# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright (c) 2021-2024 NVIDIA CORPORATION & AFFILIATES. All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
Implements classes and methods related to antennas.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import cm
from sionna.constants import PI
import tensorflow as tf
from collections.abc import Sequence
[docs]class Antenna:
Class implementing an antenna
Creates an antenna object with an either predefined or custom antenna
pattern. Can be single or dual polarized.
pattern : str, callable, or length-2 sequence of callables
Antenna pattern. Either one of
["iso", "dipole", "hw_dipole", "tr38901"],
or a callable, or a length-2 sequence of callables defining
antenna patterns. In the latter case, the antenna is dual
polarized and each callable defines the antenna pattern
in one of the two orthogonal polarization directions.
An antenna pattern is a callable that takes as inputs vectors of
zenith and azimuth angles of the same length and returns for each
pair the corresponding zenith and azimuth patterns.
polarization : str or None
Type of polarization. For single polarization, must be "V" (vertical)
or "H" (horizontal). For dual polarization, must be "VH" or "cross".
Only needed if ``pattern`` is a string.
polarization_model: int, one of [1,2]
Polarization model to be used. Options `1` and `2`
refer to :func:`~sionna.rt.antenna.polarization_model_1`
and :func:`~sionna.rt.antenna.polarization_model_2`,
Defaults to `2`.
dtype : tf.complex64 or tf.complex128
Datatype used for all computations.
Defaults to `tf.complex64`.
>>> Antenna("tr38901", "VH")
def __init__(self,
if dtype not in (tf.complex64, tf.complex128):
raise ValueError("`dtype` must be tf.complex64 or tf.complex128`")
self._dtype = dtype = dtype
if polarization_model not in [1,2]:
raise ValueError("`polarization_model` must be 1 or 2")
self._polarization_model = polarization_model
# Pattern is provided as string
if isinstance(pattern, str):
# Set correct pattern
if pattern=="iso":
pattern = iso_pattern
elif pattern=="dipole":
pattern = dipole_pattern
elif pattern=="hw_dipole":
pattern = hw_dipole_pattern
elif pattern=="tr38901":
pattern = tr38901_pattern
raise ValueError("Unknown antenna pattern")
# Set slant angles
if polarization=="V":
slant_angles = [0.0]
elif polarization=="H":
slant_angles = [PI/2]
elif polarization=="VH":
slant_angles = [0.0, PI/2]
elif polarization=="cross":
slant_angles = [-PI/4, PI/4]
raise ValueError("Unknown polarization")
# Create antenna patterns with slant angles
self._patterns = []
for sa in slant_angles:
f = self.pattern_with_slant_angle(pattern, sa)
# Pattern is a callable
elif callable(pattern):
self._patterns = [pattern]
# Pattern is sequence of callables
elif isinstance(pattern, Sequence):
if len(pattern) > 2:
msg = "An antennta cannot have more than two patterns."
raise ValueError(msg)
for p in pattern:
if not callable(p):
msg = "Each element of antenna_pattern must be callable"
raise ValueError(msg)
self._patterns = pattern
# Unsupported pattern
raise ValueError("Unsupported pattern")
def patterns(self):
`list`, `callable` : Antenna patterns for one or two
polarization directions
return self._patterns
def pattern_with_slant_angle(self, pattern, slant_angle):
"""Applies slant angle to antenna pattern"""
return lambda theta, phi: pattern(theta, phi, slant_angle,
self._polarization_model, self._dtype)
[docs]def compute_gain(pattern, dtype=tf.complex64):
# pylint: disable=line-too-long
Computes the directivity, gain, and radiation efficiency of an antenna pattern
Given a function :math:`f:(\theta,\varphi)\mapsto (C_\theta(\theta, \varphi), C_\varphi(\theta, \varphi))`
describing an antenna pattern :eq:`C`, this function computes the gain :math:`G`,
directivity :math:`D`, and radiation efficiency :math:`\eta_\text{rad}=G/D`
(see :eq:`G` and text below).
pattern : callable
A callable that takes as inputs vectors of zenith and azimuth angles of the same
length and returns for each pair the corresponding zenith and azimuth patterns.
D : float
Directivity :math:`D`
G : float
Gain :math:`G`
eta_rad : float
Radiation efficiency :math:`\eta_\text{rad}`
>>> compute_gain(tr38901_pattern)
(<tf.Tensor: shape=(), dtype=float32, numpy=9.606758>,
<tf.Tensor: shape=(), dtype=float32, numpy=6.3095527>,
<tf.Tensor: shape=(), dtype=float32, numpy=0.65678275>)
if dtype not in (tf.complex64, tf.complex128):
raise ValueError("`dtype` must be tf.complex64 or tf.complex128`")
# Create angular meshgrid
theta = tf.linspace(0.0, PI, 1810)
theta = tf.cast(theta, dtype.real_dtype)
phi = tf.linspace(-PI, PI, 3610)
phi = tf.cast(phi, dtype.real_dtype)
theta_grid, phi_grid = tf.meshgrid(theta, phi, indexing="ij")
# Compute the gain
c_theta, c_phi = pattern(theta_grid, phi_grid)
g = tf.abs(c_theta)**2 + tf.abs(c_phi)**2
# Find maximum directional gain
g_max = tf.reduce_max(g)
# Compute radiation efficiency
dtheta = theta[1]-theta[0]
dphi = phi[1]-phi[0]
eta_rad = tf.reduce_sum(g*tf.sin(theta_grid)*dtheta*dphi)/(4*PI)
# Compute directivity
d = g_max / eta_rad
return d, g_max, eta_rad
[docs]def visualize(pattern):
Visualizes an antenna pattern
This function visualizes an antenna pattern with the help of three
figures showing the vertical and horizontal cuts as well as a
three-dimensional visualization of the antenna gain.
pattern : callable
A callable that takes as inputs vectors of zenith and azimuth angles
of the same length and returns for each pair the corresponding zenith
and azimuth patterns.
: :class:`matplotlib.pyplot.Figure`
Vertical cut of the antenna gain
: :class:`matplotlib.pyplot.Figure`
Horizontal cut of the antenna gain
: :class:`matplotlib.pyplot.Figure`
3D visualization of the antenna gain
>>> fig_v, fig_h, fig_3d = visualize(hw_dipole_pattern)
.. figure:: ../figures/pattern_vertical.png
:align: center
:scale: 80%
.. figure:: ../figures/pattern_horizontal.png
:align: center
:scale: 80%
.. figure:: ../figures/pattern_3d.png
:align: center
:scale: 80%
# Vertical cut
theta = np.linspace(0.0, PI, 1000)
c_theta, c_phi = pattern(theta, np.zeros_like(theta))
g = np.abs(c_theta)**2 + np.abs(c_phi)**2
g = np.where(g==0, 1e-12, g)
g_db = 10*np.log10(g)
g_db_max = np.max(g_db)
g_db_min = np.min(g_db)
if g_db_min==g_db_max:
g_db_min = -30
g_db_min = np.maximum(-60., g_db_min)
fig_v = plt.figure()
plt.polar(theta, g_db)
plt.title(r"Vertical cut of the radiation pattern $G(\theta,0)$ ")
# Horizontal cut
phi = np.linspace(-PI, PI, 1000)
c_theta, c_phi = pattern(PI/2*tf.ones_like(phi) ,
tf.constant(phi, tf.float32))
c_theta = c_theta.numpy()
c_phi = c_phi.numpy()
g = np.abs(c_theta)**2 + np.abs(c_phi)**2
g = np.where(g==0, 1e-12, g)
g_db = 10*np.log10(g)
g_db_max = np.max(g_db)
g_db_min = np.min(g_db)
if g_db_min==g_db_max:
g_db_min = -30
g_db_min = np.maximum(-60., g_db_min)
fig_h = plt.figure()
plt.polar(phi, g_db)
plt.title(r"Horizontal cut of the radiation pattern $G(\pi/2,\varphi)$")
# 3D visualization
theta = np.linspace(0.0, PI, 50)
phi = np.linspace(-PI, PI, 50)
theta_grid, phi_grid = np.meshgrid(theta, phi, indexing='ij')
c_theta, c_phi = pattern(theta_grid, phi_grid)
g = np.abs(c_theta)**2 + np.abs(c_phi)**2
x = g * np.sin(theta_grid) * np.cos(phi_grid)
y = g * np.sin(theta_grid) * np.sin(phi_grid)
z = g * np.cos(theta_grid)
g = np.maximum(g, 1e-5)
g_db = 10*np.log10(g)
def norm(x, x_max, x_min):
"""Maps input to [0,1] range"""
x = 10**(x/10)
x_max = 10**(x_max/10)
x_min = 10**(x_min/10)
if x_min==x_max:
x = np.ones_like(x)
x -= x_min
x /= np.abs(x_max-x_min)
return x
g_db_min = np.min(g_db)
g_db_max = np.max(g_db)
fig_3d = plt.figure()
ax = fig_3d.add_subplot(1,1,1, projection='3d')
ax.plot_surface(x, y, z, rstride=1, cstride=1, linewidth=0,
antialiased=False, alpha=0.7,
facecolors=cm.turbo(norm(g_db, g_db_max, g_db_min)))
sm = cm.ScalarMappable(cmap=plt.cm.turbo)
cbar = plt.colorbar(sm, ax=ax, orientation="vertical", location="right",
shrink=0.7, pad=0.15)
xticks = cbar.ax.get_yticks()
xticklabels = cbar.ax.get_yticklabels()
xticklabels = g_db_min + xticks*(g_db_max-g_db_min)
xticklabels = [f"{z:.2f} dB" for z in xticklabels]
ax.view_init(elev=30., azim=-45)
r"3D visualization of the radiation pattern $G(\theta,\varphi)$")
return fig_v, fig_h, fig_3d
[docs]def polarization_model_1(c_theta, theta, phi, slant_angle):
# pylint: disable=line-too-long
r"""Model-1 for polarized antennas from 3GPP TR 38.901
Transforms a vertically polarized antenna pattern :math:`\tilde{C}_\theta(\theta, \varphi)`
into a linearly polarized pattern whose direction
is specified by a slant angle :math:`\zeta`. For example,
:math:`\zeta=0` and :math:`\zeta=\pi/2` correspond
to vertical and horizontal polarization, respectively,
and :math:`\zeta=\pm \pi/4` to a pair of cross polarized
antenna elements.
The transformed antenna pattern is given by (7.3-3) [TR38901]_:
.. math::
C_\theta(\theta, \varphi) \\
C_\varphi(\theta, \varphi)
\end{bmatrix} &= \begin{bmatrix}
\cos(\psi) \\
\end{bmatrix} \tilde{C}_\theta(\theta, \varphi)\\
\cos(\psi) &= \frac{\cos(\zeta)\sin(\theta)+\sin(\zeta)\sin(\varphi)\cos(\theta)}{\sqrt{1-\left(\cos(\zeta)\cos(\theta)-\sin(\zeta)\sin(\varphi)\sin(\theta)\right)^2}} \\
\sin(\psi) &= \frac{\sin(\zeta)\cos(\varphi)}{\sqrt{1-\left(\cos(\zeta)\cos(\theta)-\sin(\zeta)\sin(\varphi)\sin(\theta)\right)^2}}
c_tilde_theta: array_like, complex
Zenith pattern
theta: array_like, float
Zenith angles wrapped within [0,pi] [rad]
phi: array_like, float
Azimuth angles wrapped within [-pi, pi) [rad]
slant_angle: float
Slant angle of the linear polarization [rad].
A slant angle of zero means vertical polarization.
c_theta: array_like, complex
Zenith pattern
c_phi: array_like, complex
Azimuth pattern
if slant_angle==0:
return c_theta, tf.zeros_like(c_theta)
if slant_angle==PI/2:
return tf.zeros_like(c_theta), c_theta
sin_slant = tf.cast(tf.sin(slant_angle), theta.dtype)
cos_slant = tf.cast(tf.cos(slant_angle), theta.dtype)
sin_theta = tf.sin(theta)
cos_theta = tf.cos(theta)
sin_phi = tf.sin(phi)
cos_phi = tf.cos(phi)
sin_psi = sin_slant*cos_phi
cos_psi = cos_slant*sin_theta + sin_slant*sin_phi*cos_theta
norm = tf.sqrt(1-(cos_slant*cos_theta - sin_slant*sin_phi*sin_theta)**2)
sin_psi = tf.math.divide_no_nan(sin_psi, norm)
cos_psi = tf.math.divide_no_nan(cos_psi, norm)
c_theta = c_theta*tf.complex(cos_psi, tf.zeros_like(cos_psi))
c_phi = c_theta*tf.complex(sin_psi, tf.zeros_like(sin_psi))
return c_theta, c_phi
[docs]def polarization_model_2(c, slant_angle):
# pylint: disable=line-too-long
r"""Model-2 for polarized antennas from 3GPP TR 38.901
Transforms a vertically polarized antenna pattern :math:`\tilde{C}_\theta(\theta, \varphi)`
into a linearly polarized pattern whose direction
is specified by a slant angle :math:`\zeta`. For example,
:math:`\zeta=0` and :math:`\zeta=\pi/2` correspond
to vertical and horizontal polarization, respectively,
and :math:`\zeta=\pm \pi/4` to a pair of cross polarized
antenna elements.
The transformed antenna pattern is given by (7.3-4/5) [TR38901]_:
.. math::
C_\theta(\theta, \varphi) \\
C_\varphi(\theta, \varphi)
\end{bmatrix} &= \begin{bmatrix}
\cos(\zeta) \\
\end{bmatrix} \tilde{C}_\theta(\theta, \varphi)
c_tilde_theta: array_like, complex
Zenith pattern
slant_angle: float
Slant angle of the linear polarization [rad].
A slant angle of zero means vertical polarization.
c_theta: array_like, complex
Zenith pattern
c_phi: array_like, complex
Azimuth pattern
cos_slant_angle = tf.cos(slant_angle)
c_theta = c*tf.complex(cos_slant_angle, tf.zeros_like(cos_slant_angle))
sin_slant_angle = tf.sin(slant_angle)
c_phi = c*tf.complex(sin_slant_angle, tf.zeros_like(sin_slant_angle))
return c_theta, c_phi
[docs]def iso_pattern(theta, phi, slant_angle=0.0,
polarization_model=2, dtype=tf.complex64):
Isotropic antenna pattern with linear polarizarion
theta: array_like, float
Zenith angles wrapped within [0,pi] [rad]
phi: array_like, float
Azimuth angles wrapped within [-pi, pi) [rad]
slant_angle: float
Slant angle of the linear polarization [rad].
A slant angle of zero means vertical polarization.
polarization_model: int, one of [1,2]
Polarization model to be used. Options `1` and `2`
refer to :func:`~sionna.rt.antenna.polarization_model_1`
and :func:`~sionna.rt.antenna.polarization_model_2`,
Defaults to `2`.
dtype : tf.complex64 or tf.complex128
Defaults to `tf.complex64`.
c_theta: array_like, complex
Zenith pattern
c_phi: array_like, complex
Azimuth pattern
.. figure:: ../figures/iso_pattern.png
:align: center
rdtype = dtype.real_dtype
theta = tf.cast(theta, rdtype)
phi = tf.cast(phi, rdtype)
slant_angle = tf.cast(slant_angle, rdtype)
if not theta.shape==phi.shape:
raise ValueError("theta and phi must have the same shape.")
if polarization_model not in [1,2]:
raise ValueError("polarization_model must be 1 or 2")
c = tf.ones_like(theta, dtype=dtype)
if polarization_model==1:
return polarization_model_1(c, theta, phi, slant_angle)
return polarization_model_2(c, slant_angle)
[docs]def dipole_pattern(theta, phi, slant_angle=0.0,
polarization_model=2, dtype=tf.complex64):
Short dipole pattern with linear polarizarion (Eq. 4-26a) [Balanis97]_
theta: array_like, float
Zenith angles wrapped within [0,pi] [rad]
phi: array_like, float
Azimuth angles wrapped within [-pi, pi) [rad]
slant_angle: float
Slant angle of the linear polarization [rad].
A slant angle of zero means vertical polarization.
polarization_model: int, one of [1,2]
Polarization model to be used. Options `1` and `2`
refer to :func:`~sionna.rt.antenna.polarization_model_1`
and :func:`~sionna.rt.antenna.polarization_model_2`,
Defaults to `2`.
dtype : tf.complex64 or tf.complex128
Defaults to `tf.complex64`.
c_theta: array_like, complex
Zenith pattern
c_phi: array_like, complex
Azimuth pattern
.. figure:: ../figures/dipole_pattern.png
:align: center
rdtype = dtype.real_dtype
k = tf.cast(tf.sqrt(1.5), dtype)
theta = tf.cast(theta, rdtype)
phi = tf.cast(phi, rdtype)
slant_angle = tf.cast(slant_angle, rdtype)
if not theta.shape==phi.shape:
raise ValueError("theta and phi must have the same shape.")
if polarization_model not in [1,2]:
raise ValueError("polarization_model must be 1 or 2")
c = k*tf.complex(tf.sin(theta), tf.zeros_like(theta))
if polarization_model==1:
return polarization_model_1(c, theta, phi, slant_angle)
return polarization_model_2(c, slant_angle)
[docs]def hw_dipole_pattern(theta, phi, slant_angle=0.0,
polarization_model=2, dtype=tf.complex64):
# pylint: disable=line-too-long
Half-wavelength dipole pattern with linear polarizarion (Eq. 4-84) [Balanis97]_
theta: array_like, float
Zenith angles wrapped within [0,pi] [rad]
phi: array_like, float
Azimuth angles wrapped within [-pi, pi) [rad]
slant_angle: float
Slant angle of the linear polarization [rad].
A slant angle of zero means vertical polarization.
polarization_model: int, one of [1,2]
Polarization model to be used. Options `1` and `2`
refer to :func:`~sionna.rt.antenna.polarization_model_1`
and :func:`~sionna.rt.antenna.polarization_model_2`,
Defaults to `2`.
dtype : tf.complex64 or tf.complex128
Defaults to `tf.complex64`.
c_theta: array_like, complex
Zenith pattern
c_phi: array_like, complex
Azimuth pattern
.. figure:: ../figures/hw_dipole_pattern.png
:align: center
rdtype = dtype.real_dtype
k = tf.cast(np.sqrt(1.643), rdtype)
theta = tf.cast(theta, rdtype)
phi = tf.cast(phi, rdtype)
slant_angle = tf.cast(slant_angle, rdtype)
if not theta.shape== phi.shape:
raise ValueError("theta and phi must have the same shape.")
if polarization_model not in [1,2]:
raise ValueError("polarization_model must be 1 or 2")
c = k*tf.math.divide_no_nan(tf.cos(PI/2*tf.cos(theta)), tf.sin(theta))
c = tf.complex(c, tf.zeros_like(c))
if polarization_model==1:
return polarization_model_1(c, theta, phi, slant_angle)
return polarization_model_2(c, slant_angle)
[docs]def tr38901_pattern(theta, phi, slant_angle=0.0,
polarization_model=2, dtype=tf.complex64):
Antenna pattern from 3GPP TR 38.901 (Table 7.3-1) [TR38901]_
theta: array_like, float
Zenith angles wrapped within [0,pi] [rad]
phi: array_like, float
Azimuth angles wrapped within [-pi, pi) [rad]
slant_angle: float
Slant angle of the linear polarization [rad].
A slant angle of zero means vertical polarization.
polarization_model: int, one of [1,2]
Polarization model to be used. Options `1` and `2`
refer to :func:`~sionna.rt.antenna.polarization_model_1`
and :func:`~sionna.rt.antenna.polarization_model_2`,
Defaults to `2`.
dtype : tf.complex64 or tf.complex128
Defaults to `tf.complex64`.
c_theta: array_like, complex
Zenith pattern
c_phi: array_like, complex
Azimuth pattern
.. figure:: ../figures/tr38901_pattern.png
:align: center
rdtype = dtype.real_dtype
theta = tf.cast(theta, rdtype)
phi = tf.cast(phi, rdtype)
slant_angle = tf.cast(slant_angle, rdtype)
# Wrap phi to [-PI,PI]
phi = tf.math.floormod(phi+PI, 2*PI)-PI
if not theta.shape==phi.shape:
raise ValueError("theta and phi must have the same shape.")
if polarization_model not in [1,2]:
raise ValueError("polarization_model must be 1 or 2")
theta_3db = phi_3db = tf.cast(65/180*PI, rdtype)
a_max = sla_v = 30
g_e_max = 8
a_v = -tf.minimum(12*((theta-PI/2)/theta_3db)**2, sla_v)
a_h = -tf.minimum(12*(phi/phi_3db)**2, a_max)
a_db = -tf.minimum(-(a_v + a_h), a_max) + g_e_max
a = 10**(a_db/10)
c = tf.complex(tf.sqrt(a), tf.zeros_like(a))
if polarization_model==1:
return polarization_model_1(c, theta, phi, slant_angle)
return polarization_model_2(c, slant_angle)