# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright (c) 2021-2024 NVIDIA CORPORATION & AFFILIATES. All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
"""Utility functions and layers for the Polar code package."""
import numpy as np
import numbers
from numpy.core.numerictypes import issubdtype
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.special import comb
from importlib_resources import files, as_file
from . import codes # pylint: disable=relative-beyond-top-level
def generate_5g_ranking(k, n, sort=True):
"""Returns information and frozen bit positions of the 5G Polar code
as defined in Tab. in [3GPPTS38212]_ for given values of ``k``
and ``n``.
k: int
The number of information bit per codeword.
n: int
The desired codeword length. Must be a power of two.
sort: bool
Defaults to True. Indicates if the returned indices are
[frozen_pos, info_pos]:
frozen_pos: ndarray
An array of ints of shape `[n-k]` containing the frozen
position indices.
info_pos: ndarray
An array of ints of shape `[k]` containing the information
position indices.
If ``k`` or ``n`` are not positve ints.
If ``sort`` is not bool.
If ``k`` or ``n`` are larger than 1024
If ``n`` is less than 32.
If the resulting coderate is invalid (`>1.0`).
If ``n`` is not a power of 2.
#assert error if r>1 or k,n are negativ
assert isinstance(k, int), "k must be integer."
assert isinstance(n, int), "n must be integer."
assert isinstance(sort, bool), "sort must be bool."
assert k>-1, "k cannot be negative."
assert k<1025, "k cannot be larger than 1024."
assert n<1025, "n cannot be larger than 1024."
assert n>31, "n must be >=32."
assert n>=k, "Invalid coderate (>1)."
assert np.log2(n)==int(np.log2(n)), "n must be a power of 2."
# load the channel ranking from csv format in folder "codes"
source = files(codes).joinpath("polar_5G.csv")
with as_file(source) as codes.csv:
ch_order = np.genfromtxt(codes.csv, delimiter=";")
ch_order = ch_order.astype(int)
# find n smallest values of channel order (2nd row)
ind = np.argsort(ch_order[:,1])
ch_order_sort = ch_order[ind,:]
# only consider the first n channels
ch_order_sort_n = ch_order_sort[0:n,:]
# and sort again according to reliability
ind_n = np.argsort(ch_order_sort_n[:,0])
ch_order_n = ch_order_sort_n[ind_n,:]
# and calculate frozen/information positions for given n, k
# assume that pre_frozen_pos are already frozen (rate-matching)
frozen_pos = np.zeros(n-k)
info_pos = np.zeros(k)
#the n-k smallest positions of ch_order denote frozen pos.
for i in range(n-k):
frozen_pos[i] = ch_order_n[i,1] # 2. row yields index to freeze
for i in range(n-k, n):
info_pos[i-(n-k)] = ch_order_n[i,1] # 2. row yields index to freeze
# sort to have channels in ascending order
if sort:
info_pos = np.sort(info_pos)
frozen_pos = np.sort(frozen_pos)
return [frozen_pos.astype(int), info_pos.astype(int)]
def generate_rm_code(r, m):
"""Generate frozen positions of the (r, m) Reed Muller (RM) code.
r: int
The order of the RM code.
m: int
`log2` of the desired codeword length.
[frozen_pos, info_pos, n, k, d_min]:
frozen_pos: ndarray
An array of ints of shape `[n-k]` containing the frozen
position indices.
info_pos: ndarray
An array of ints of shape `[k]` containing the information
position indices.
n: int
Resulting codeword length
k: int
Number of information bits
d_min: int
Minimum distance of the code.
If ``r`` is larger than ``m``.
If ``r`` or ``m`` are not positive ints.
assert isinstance(r, int), "r must be int."
assert isinstance(m, int), "m must be int."
assert r<=m, "order r cannot be larger than m."
assert r>=0, "r must be positive."
assert m>=0, "m must be positive."
n = 2**m
d_min = 2**(m-r)
# calc k to verify results
k = 0
for i in range(r+1):
k += int(comb(m,i))
# select positions to freeze
# freeze all rows that have weight < m-r
w = np.zeros(n)
for i in range(n):
x_bin = np.binary_repr(i)
for x_i in x_bin:
w[i] += int(x_i)
frozen_vec = w < m-r
info_vec = np.invert(frozen_vec)
k_res = np.sum(info_vec)
frozen_pos = np.arange(n)[frozen_vec]
info_pos = np.arange(n)[info_vec]
# verify results
assert k_res==k, "Error: resulting k is inconsistent."
return frozen_pos, info_pos, n, k, d_min
def generate_dense_polar(frozen_pos, n, verbose=True):
"""Generate *naive* (dense) Polar parity-check and generator matrix.
This function follows Lemma 1 in [Goala_LP]_ and returns a parity-check
matrix for Polar codes.
The resulting matrix can be used for decoding with the
:class:`~sionna.fec.ldpc.LDPCBPDecoder` class. However, the resulting
parity-check matrix is (usually) not sparse and, thus, not suitable for
belief propagation decoding as the graph has many short cycles.
Please consider :class:`~sionna.fec.polar.PolarBPDecoder` for iterative
decoding over the encoding graph.
frozen_pos: ndarray
Array of `int` defining the ``n-k`` indices of the frozen positions.
n: int
The codeword length.
verbose: bool
Defaults to True. If True, the code properties are printed.
pcm: ndarray of `zeros` and `ones` of shape [n-k, n]
The parity-check matrix.
gm: ndarray of `zeros` and `ones` of shape [k, n]
The generator matrix.
assert isinstance(n, numbers.Number), "n must be a number."
n = int(n) # n can be float (e.g. as result of n=k*r)
assert issubdtype(frozen_pos.dtype, int), "frozen_pos must \
consist of ints."
assert len(frozen_pos)<=n, "Number of elements in frozen_pos cannot \
be greater than n."
assert np.log2(n)==int(np.log2(n)), "n must be a power of 2."
k = n - len(frozen_pos)
# generate info positions
info_pos = np.setdiff1d(np.arange(n), frozen_pos)
assert k==len(info_pos), "Internal error: invalid " \
"info_pos generated."
gm_mat = generate_polar_transform_mat(int(np.log2(n)))
gm_true = gm_mat[info_pos,:]
pcm = np.transpose(gm_mat[:,frozen_pos])
if verbose:
print("Shape of the generator matrix: ", gm_true.shape)
print("Shape of the parity-check matrix: ", pcm.shape)
# Verify result, i.e., check that H*G has an all-zero syndrome.
# Note: we have no proof that Lemma 1 holds for all possible
# frozen_positions. Thus, it seems to be better to verify the generated
# results individually.
s = np.mod(np.matmul(pcm, np.transpose(gm_true)),2)
assert np.sum(s)==0, "Non-zero syndrom for H*G'."
return pcm, gm_true