies the handling of higher-order modulation schemes. The class inherits from the Keras layer class and can be used as layer in a Keras model. Parameters ---------- enc_mat : [k, n] or [n-k, n], ndarray Binary generator matrix of shape `[k, n]`. If ``is_pcm`` is True, ``enc_mat`` is interpreted as parity-check matrix of shape `[n-k, n]`. t : int Order of the OSD algorithm is_pcm: bool Defaults to False. If True, ``enc_mat`` is interpreted as parity-check matrix. encoder: Layer Keras layer that implements a FEC encoder. If not None, ``enc_mat`` will be ignored and the code as specified by he encoder is used to initialize OSD. dtype: tf.DType Defaults to `tf.float32`. Defines the datatype for the output dtype. Input ----- llrs_ch: [...,n], tf.float32 2+D tensor containing the channel logits/llr values. Output ------ : [...,n], tf.float32 2+D Tensor of same shape as ``llrs_ch`` containing binary hard-decisions of all codeword bits. Note ---- OS decoding is of high complexity and is only feasible for small values of :math:`t` as :math:`{n \choose t}` patterns must be evaluated. The advantage of OSD is that it works for arbitrary linear block codes and provides an estimate of the expected ML performance for sufficiently large :math:`t`. However, for some code families, more efficient decoding algorithms with close to ML performance exist which can exploit certain code specific properties. Examples of such decoders are the :class:`~sionna.fec.conv.ViterbiDecoder` algorithm for convolutional codes or the :class:`~sionna.fec.polar.decoding.PolarSCLDecoder` for Polar codes (for a sufficiently large list size). It is recommended to run the decoder in XLA mode as it significantly reduces the memory complexity. """ def __init__(self, enc_mat=None, t=0, is_pcm=False, encoder=None, dtype=tf.float32, **kwargs): super().__init__(dtype=dtype, **kwargs) assert isinstance(is_pcm, bool), 'is_pcm must be bool.' self._llr_max = 100. # internal clipping value for llrs if enc_mat is not None: # check that gm is binary if isinstance(enc_mat, np.ndarray): assert np.array_equal(enc_mat, enc_mat.astype(bool)), \ 'PC matrix must be binary.' elif isinstance(enc_mat, sp.sparse.csr_matrix): assert np.array_equal(,,\ 'PC matrix must be binary.' elif isinstance(enc_mat, sp.sparse.csc_matrix): assert np.array_equal(,,\ 'PC matrix must be binary.' else: raise TypeError("Unsupported dtype of pcm.") if dtype not in (tf.float16, tf.float32, tf.float64): raise ValueError( 'dtype must be {tf.float16, tf.float32, tf.float64}.') assert (int(t)==t), "t must be int." self._t = int(t) if encoder is not None: # test that encoder is already initialized (relevant for conv codes) if encoder.k is None: raise AttributeError("It seems as if the encoder is not "\ "initialized or has no attribute k.") # encode identity matrix to get k basis vectors of the code u = tf.expand_dims(tf.eye(encoder.k), axis=0) # encode and remove batch_dim self._gm = tf.cast(tf.squeeze(encoder(u), axis=0), self.dtype) else: assert (enc_mat is not None),\ "enc_mat cannot be None if no encoder is provided." if is_pcm: gm = pcm2gm(enc_mat) else: # check if gm is of full rank (raise error otherwise) make_systematic(enc_mat) gm = enc_mat self._gm = tf.constant(gm, dtype=self.dtype) self._k = self._gm.shape[0] self._n = self._gm.shape[1] # init error patterns num_patterns = self._num_error_patterns(self._n, self._t) # storage/computational complexity scales with n num_symbols = num_patterns * self._n if num_symbols>1e9: # number still to be optimized print(f"Note: Required memory complexity is large for the "\ f"given code parameters and t={t}. Please consider small " \ f"batch-sizes to keep the inference complexity small and " \ f"activate XLA mode if possible." ) if num_symbols>1e11: # number still to be optimized raise ResourceWarning("Due to its high complexity, OSD is not " \ "feasible for the selected parameters. " \ "Please consider using a smaller value for t.") # pre-compute all error patterns self._err_patterns = [] for t_i in range(1, t+1): self._err_patterns.append(self._gen_error_patterns(self._k, t_i)) ######################################### # Public methods and properties ######################################### @property def gm(self): """Generator matrix of the code""" return self._gm @property def n(self): """Codeword length""" return self._n @property def k(self): """Number of information bits per codeword""" return self._k @property def t(self): """Order of the OSD algorithm""" return self._t ######################### # Utility methods ######################### def _num_error_patterns(self, n, t): r"""Returns number of possible error patterns for t errors in n positions, i.e., calculates :math:`{n \choose t}`. Input ----- n: int length of vector. t: int number of errors. """ return sp.special.comb(n, t, exact=True, repetition=False) def _gen_error_patterns(self, n, t): r"""Returns list of all possible error patterns for t errors in n positions. Input ----- n: int Length of vector. t: int Number of errors. Output ------ : [num_patterns, t], tf.int32 Tensor of size `num_patterns`=:math:`{n \choose t}` containing the t error indices. """ err_patterns = [] for p in itertools.combinations(range(n), t): err_patterns.append(p) return tf.constant(err_patterns) def _get_dist(self, llr, c_hat): """Distance function used for ML candidate selection. Currently, the distance metric from Polar decoding [Stimming_LLR_OSD]_ literature is implemented. Input ----- llr: [bs, n], tf.float32 Received llrs of the channel observations. c_hat: [bs, num_cand, n], tf.float32 Candidate codewords for which the distance to ``llr`` shall be evaluated. Output ------ : [bs, num_cand], tf.float32 Distance between ``llr`` and ``c_hat`` for each of the `num_cand` codeword candidates. Reference --------- [Stimming_LLR_OSD] Alexios Balatsoukas-Stimming, Mani Bastani Parizi, Andreas Burg, "LLR-Based Successive Cancellation List Decoding of Polar Codes." IEEE Trans Signal Processing, 2015. """ # broadcast llr to all codeword candidates llr = tf.expand_dims(llr, axis=1) llr_sign = llr * (-2.*c_hat + 1.) # apply BPSK mapping d = tf.math.log(1. + tf.exp(llr_sign)) return tf.reduce_mean(d, axis=2) def _find_min_dist(self, llr_ch, ep, gm_mrb, c): r"""Find error pattern which leads to minimum distance. Input ----- llr_ch: [bs, n], tf.float32 Channel observations as llrs after mrb sorting. ep: [num_patterns, t], tf.int32 Tensor of size `num_patterns`=:math:`{n \choose t}` containing the t error indices. gm_mrb: [bs, k, n] tf.float32 Most reliable basis for each batch example. c: [bs, n], tf.float32 Most reliable base codeword. Output ------ : [bs], tf.float32 Distance of the most likely codeword to ``llr_ch`` after testing all ``ep`` error patterns. : [bs, n], tf.float32 The most likely codeword after testing against all ``ep`` error patterns. """ # generate all test candidates for each possible error pattern e = tf.gather(gm_mrb, ep, axis=1) e = tf.reduce_sum(e, axis=2) e += tf.expand_dims(c, axis=1) # add to mrb codeword c_cand = int_mod_2(e) # apply modulo-2 operation # calculate distance for each candidate # where c_cand has shape [bs, num_patterns, n] d = self._get_dist(llr_ch, c_cand) # find candidate index with smallest metric idx = tf.argmin(d, axis=1) c_hat = tf.gather(c_cand, idx, batch_dims=1) d = tf.gather(d, idx, batch_dims=1) return d, c_hat def _find_mrb(self, gm): """Find most reliable basis for all generator matrices in batch. Input ----- gm: [bs, k, n] tf.float32 Generator matrix for each batch example. Output ------ gm_mrb: [bs, k, n] tf.float32 Most reliable basis in systematic form for each batch example. idx_sort: [bs, n] tf.int64 Indices of column permutations applied during mrb calculation. """ bs = tf.shape(gm)[0] s = gm.shape idx_pivot = tf.TensorArray(tf.int64, self._k, dynamic_size=False) # bring gm in systematic form (by so-called pivot method) for idx_c in tf.range(self._k): # ensure shape to avoid XLA incompatibility with TF2.11 in tf.range gm = tf.ensure_shape(gm, s) # find pivot (i.e., first pos with index 1) idx_p = tf.argmax(gm[:, idx_c, :], axis=-1) # store pivot position idx_pivot = idx_pivot.write(idx_c, idx_p) # and eliminate the column in all other rows r = tf.gather(gm, idx_p, batch_dims=1, axis=-1) # ignore idx_c row itself by adding all-zero row rz = tf.zeros((bs, 1), dtype=self.dtype) r = tf.concat([r[:,:idx_c], rz , r[:,idx_c+1:]], axis=1) # mask is zero at all rows where pivot position of this row is zero mask = tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(r, axis=-1), (1, 1, self._n)) gm_off = tf.expand_dims(gm[:,idx_c,:], axis=1) # update all row in parallel gm = int_mod_2(gm + mask * gm_off) # account for binary operations # pivot positions idx_pivot = tf.transpose(idx_pivot.stack()) # find non-pivot positions (i.e., all indices that are not part of # idx_pivot) # solution 1: sets.difference() does not support XLA (unknown shapes) #idx_parity = tf.sets.difference(idx_range, idx_pivot) #idx_parity = tf.sparse.to_dense(idx_parity) #idx_pivot = tf.reshape(idx_pivot, (-1, self._n)) # ensure shape # solution 2: add large offset to pivot indices and sorting gives the # indices of interest idx_range = tf.tile(tf.expand_dims( tf.range(self._n, dtype=tf.int64), axis=0), (bs, 1)) # large value to be added to irrelevant indices updates = self._n * tf.ones((bs, self._k), tf.int64) # generate indices for tf.scatter_nd_add s = tf.shape(idx_pivot, tf.int64) ii, _ = tf.meshgrid(tf.range(s[0]), tf.range(s[1]), indexing='ij') idx_updates = tf.stack([ii, idx_pivot], axis=-1) # add large value to pivot positions idx = tf.tensor_scatter_nd_add(idx_range, idx_updates, updates) # sort and slice first n-k indices (equals parity positions) idx_parity = tf.cast(tf.argsort(idx)[:,:self._n-self._k], tf.int64) idx_sort = tf.concat([idx_pivot, idx_parity], axis=1) # permute gm according to indices idx_sort gm = tf.gather(gm, idx_sort, batch_dims=1, axis=-1) return gm, idx_sort ######################### # Keras layer functions ######################### def build(self, input_shape): """Nothing to build, but check for valid shapes.""" assert input_shape[-1]==self._n, "Invalid input shape." def call(self, inputs): r"""Applies ordered statistic decoding to inputs. Remark: the decoder is implemented with llr definition llr = p(x=1)/p(x=0). """ # flatten batch-dim input_shape = tf.shape(inputs) llr_ch = tf.reshape(inputs, (-1, self._n)) llr_ch = tf.cast(llr_ch, self.dtype) bs = tf.shape(llr_ch)[0] # clip inputs llr_ch = tf.clip_by_value(llr_ch, -self._llr_max, self._llr_max) # step 1: sort LLRs idx_sort = tf.argsort(tf.abs(llr_ch), direction="DESCENDING") # permute gm per batch sample individually gm = tf.broadcast_to(tf.expand_dims(self._gm, axis=0), (bs, self._k,self._n)) gm_sort = tf.gather(gm, idx_sort, batch_dims=1, axis=-1) # step 2: Find most reliable basis (MRB) gm_mrb, idx_mrb = self._find_mrb(gm_sort) # apply corresponding mrb permutations idx_sort = tf.gather(idx_sort, idx_mrb, batch_dims=1) llr_sort = tf.gather(llr_ch, idx_sort, batch_dims=1) # find inverse permutation for final output idx_sort_inv = tf.argsort(idx_sort) # hard-decide k most reliable positions and encode u_hd = hard_decisions(llr_sort[:,0:self._k]) u_hd = tf.expand_dims(u_hd, axis=1) c = tf.squeeze(tf.matmul(u_hd, gm_mrb), axis=1) c = int_mod_2(c) # and search for most likely pattern # _get_dist expects a list of candidates, thus expand_dims to [bs, 1, n] d_best = self._get_dist(llr_sort, tf.expand_dims(c, axis=1)) d_best = tf.squeeze(d_best, axis=1) c_hat_best = c # known in advance - can be unrolled for ep in self._err_patterns: # compute distance for all candidate codewords d, c_hat = self._find_min_dist(llr_sort, ep, gm_mrb, c) # select most likely candidate ind = tf.expand_dims(d<d_best, axis=1) c_hat_best = tf.where(ind, c_hat, c_hat_best) d_best = tf.where(d<d_best, d, d_best) # undo permutations for final codeword c_hat_best = tf.gather(c_hat_best, idx_sort_inv, axis=1, batch_dims=1) # input shape c_hat = tf.reshape(c_hat_best, input_shape) return c_hat