Source code for sionna.fec.polar.encoding

# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright (c) 2021-2024 NVIDIA CORPORATION & AFFILIATES. All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
"""Layers for Polar encoding including 5G compliant rate-matching and CRC

from sionna.fec.crc import CRCEncoder
from sionna.fec.polar.utils import generate_5g_ranking
from numpy.core.numerictypes import issubdtype
import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
from tensorflow.keras.layers import Layer
import numbers

[docs] class PolarEncoder(Layer): """PolarEncoder(frozen_pos, n, dtype=tf.float32) Polar encoder for given code parameters. This layer performs polar encoding for the given ``k`` information bits and the `frozen set` (i.e., indices of frozen positions) specified by ``frozen_pos``. The class inherits from the Keras layer class and can be used as layer in a Keras model. Parameters ---------- frozen_pos: ndarray Array of `int` defining the `n-k` frozen indices, i.e., information bits are mapped onto the `k` complementary positions. n: int Defining the codeword length. dtype: tf.DType Defaults to `tf.float32`. Defines the output datatype of the layer (internal precision is `tf.uint8`). Input ----- inputs: [...,k], tf.float32 2+D tensor containing the information bits to be encoded. Output ------ : [...,n], tf.float32 2+D tensor containing the codeword bits. Raises ------ AssertionError ``k`` and ``n`` must be positive integers and ``k`` must be smaller (or equal) than ``n``. AssertionError If ``n`` is not a power of 2. AssertionError If the number of elements in ``frozen_pos`` is great than ``n``. AssertionError If ``frozen_pos`` does not consists of `int`. ValueError If ``dtype`` is not supported. ValueError If ``inputs`` contains other values than `0` or `1`. TypeError If ``inputs`` is not `tf.float32`. InvalidArgumentError When rank(``inputs``)<2. InvalidArgumentError When shape of last dim is not ``k``. Note ---- As commonly done, we assume frozen bits are set to `0`. Please note that - although its practical relevance is only little - setting frozen bits to `1` may result in `affine` codes instead of linear code as the `all-zero` codeword is not necessarily part of the code any more. """ def __init__(self, frozen_pos, n, dtype=tf.float32): if dtype not in (tf.float16, tf.float32, tf.float64, tf.int8, tf.int32, tf.int64, tf.uint8, tf.uint16, tf.uint32): raise ValueError("Unsupported dtype.") super().__init__(dtype=dtype) assert isinstance(n, numbers.Number), "n must be a number." n = int(n) # n can be float (e.g. as result of n=k*r) assert issubdtype(frozen_pos.dtype, int), "frozen_pos must \ consist of ints." assert len(frozen_pos)<=n, "Number of elements in frozen_pos cannot \ be greater than n." assert np.log2(n)==int(np.log2(n)), "n must be a power of 2." self._k = n - len(frozen_pos) self._n = n self._frozen_pos = frozen_pos # generate info positions self._info_pos = np.setdiff1d(np.arange(self._n), frozen_pos) assert self._k==len(self._info_pos), "Internal error: invalid " \ "info_pos generated." self._check_input = True # check input for bin. values during first call self._nb_stages = int(np.log2(self._n)) self._ind_gather = self._gen_indices(self._n) ######################################### # Public methods and properties ######################################### @property def k(self): """Number of information bits.""" return self._k @property def n(self): """Codeword length.""" return self._n @property def frozen_pos(self): """Frozen positions for Polar decoding.""" return self._frozen_pos @property def info_pos(self): """Information bit positions for Polar encoding.""" return self._info_pos ######################### # Utility methods ######################### def _gen_indices(self, n): """Pre-calculate encoding indices stage-wise for tf.gather. """ nb_stages = int(np.log2(n)) # last position denotes empty placeholder (points to element n+1) ind_gather = np.ones([nb_stages, n+1]) * n for s in range(nb_stages): ind_range = np.arange(int(n/2)) ind_dest = ind_range * 2 - np.mod(ind_range, 2**(s)) ind_origin = ind_dest + 2**s ind_gather[s, ind_dest] = ind_origin # and update gather indices ind_gather = tf.constant(ind_gather, dtype=tf.int32) return ind_gather ######################### # Keras layer functions ######################### def build(self, input_shape): """build and check if ``k`` and ``input_shape`` match.""" assert (input_shape[-1]==self._k), "Invalid input shape." def call(self, inputs): """Polar encoding function. This function returns the polar encoded codewords for the given information bits ``inputs``. Args: inputs (tf.float32): Tensor of shape `[...,k]` containing the information bits to be encoded. Returns: `tf.float32`: Tensor of shape `[...,n]`. Raises: ValueError: If ``inputs`` contains other values than `0` or `1`. TypeError: If ``inputs`` is not `tf.float32`. InvalidArgumentError: When rank(``inputs``)<2. InvalidArgumentError: When shape of last dim is not ``k``. """ tf.debugging.assert_type(inputs, self.dtype, "Invalid input dtype.") # Reshape inputs to [...,k] tf.debugging.assert_greater(tf.rank(inputs), 1) input_shape = inputs.shape new_shape = [-1, input_shape[-1]] u = tf.reshape(inputs, new_shape) # last dim must be of length k tf.debugging.assert_equal(tf.shape(u)[-1], self._k, "Last dimension must be of length k.") # assert if binary=True and u is non binary if self._check_input: u_test = tf.cast(u, tf.float32) # only for internal check tf.debugging.assert_equal(tf.reduce_min( tf.cast( tf.logical_or( tf.equal(u_test, 0.), tf.equal(u_test, 1.)), tf.float32)), 1., "Input must be binary.") # input datatype consistency should be only evaluated once self._check_input = False # copy info bits to information set; other positions are frozen (=0) # return an all-zero tensor of shape [n,...] c = tf.zeros([self._n, tf.shape(u)[0]], self.dtype) # u has shape bs x k, we now want k x bs u_transpose = tf.transpose(u, (1,0)) # batch dim to last pos # index vector has at least two axis (= index_depth) info_pos_tf = tf.expand_dims(self.info_pos, axis=1) c = tf.tensor_scatter_nd_update(c, info_pos_tf, u_transpose) c = tf.transpose(c, (1,0)) x_nan = tf.zeros([tf.shape(c)[0] ,1], self.dtype) x = tf.concat([c, x_nan], 1) x = tf.cast(x, tf.uint8) # loop over all stages for s in range(self._nb_stages): ind_helper = self._ind_gather[s,:] x_add = tf.gather(x, ind_helper, batch_dims=0, axis=1) #x = tf.math.logical_xor(x, x_add) # does not work well with XLA x = tf.bitwise.bitwise_xor(x, x_add) # remove last position c_out = x[:,0:self._n] # restore original shape input_shape_list = input_shape.as_list() output_shape = input_shape_list[0:-1] + [self._n] output_shape[0] = -1 # to support dynamic shapes c_reshaped = tf.reshape(c_out, output_shape) # cast to dtype for compatibility with other components return tf.cast(c_reshaped, self.dtype)
[docs] class Polar5GEncoder(PolarEncoder): # pylint: disable=line-too-long """Polar5GEncoder(k, n, verbose=False, channel_type="uplink", dtype=tf.float32) 5G compliant Polar encoder including rate-matching following [3GPPTS38212]_ for the uplink scenario (`UCI`) and downlink scenario (`DCI`). This layer performs polar encoding for ``k`` information bits and rate-matching such that the codeword lengths is ``n``. This includes the CRC concatenation and the interleaving as defined in [3GPPTS38212]_. Note: `block segmentation` is currently not supported (`I_seq=False`). We follow the basic structure from Fig. 6 in [Bioglio_Design]_. .. figure:: ../figures/PolarEncoding5G.png Fig. 1: Implemented 5G Polar encoding chain following Fig. 6 in [Bioglio_Design]_ for the uplink (`I_BIL` = `True`) and the downlink (`I_IL` = `True`) scenario without `block segmentation`. For further details, we refer to [3GPPTS38212]_, [Bioglio_Design]_ and [Hui_ChannelCoding]_. The class inherits from the Keras layer class and can be used as layer in a Keras model. Further, the class inherits from PolarEncoder. Parameters ---------- k: int Defining the number of information bit per codeword. n: int Defining the codeword length. channel_type: str Defaults to "uplink". Can be "uplink" or "downlink". verbose: bool Defaults to False. If True, rate-matching parameters will be printed. dtype: tf.DType Defaults to tf.float32. Defines the output datatype of the layer (internal precision remains tf.uint8). Input ----- inputs: [...,k], tf.float32 2+D tensor containing the information bits to be encoded. Output ------ : [...,n], tf.float32 2+D tensor containing the codeword bits. Raises ------ AssertionError ``k`` and ``n`` must be positive integers and ``k`` must be smaller (or equal) than ``n``. AssertionError If ``n`` and ``k`` are invalid code parameters (see [3GPPTS38212]_). AssertionError If ``verbose`` is not `bool`. ValueError If ``dtype`` is not supported. Note ---- The encoder supports the `uplink` Polar coding (`UCI`) scheme from [3GPPTS38212]_ and the `downlink` Polar coding (`DCI`) [3GPPTS38212]_, respectively. For `12 <= k <= 19` the 3 additional parity bits as defined in [3GPPTS38212]_ are not implemented as it would also require a modified decoding procedure to materialize the potential gains. `Code segmentation` is currently not supported and, thus, ``n`` is limited to a maximum length of 1088 codeword bits. For the downlink scenario, the input length is limited to `k <= 140` information bits due to the limited input bit interleaver size [3GPPTS38212]_. For simplicity, the implementation does not exactly re-implement the `DCI` scheme from [3GPPTS38212]_. This implementation neglects the `all-one` initialization of the CRC shift register and the scrambling of the CRC parity bits with the `RNTI`. """ def __init__(self, k, n, channel_type="uplink", verbose=False, dtype=tf.float32,): if dtype not in (tf.float16, tf.float32, tf.float64, tf.int8, tf.int32, tf.int64, tf.uint8, tf.uint16, tf.uint32): raise ValueError("Unsupported dtype.") assert isinstance(k, numbers.Number), "k must be a number." assert isinstance(n, numbers.Number), "n must be a number." k = int(k) # k or n can be float (e.g. as result of n=k*r) n = int(n) # k or n can be float (e.g. as result of n=k*r) assert n>=k, "Invalid coderate (>1)." assert isinstance(verbose, bool), "verbose must be bool." assert channel_type in ("uplink","downlink"), \ "Unsupported channel_type." self._channel_type = channel_type self._k_target = k self._n_target = n self._verbose = verbose # Initialize rate-matcher crc_degree, n_polar, frozen_pos, idx_rm, idx_input = \ self._init_rate_match(k, n) self._frozen_pos = frozen_pos # Required for decoder self._ind_rate_matching = idx_rm # Index for gather-based rate-matching self._ind_input_int = idx_input # Index for input interleaver # Initialize CRC encoder self._enc_crc = CRCEncoder(crc_degree, dtype=dtype) # Init super-class (PolarEncoder) super().__init__(frozen_pos, n_polar, dtype=dtype) ######################################### # Public methods and properties ######################################### @property def enc_crc(self): """CRC encoder layer used for CRC concatenation.""" return self._enc_crc @property def k_target(self): """Number of information bits including rate-matching.""" return self._k_target @property def n_target(self): """Codeword length including rate-matching.""" return self._n_target @property def k_polar(self): """Number of information bits of the underlying Polar code.""" return self._k @property def n_polar(self): """Codeword length of the underlying Polar code.""" return self._n @property def k(self): """Number of information bits including rate-matching.""" return self._k_target @property def n(self): """Codeword length including rate-matching.""" return self._n_target
[docs] def subblock_interleaving(self, u): """Input bit interleaving as defined in Sec [3GPPTS38212]_. Input ----- u: ndarray 1D array to be interleaved. Length of ``u`` must be a multiple of 32. Output ------ : ndarray Interleaved version of ``u`` with same shape and dtype as ``u``. Raises ------ AssertionError If length of ``u`` is not a multiple of 32. """ k = u.shape[-1] assert np.mod(k,32)==0, \ "length for sub-block interleaving must be a multiple of 32." y = np.zeros_like(u) # Permutation according to Tab in 38.212 perm = np.array([0, 1, 2, 4, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 16, 9, 17, 10, 18, 11, 19, 12, 20, 13, 21, 14, 22, 15, 23, 24, 25, 26, 28, 27, 29, 30, 31]) for n in range(k): i = int(np.floor(32*n/k)) j = perm[i] * k/32 + np.mod(n, k/32) j = int(j) y[n] = u[j] return y
[docs] def channel_interleaver(self, c): """Triangular interleaver following Sec. in [3GPPTS38212]_. Input ----- c: ndarray 1D array to be interleaved. Output ------ : ndarray Interleaved version of ``c`` with same shape and dtype as ``c``. """ n = c.shape[-1] # Denoted as E in 38.212 c_int = np.zeros_like(c) # Find smallest T s.t. T*(T+1)/2 >= n t = 0 while t*(t+1)/2 < n: t +=1 v = np.zeros([t, t]) ind_k = 0 for ind_i in range(t): for ind_j in range(t-ind_i): if ind_k < n: v[ind_i, ind_j] = c[ind_k] else: v[ind_i, ind_j] = np.nan # NULL # Store nothing otherwise ind_k += 1 ind_k = 0 for ind_j in range(t): for ind_i in range(t-ind_j): if not np.isnan(v[ind_i, ind_j]): c_int[ind_k] = v[ind_i, ind_j] ind_k += 1 return c_int
[docs] def input_interleaver(self, c): """Input interleaver following Sec. in [3GPPTS38212]_. Input ----- c: ndarray 1D array to be interleaved. Output ------ : ndarray Interleaved version of ``c`` with same shape and dtype as ``c``. """ # 38.212 Table p_il_max_table = [0, 2, 4, 7, 9, 14, 19, 20, 24, 25, 26, 28, 31, 34, 42, 45, 49, 50, 51, 53, 54, 56, 58, 59, 61, 62, 65, 66, 67, 69, 70, 71, 72, 76, 77, 81, 82, 83, 87, 88, 89, 91, 93, 95, 98, 101, 104, 106, 108, 110, 111, 113, 115, 118, 119, 120, 122, 123, 126, 127, 129, 132, 134, 138, 139, 140, 1, 3, 5, 8, 10, 15, 21, 27, 29, 32, 35, 43, 46, 52, 55, 57, 60, 63, 68, 73, 78, 84, 90, 92, 94, 96, 99, 102, 105, 107, 109, 112, 114, 116, 121, 124, 128, 130, 133, 135, 141, 6, 11, 16, 22, 30, 33, 36, 44, 47, 64, 74, 79, 85, 97, 100, 103, 117, 125, 131, 136, 142, 12, 17, 23, 37, 48, 75, 80, 86, 137, 143, 13, 18, 38, 144, 39, 145, 40, 146, 41, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163] k_il_max = 164 k = len(c) assert k<=k_il_max, "Input interleaver only defined for length of 164." c_apo = np.empty(k, 'int') i = 0 for p_il_max in p_il_max_table: if p_il_max >= (k_il_max - k): c_apo[i] = c[p_il_max - (k_il_max - k)] i += 1 return c_apo
######################### # Utility methods ######################### def _init_rate_match(self, k_target, n_target): """Implementing polar rate matching according to [3GPPTS38212]_. Please note that this part of the code only runs during the initialization and, thus, is not performance critical. For easier alignment and traceability with the standard document [3GPPTS38212]_ the implementation prefers `for loop`-based indexing. The relation of terminology between [3GPPTS38212]_ and this code is given as: `A`...`k_target` `E`...`n_target` `K`...`k_polar` `N`...`n_polar` `L`...`k_crc`. """ # Check input for consistency (see Sec. for UL) # currently not relevant (segmentation not supported) # assert k_target<=1706, "Maximum supported codeword length for" \ # "Polar coding is 1706." assert n_target >= k_target, "n must be larger or equal k." assert n_target >= 18, \ "n<18 is not supported by the 5G Polar coding scheme." assert k_target <= 1013, \ "k too large - no codeword segmentation supported at the moment." assert n_target <= 1088, \ "n too large - no codeword segmentation supported at the moment." # Select CRC polynomials (see Sec. for UL) if self._channel_type=="uplink": if 12<=k_target<=19: crc_pol = "CRC6" k_crc = 6 elif k_target >=20: crc_pol = "CRC11" k_crc = 11 else: raise ValueError("k_target<12 is not supported in 5G NR for " \ "the uplink; please use 'channel coding of small block " \ "lengths' scheme from Sec. 5.3.3 in 3GPP 38.212 instead.") # PC bit for k_target = 12-19 bits (see Sec. for UL) n_pc = 0 #n_pc_wm = 0 if k_target<=19: #n_pc = 3 n_pc = 0 # Currently deactivated print("Warning: For 12<=k<=19 additional 3 parity-check bits " \ "are defined in 38.212. They are currently not " \ "implemented by this encoder and, thus, ignored.") if n_target-k_target>175: #n_pc_wm = 1 # not implemented pass else: # downlink channel # for downlink CRC24 is used # remark: in PDCCH messages are limited to k=140 # as the input interleaver does not support longer sequences assert k_target <= 140, \ "k too large for downlink channel configuration." assert n_target >= 25, \ "n too small for downlink channel configuration with 24 bit " \ "CRC." assert n_target <= 576, \ "n too large for downlink channel configuration." crc_pol = "CRC24C" # following 7.3.2 k_crc = 24 n_pc = 0 # No input interleaving for uplink needed # Calculate Polar payload length (CRC bits are treated as info bits) k_polar = k_target + k_crc + n_pc assert k_polar <= n_target, "Device is not expected to be configured " \ "with k_polar + k_crc + n_pc > n_target." # Select polar mother code length n_polar n_min = 5 n_max = 10 # For uplink; otherwise 9 # Select rate-matching scheme following Sec. 5.3.1 if (n_target <= ((9/8) * 2**(np.ceil(np.log2(n_target))-1)) and k_polar/n_target < 9/16): n1 = np.ceil(np.log2(n_target))-1 else: n1 = np.ceil(np.log2(n_target)) n2 = np.ceil(np.log2(8*k_polar)) #Lower bound such that rate > 1/8 n_polar = int(2**np.max((np.min([n1, n2, n_max]), n_min))) # Puncturing and shortening as defined in Sec. prefrozen_pos = [] # List containing the pre-frozen indices if n_target < n_polar: if k_polar/n_target <= 7/16: # Puncturing if self._verbose: print("Using puncturing for rate-matching.") n_int = 32 * np.ceil((n_polar-n_target) / 32) int_pattern = self.subblock_interleaving(np.arange(n_int)) for i in range(n_polar-n_target): # Freeze additional bits prefrozen_pos.append(int(int_pattern[i])) if n_target >= 3*n_polar/4: t = int(np.ceil(3/4*n_polar - n_target/2) - 1) else: t = int(np.ceil(9/16*n_polar - n_target/4) - 1) # Extra freezing for i in range(t): prefrozen_pos.append(i) else: # Shortening ("through" sub-block interleaver) if self._verbose: print("Using shortening for rate-matching.") n_int = 32 * np.ceil((n_polar) / 32) int_pattern = self.subblock_interleaving(np.arange(n_int)) for i in range(n_target, n_polar): prefrozen_pos.append(int_pattern[i]) # Remove duplicates prefrozen_pos = np.unique(prefrozen_pos) # Find the remaining n_polar - k_polar - |frozen_set| # Load full channel ranking ch_ranking, _ = generate_5g_ranking(0, n_polar, sort=False) # Remove positions that are already frozen by `pre-freezing` stage info_cand = np.setdiff1d(ch_ranking, prefrozen_pos, assume_unique=True) # Identify k_polar most reliable positions from candidate positions info_pos = [] for i in range(k_polar): info_pos.append(info_cand[-i-1]) # Sort and create frozen positions for n_polar indices (no shortening) info_pos = np.sort(info_pos).astype(int) frozen_pos = np.setdiff1d(np.arange(n_polar), info_pos, assume_unique=True) # For downlink only: generate input bit interleaver if self._channel_type=="downlink": if self._verbose: print("Using input bit interleaver for downlink.") ind_input_int = self.input_interleaver(np.arange(k_polar)) else: ind_input_int = None # Generate tf.gather indices for sub-block interleaver ind_sub_int = self.subblock_interleaving(np.arange(n_polar)) # Rate matching via circular buffer as defined in Sec. c_int = np.arange(n_polar) idx_c_matched = np.zeros([n_target]) if n_target >= n_polar: # Repetition coding if self._verbose: print("Using repetition coding for rate-matching") for ind in range(n_target): idx_c_matched[ind] = c_int[np.mod(ind, n_polar)] else: if k_polar/n_target <= 7/16: # Puncturing for ind in range(n_target): idx_c_matched[ind] = c_int[ind+n_polar-n_target] else: # Shortening for ind in range(n_target): idx_c_matched[ind] = c_int[ind] # For uplink only: generate input bit interleaver if self._channel_type=="uplink": if self._verbose: print("Using channel interleaver for uplink.") ind_channel_int = self.channel_interleaver(np.arange(n_target)) # Combine indices for single tf.gather operation ind_t = idx_c_matched[ind_channel_int].astype(int) idx_rate_matched = ind_sub_int[ind_t] else: # no channel interleaver for downlink idx_rate_matched = ind_sub_int[idx_c_matched.astype(int)] if self._verbose: print("Code parameters after rate-matching: " \ f"k = {k_target}, n = {n_target}") print(f"Polar mother code: k_polar = {k_polar}, " \ f"n_polar = {n_polar}") print("Using", crc_pol) print("Frozen positions: ", frozen_pos) print("Channel type: " + self._channel_type) return crc_pol, n_polar, frozen_pos, idx_rate_matched, ind_input_int ######################### # Keras layer functions ######################### def build(self, input_shape): """Build and check if ``k`` and ``input_shape`` match.""" assert (input_shape[-1]==self._k_target), "Invalid input shape." def call(self, inputs): """Polar encoding function including rate-matching and CRC encoding. This function returns the polar encoded codewords for the given information bits ``inputs`` following [3GPPTS38212]_ including rate-matching. Args: inputs (tf.float32): Tensor of shape `[...,k]` containing the information bits to be encoded. Returns: `tf.float32`: Tensor of shape `[...,n]`. Raises: TypeError: If ``inputs`` is not `tf.float32`. InvalidArgumentError: When rank(``inputs``)<2. InvalidArgumentError: When shape of last dim is not ``k``. """ # Reshape inputs to [...,k] tf.debugging.assert_greater(tf.rank(inputs), 1) input_shape = inputs.shape new_shape = [-1, input_shape[-1]] u = tf.reshape(inputs, new_shape) # Consistency check (i.e., binary) of inputs will be done in super_class # CRC encode u_crc = self._enc_crc(u) # For downlink only: apply input bit interleaver if self._channel_type=="downlink": u_crc = tf.gather(u_crc, self._ind_input_int, axis=-1) # Encode bits (= channel allocation + Polar transform) c = super().call(u_crc) # Sub-block interleaving with 32 sub-blocks as in Sec. # Rate matching via circular buffer as defined in Sec. # For uplink only: channel interleaving (i_bil=True) c_matched = tf.gather(c, self._ind_rate_matching, axis=1) # Restore original shape input_shape_list = input_shape.as_list() output_shape = input_shape_list[0:-1] + [self._n_target] output_shape[0] = -1 # To support dynamic shapes c_reshaped = tf.reshape(c_matched, output_shape) return c_reshaped