# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright (c) 2021-2024 NVIDIA CORPORATION & AFFILIATES. All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
Class representing objects in the scene
import tensorflow as tf
from .object import Object
from .radio_material import RadioMaterial
import drjit as dr
import mitsuba as mi
from .utils import mi_to_tf_tensor, angles_to_mitsuba_rotation, normalize,\
from sionna.constants import PI
[docs]class SceneObject(Object):
# pylint: disable=line-too-long
Every object in the scene is implemented by an instance of this class
def __init__(self,
if dtype not in (tf.complex64, tf.complex128):
raise ValueError("`dtype` must be tf.complex64 or tf.complex128`")
self._dtype = dtype
self._rdtype = dtype.real_dtype
# Orientation of the object is initialized to (0,0,0)
self._orientation = tf.cast(orientation, dtype=self._rdtype)
# Initialize the base class Object
super().__init__(name, **kwargs)
# Set the radio material
self.radio_material = radio_material
# Set the object id
self.object_id = object_id
# Set the Mitsuba shape
self._mi_shape = mi_shape
# Set velocity vector
self.velocity = tf.cast([0,0,0], dtype=self._rdtype)
if self._dtype == tf.complex64:
self._mi_point_t = mi.Point3f
self._mi_vec_t = mi.Vector3f
self._mi_scalar_t = mi.Float
self._mi_transform_t = mi.Transform4f
self._mi_point_t = mi.Point3d
self._mi_vec_t = mi.Vector3d
self._mi_scalar_t = mi.Float64
self._mi_transform_t = mi.Transform4d
def object_id(self):
int : Get/set the identifier of this object
return self._object_id
def object_id(self, v):
self._object_id = v
def radio_material(self):
:class:`~sionna.rt.RadioMaterial` : Get/set the radio material of the
object. Setting can be done by using either an instance of
:class:`~sionna.rt.RadioMaterial` or the material name (`str`).
If the radio material is not part of the scene, it will be added. This
can raise an error if a different radio material with the same name was
already added to the scene.
return self._radio_material
def radio_material(self, mat):
# Note: _radio_material is set at __init__, but pylint doesn't see it.
if mat is None:
mat_obj = None
elif isinstance(mat, str):
mat_obj = self.scene.get(mat)
if (mat_obj is None) or (not isinstance(mat_obj, RadioMaterial)):
err_msg = f"Unknown radio material '{mat}'"
raise TypeError(err_msg)
elif not isinstance(mat, RadioMaterial):
err_msg = ("The material must be a material name (str) or an "
"instance of RadioMaterial")
raise TypeError(err_msg)
mat_obj = mat
# Remove the object from the set of the currently used material, if any
# pylint: disable=access-member-before-definition
if hasattr(self, '_radio_material') and self._radio_material:
# Assign the new material
# pylint: disable=access-member-before-definition
self._radio_material = mat_obj
# If the radio material is set to None, we can stop here
# pylint: disable=access-member-before-definition
if not self._radio_material:
# Add the object to the set of the newly used material
# pylint: disable=access-member-before-definition
# Add the RadioMaterial to the scene if not already done
def velocity(self):
[3], tf.float : Get/set the velocity vector [m/s]
return self._velocity
def velocity(self, v):
if not tf.shape(v)==3:
raise ValueError("`velocity` must have shape [3]")
self._velocity = tf.cast(v, self._rdtype)
def position(self):
[3], tf.float : Get/set the position vector [m] of the center
of the object. The center is defined as the object's axis-aligned
bounding box (AABB).
rdtype = self._scene.dtype.real_dtype
# Bounding box
# [3]
bbox_min = tf.cast(self._mi_shape.bbox().min, rdtype)
# [3]
bbox_max = tf.cast(self._mi_shape.bbox().max, rdtype)
# [3]
half = tf.cast(0.5, self._rdtype)
position = half*(bbox_min + bbox_max)
return position
def position(self, new_position):
## Update Mitsuba vertices
# Scene parameters
scene_params = self._scene.mi_scene_params
# Real dtype
rdtype = self._scene.dtype.real_dtype
new_position = tf.cast(new_position, rdtype)
# [num_vertices*3]
vertices = scene_params[f'mesh-{self.name}.vertex_positions']
# [num_vertices,3]
vertices = mi_to_tf_tensor(vertices, rdtype)
vertices = tf.reshape(vertices, [-1, 3])
# [3]
position = self.position
# [3]
translation_vector = new_position - position
# [1,3]
translation_vector = tf.expand_dims(translation_vector, axis=0)
# [num_vertices,3]
translated_vertices = vertices + translation_vector
# Cast to Mitsuba type to object the Mitsuba scene
fltn_translated_vertices = tf.reshape(translated_vertices, [-1])
fltn_translated_vertices = self._mi_scalar_t(fltn_translated_vertices)
scene_params[f'mesh-{self.name}.vertex_positions'] =\
## Update Sionna vertices
obj_id = self.object_id
mi_shape = self._mi_shape
solver_paths = self._scene.solver_paths
shape_ind = solver_paths.shape_indices[obj_id]
prim_offset = solver_paths.prim_offsets[shape_ind]
face_indices3 = mi_shape.face_indices(dr.arange(mi.UInt32,
# Flatten. This is required for calling vertex_position
# [n_prims*3]
face_indices = dr.ravel(face_indices3)
# Get vertices coordinates
# [n_prims*3, 3]
vertex_coords = mi_shape.vertex_position(face_indices)
# Cast to TensorFlow type
# [n_prims*3, 3]
vertex_coords = mi_to_tf_tensor(vertex_coords, rdtype)
# Unflatten
# [n_prims, vertices per triangle : 3, 3]
vertex_coords = tf.reshape(vertex_coords, [mi_shape.face_count(), 3, 3])
# Update the tensor storing the primitive vertices
sl = tf.range(prim_offset, prim_offset + mi_shape.face_count(),
sl = tf.expand_dims(sl, axis=1)
solver_paths.primitives.scatter_nd_update(sl, vertex_coords)
## Update Sionna wedges
wedges_objects = solver_paths.wedges_objects
wedges_origin = solver_paths.wedges_origin
# Indices of the wedges corresponding to this object
# [num_wedges]
wedges_ind, _ = tf.unique(tf.where(wedges_objects == obj_id)[:,0])
# Corresponding origins
# [num_wedges, 3]
wedges_origin = tf.gather(wedges_origin, wedges_ind, axis=0)
# Translates the wedges
# [num_wedges, 3]
wedges_origin += translation_vector
# Updates the wedges
wedges_ind = tf.expand_dims(wedges_ind, axis=1)
solver_paths.wedges_origin.scatter_nd_update(wedges_ind, wedges_origin)
# Trigger scene callback
def orientation(self):
[3], tf.float : Get/set the orientation :math:`(\alpha, \beta, \gamma)`
[rad] specified through three angles corresponding to a
3D rotation as defined in :eq:`rotation`.
return self._orientation
def orientation(self, new_orient):
# Real dtype
new_orient = tf.cast(new_orient, self._rdtype)
# Build the transformtation corresponding to the new rotation
new_rotation = angles_to_mitsuba_rotation(new_orient)
# Invert the current orientation
cur_rotation = angles_to_mitsuba_rotation(self._orientation.numpy())
inv_cur_rotation = cur_rotation.inverse()
# Build the transform.
# The object is first translated to the origin, then rotated, then
# translated back to its current position
transform = ( self._mi_transform_t.translate(self.position.numpy())
[docs] @ new_rotation
@ inv_cur_rotation
@ self._mi_transform_t.translate(-self.position.numpy()) )
## Update Mitsuba vertices
# Scene parameters
scene_params = self._scene.mi_scene_params
# [num_vertices*3]
vertices = scene_params[f'mesh-{self.name}.vertex_positions']
# [num_vertices,3]
vertices = dr.unravel(self._mi_point_t, vertices)
# Apply the transform
vertices = transform.transform_affine(vertices)
# Cast to Mitsuba type to object the Mitsuba scene
fltn_vertices = tf.reshape(vertices, [-1])
fltn_vertices = tf.cast(fltn_vertices, tf.float32)
scene_params[f'mesh-{self.name}.vertex_positions'] = fltn_vertices
## Update Sionna vertices
obj_id = self.object_id
mi_shape = self._mi_shape
solver_paths = self._scene.solver_paths
shape_ind = solver_paths.shape_indices[obj_id]
prim_offset = solver_paths.prim_offsets[shape_ind]
face_indices3 = mi_shape.face_indices(dr.arange(mi.UInt32,
# Flatten. This is required for calling vertex_position
# [n_prims*3]
face_indices = dr.ravel(face_indices3)
# Get vertices coordinates
# [n_prims*3, 3]
vertex_coords = mi_shape.vertex_position(face_indices)
# Cast to TensorFlow type
# [n_prims*3, 3]
vertex_coords = mi_to_tf_tensor(vertex_coords, self._rdtype)
# Unflatten
# [n_prims, vertices per triangle : 3, 3]
vertex_coords = tf.reshape(vertex_coords, [mi_shape.face_count(), 3, 3])
# Update the tensor storing the primitive vertices
sl = tf.range(prim_offset, prim_offset + mi_shape.face_count(),
sl = tf.expand_dims(sl, axis=1)
solver_paths.primitives.scatter_nd_update(sl, vertex_coords)
## Update Sionna normals
# Get vertices coordinates
# [n_prims, 3]
normals = solver_paths.normals.gather_nd(sl)
# Cast to Mitsuba Vector
# [n_prims, 3]
normals = self._mi_vec_t(normals)
# Rotate the normals
normals = transform.transform_affine(normals)
# Cast to Tensorflow type
# [n_prims, 3]
normals = mi_to_tf_tensor(normals, self._rdtype)
# Update the tensor storing the primitive vertices
solver_paths.normals.scatter_nd_update(sl, normals)
## Update Sionna wedges
wedges_objects = solver_paths.wedges_objects
wedges_origin = solver_paths.wedges_origin
wedges_e_hat = solver_paths.wedges_e_hat
wedges_normals = solver_paths.wedges_normals
# Indices of the wedges corresponding to this object
# [num_wedges]
wedges_ind, _ = tf.unique(tf.where(wedges_objects == obj_id)[:,0])
# Corresponding origins, e_hat, and normals
# [num_wedges, 3]
wedges_origin = tf.gather(wedges_origin, wedges_ind, axis=0)
# [num_wedges, 3]
wedges_e_hat = tf.gather(wedges_e_hat, wedges_ind, axis=0)
# [num_wedges, 3]
wedges_normals = tf.gather(wedges_normals, wedges_ind, axis=0)
# [num_wedges*2, 3]
wedges_normals = tf.reshape(wedges_normals, [-1, 3])
# Cast to Mitsuba types
# [num_wedges, 3]
wedges_origin = self._mi_point_t(wedges_origin)
# [num_wedges, 3]
wedges_e_hat = self._mi_vec_t(wedges_e_hat)
# [num_wedges*2, 3]
wedges_normals = self._mi_vec_t(wedges_normals)
# Rotate all quantities
# [num_wedges, 3]
wedges_origin = transform.transform_affine(wedges_origin)
# [num_wedges, 3]
wedges_e_hat = transform.transform_affine(wedges_e_hat)
# [num_wedges*2, 3]
wedges_normals = transform.transform_affine(wedges_normals)
# Cast to Tensorflow type
# [num_wedges, 3]
wedges_origin = mi_to_tf_tensor(wedges_origin, self._rdtype)
# [num_wedges, 3]
wedges_e_hat = mi_to_tf_tensor(wedges_e_hat, self._rdtype)
# [num_wedges*2, 3]
wedges_normals = mi_to_tf_tensor(wedges_normals, self._rdtype)
# [num_wedges, 2, 3]
wedges_normals = tf.reshape(wedges_normals, [-1, 2, 3])
# Updates the wedges
wedges_ind = tf.expand_dims(wedges_ind, axis=1)
solver_paths.wedges_origin.scatter_nd_update(wedges_ind, wedges_origin)
solver_paths.wedges_e_hat.scatter_nd_update(wedges_ind, wedges_e_hat)
self._orientation = new_orient
# Trigger scene callback
def look_at(self, target):
# pylint: disable=line-too-long
Sets the orientation so that the x-axis points toward an
target : [3], float | :class:`sionna.rt.Object` | str
A position or the name or instance of an
:class:`sionna.rt.Object` in the scene to point toward to
# Get position to look at
if isinstance(target, str):
obj = self.scene.get(target)
if not isinstance(obj, Object):
raise ValueError(f"No camera, device, or object named '{target}' found.")
target = obj.position
elif isinstance(target, Object):
target = target.position
target = tf.cast(target, dtype=self._rdtype)
if not target.shape[0]==3:
raise ValueError("`target` must be a three-element vector)")
# Compute angles relative to LCS
x = target - self.position
x, _ = normalize(x)
theta, phi = theta_phi_from_unit_vec(x)
alpha = phi # Rotation around z-axis
beta = theta-PI/2 # Rotation around y-axis
gamma = 0.0 # Rotation around x-axis
self.orientation = (alpha, beta, gamma)