# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright (c) 2021-2024 NVIDIA CORPORATION & AFFILIATES. All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
"""Class definition and functions related to pilot patterns"""
import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import colors
from sionna.utils import QAMSource
class PilotPattern():
# pylint: disable=line-too-long
r"""Class defining a pilot pattern for an OFDM ResourceGrid.
This class defines a pilot pattern object that is used to configure
an OFDM :class:`~sionna.ofdm.ResourceGrid`.
mask : [num_tx, num_streams_per_tx, num_ofdm_symbols, num_effective_subcarriers], bool
Tensor indicating resource elements that are reserved for pilot transmissions.
pilots : [num_tx, num_streams_per_tx, num_pilots], tf.complex
The pilot symbols to be mapped onto the ``mask``.
trainable : bool
Indicates if ``pilots`` is a trainable `Variable`.
Defaults to `False`.
normalize : bool
Indicates if the ``pilots`` should be normalized to an average
energy of one across the last dimension. This can be useful to
ensure that trainable ``pilots`` have a finite energy.
Defaults to `False`.
dtype : tf.Dtype
Defines the datatype for internal calculations and the output
dtype. Defaults to `tf.complex64`.
def __init__(self, mask, pilots, trainable=False, normalize=False,
self._dtype = dtype
self._mask = tf.cast(mask, tf.int32)
self._pilots = tf.Variable(tf.cast(pilots, self._dtype), trainable)
self.normalize = normalize
def num_tx(self):
"""Number of transmitters"""
return self._mask.shape[0]
def num_streams_per_tx(self):
"""Number of streams per transmitter"""
return self._mask.shape[1]
@ property
def num_ofdm_symbols(self):
"""Number of OFDM symbols"""
return self._mask.shape[2]
@ property
def num_effective_subcarriers(self):
"""Number of effectvie subcarriers"""
return self._mask.shape[3]
def num_pilot_symbols(self):
"""Number of pilot symbols per transmit stream."""
return tf.shape(self._pilots)[-1]
def num_data_symbols(self):
""" Number of data symbols per transmit stream."""
return tf.shape(self._mask)[-1]*tf.shape(self._mask)[-2] - \
def normalize(self):
"""Returns or sets the flag indicating if the pilots
are normalized or not
return self._normalize
def normalize(self, value):
self._normalize = tf.cast(value, tf.bool)
def mask(self):
"""Mask of the pilot pattern"""
return self._mask
def pilots(self):
"""Returns or sets the possibly normalized tensor of pilot symbols.
If pilots are normalized, the normalization will be applied
after new values for pilots have been set. If this is
not the desired behavior, turn normalization off.
def norm_pilots():
scale = tf.abs(self._pilots)**2
scale = 1/tf.sqrt(tf.reduce_mean(scale, axis=-1, keepdims=True))
scale = tf.cast(scale, self._dtype)
return scale*self._pilots
return tf.cond(self.normalize, norm_pilots, lambda: self._pilots)
def pilots(self, value):
def _check_settings(self):
"""Validate that all properties define a valid pilot pattern."""
assert tf.rank(self._mask)==4, "`mask` must have four dimensions."
assert tf.rank(self._pilots)==3, "`pilots` must have three dimensions."
assert np.array_equal(self._mask.shape[:2], self._pilots.shape[:2]), \
"The first two dimensions of `mask` and `pilots` must be equal."
num_pilots = tf.reduce_sum(self._mask, axis=(-2,-1))
assert tf.reduce_min(num_pilots)==tf.reduce_max(num_pilots), \
"""The number of nonzero elements in the masks for all transmitters
and streams must be identical."""
assert self.num_pilot_symbols==tf.reduce_max(num_pilots), \
"""The shape of the last dimension of `pilots` must equal
the number of non-zero entries within the last two
dimensions of `mask`."""
return True
def trainable(self):
"""Returns if pilots are trainable or not"""
return self._pilots.trainable
def show(self, tx_ind=None, stream_ind=None, show_pilot_ind=False):
"""Visualizes the pilot patterns for some transmitters and streams.
tx_ind : list, int
Indicates the indices of transmitters to be included.
Defaults to `None`, i.e., all transmitters included.
stream_ind : list, int
Indicates the indices of streams to be included.
Defaults to `None`, i.e., all streams included.
show_pilot_ind : bool
Indicates if the indices of the pilot symbols should be shown.
list : matplotlib.figure.Figure
List of matplot figure objects showing each the pilot pattern
from a specific transmitter and stream.
mask = self.mask.numpy()
pilots = self.pilots.numpy()
if tx_ind is None:
tx_ind = range(0, self.num_tx)
elif not isinstance(tx_ind, list):
tx_ind = [tx_ind]
if stream_ind is None:
stream_ind = range(0, self.num_streams_per_tx)
elif not isinstance(stream_ind, list):
stream_ind = [stream_ind]
figs = []
for i in tx_ind:
for j in stream_ind:
q = np.zeros_like(mask[0,0])
q[np.where(mask[i,j])] = (np.abs(pilots[i,j])==0) + 1
legend = ["Data", "Pilots", "Masked"]
fig = plt.figure()
plt.title(f"TX {i} - Stream {j}")
plt.xlabel("OFDM Symbol")
plt.ylabel("Subcarrier Index")
plt.xticks(range(0, q.shape[1]))
cmap = plt.cm.tab20c
b = np.arange(0, 4)
norm = colors.BoundaryNorm(b, cmap.N)
im = plt.imshow(np.transpose(q), origin="lower", aspect="auto", norm=norm, cmap=cmap)
cbar = plt.colorbar(im)
if show_pilot_ind:
c = 0
for t in range(self.num_ofdm_symbols):
for k in range(self.num_effective_subcarriers):
if mask[i,j][t,k]:
if np.abs(pilots[i,j,c])>0:
plt.annotate(c, [t, k])
return figs
class EmptyPilotPattern(PilotPattern):
"""Creates an empty pilot pattern.
Generates a instance of :class:`~sionna.ofdm.PilotPattern` with
an empty ``mask`` and ``pilots``.
num_tx : int
Number of transmitters.
num_streams_per_tx : int
Number of streams per transmitter.
num_ofdm_symbols : int
Number of OFDM symbols.
num_effective_subcarriers : int
Number of effective subcarriers
that are available for the transmission of data and pilots.
Note that this number is generally smaller than the ``fft_size``
due to nulled subcarriers.
dtype : tf.Dtype
Defines the datatype for internal calculations and the output
dtype. Defaults to `tf.complex64`.
def __init__(self,
assert num_tx > 0, \
"`num_tx` must be positive`."
assert num_streams_per_tx > 0, \
"`num_streams_per_tx` must be positive`."
assert num_ofdm_symbols > 0, \
"`num_ofdm_symbols` must be positive`."
assert num_effective_subcarriers > 0, \
"`num_effective_subcarriers` must be positive`."
shape = [num_tx, num_streams_per_tx, num_ofdm_symbols,
mask = tf.zeros(shape, tf.bool)
pilots = tf.zeros(shape[:2]+[0], dtype)
super().__init__(mask, pilots, trainable=False, normalize=False,
class KroneckerPilotPattern(PilotPattern):
"""Simple orthogonal pilot pattern with Kronecker structure.
This function generates an instance of :class:`~sionna.ofdm.PilotPattern`
that allocates non-overlapping pilot sequences for all transmitters and
streams on specified OFDM symbols. As the same pilot sequences are reused
across those OFDM symbols, the resulting pilot pattern has a frequency-time
Kronecker structure. This structure enables a very efficient implementation
of the LMMSE channel estimator. Each pilot sequence is constructed from
randomly drawn QPSK constellation points.
resource_grid : ResourceGrid
An instance of a :class:`~sionna.ofdm.ResourceGrid`.
pilot_ofdm_symbol_indices : list, int
List of integers defining the OFDM symbol indices that are reserved
for pilots.
normalize : bool
Indicates if the ``pilots`` should be normalized to an average
energy of one across the last dimension.
Defaults to `True`.
seed : int
Seed for the generation of the pilot sequence. Different seed values
lead to different sequences. Defaults to 0.
dtype : tf.Dtype
Defines the datatype for internal calculations and the output
dtype. Defaults to `tf.complex64`.
It is required that the ``resource_grid``'s property
``num_effective_subcarriers`` is an
integer multiple of ``num_tx * num_streams_per_tx``. This condition is
required to ensure that all transmitters and streams get
non-overlapping pilot sequences. For a large number of streams and/or
transmitters, the pilot pattern becomes very sparse in the frequency
>>> rg = ResourceGrid(num_ofdm_symbols=14,
... fft_size=64,
... subcarrier_spacing = 30e3,
... num_tx=4,
... num_streams_per_tx=2,
... pilot_pattern = "kronecker",
... pilot_ofdm_symbol_indices = [2, 11])
>>> rg.pilot_pattern.show();
.. image:: ../figures/kronecker_pilot_pattern.png
def __init__(self,
num_tx = resource_grid.num_tx
num_streams_per_tx = resource_grid.num_streams_per_tx
num_ofdm_symbols = resource_grid.num_ofdm_symbols
num_effective_subcarriers = resource_grid.num_effective_subcarriers
self._dtype = dtype
# Number of OFDM symbols carrying pilots
num_pilot_symbols = len(pilot_ofdm_symbol_indices)
# Compute the total number of required orthogonal sequences
num_seq = num_tx*num_streams_per_tx
# Compute the length of a pilot sequence
num_pilots = num_pilot_symbols*num_effective_subcarriers/num_seq
assert (num_pilots/num_pilot_symbols)%1==0, \
"""`num_effective_subcarriers` must be an integer multiple of
# Number of pilots per OFDM symbol
num_pilots_per_symbol = int(num_pilots/num_pilot_symbols)
# Prepare empty mask and pilots
shape = [num_tx, num_streams_per_tx,
mask = np.zeros(shape, bool)
shape[2] = num_pilot_symbols
pilots = np.zeros(shape, np.complex64)
# Populate all selected OFDM symbols in the mask
mask[..., pilot_ofdm_symbol_indices, :] = True
# Populate the pilots with random QPSK symbols
qam_source = QAMSource(2, seed=seed, dtype=self._dtype)
for i in range(num_tx):
for j in range(num_streams_per_tx):
# Generate random QPSK symbols
p = qam_source([1,1,num_pilot_symbols,num_pilots_per_symbol])
# Place pilots spaced by num_seq to avoid overlap
pilots[i,j,:,i*num_streams_per_tx+j::num_seq] = p
# Reshape the pilots tensor
pilots = np.reshape(pilots, [num_tx, num_streams_per_tx, -1])
super().__init__(mask, pilots, trainable=False,
normalize=normalize, dtype=self._dtype)