# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright (c) 2021-2024 NVIDIA CORPORATION & AFFILIATES. All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
Ray tracer utilities
import tensorflow as tf
import mitsuba as mi
import drjit as dr
from sionna.utils import expand_to_rank
from sionna import PI
[docs]def rotation_matrix(angles):
Computes rotation matrices as defined in :eq:`rotation`
The closed-form expression in (7.1-4) [TR38901]_ is used.
angles : [...,3], tf.float
Angles for the rotations [rad].
The last dimension corresponds to the angles
:math:`(\alpha,\beta,\gamma)` that define
rotations about the axes :math:`(z, y, x)`,
: [...,3,3], tf.float
Rotation matrices
a = angles[...,0]
b = angles[...,1]
c = angles[...,2]
cos_a = tf.cos(a)
cos_b = tf.cos(b)
cos_c = tf.cos(c)
sin_a = tf.sin(a)
sin_b = tf.sin(b)
sin_c = tf.sin(c)
r_11 = cos_a*cos_b
r_12 = cos_a*sin_b*sin_c - sin_a*cos_c
r_13 = cos_a*sin_b*cos_c + sin_a*sin_c
r_1 = tf.stack([r_11, r_12, r_13], axis=-1)
r_21 = sin_a*cos_b
r_22 = sin_a*sin_b*sin_c + cos_a*cos_c
r_23 = sin_a*sin_b*cos_c - cos_a*sin_c
r_2 = tf.stack([r_21, r_22, r_23], axis=-1)
r_31 = -sin_b
r_32 = cos_b*sin_c
r_33 = cos_b*cos_c
r_3 = tf.stack([r_31, r_32, r_33], axis=-1)
rot_mat = tf.stack([r_1, r_2, r_3], axis=-2)
return rot_mat
[docs]def rotate(p, angles, inverse=False):
Rotates points ``p`` by the ``angles`` according
to the 3D rotation defined in :eq:`rotation`
p : [...,3], tf.float
Points to rotate
angles : [..., 3]
Angles for the rotations [rad].
The last dimension corresponds to the angles
:math:`(\alpha,\beta,\gamma)` that define
rotations about the axes :math:`(z, y, x)`,
inverse : bool
If `True`, the inverse rotation is applied,
i.e., the transpose of the rotation matrix is used.
Defaults to `False`
: [...,3]
Rotated points ``p``
# Rotation matrix
# [..., 3, 3]
rot_mat = rotation_matrix(angles)
rot_mat = expand_to_rank(rot_mat, tf.rank(p)+1, 0)
# Rotation around ``center``
# [..., 3]
rot_p = tf.linalg.matvec(rot_mat, p, transpose_a=inverse)
return rot_p
[docs]def theta_phi_from_unit_vec(v):
Computes zenith and azimuth angles (:math:`\theta,\varphi`)
from unit-norm vectors as described in :eq:`theta_phi`
v : [...,3], tf.float
Tensor with unit-norm vectors in the last dimension
theta : [...], tf.float
Zenith angles :math:`\theta`
phi : [...], tf.float
Azimuth angles :math:`\varphi`
x = v[...,0]
y = v[...,1]
z = v[...,2]
# If v = z, then x = 0 and y = 0. In this case, atan2 is not differentiable,
# leading to NaN when computing the gradients.
# The following lines force x to one this case. Note that this does not
# impact the output meaningfully, as in that case theta = 0 and phi can
# take any value.
zero = tf.zeros_like(x)
is_unit_z = tf.logical_and(tf.equal(x, zero), tf.equal(y, zero))
is_unit_z = tf.cast(is_unit_z, x.dtype)
x += is_unit_z
theta = acos_diff(z)
phi = tf.math.atan2(y, x)
return theta, phi
[docs]def r_hat(theta, phi):
Computes the spherical unit vetor :math:`\hat{\mathbf{r}}(\theta, \phi)`
as defined in :eq:`spherical_vecs`
theta : arbitrary shape, tf.float
Zenith angles :math:`\theta` [rad]
phi : same shape as ``theta``, tf.float
Azimuth angles :math:`\varphi` [rad]
rho_hat : ``phi.shape`` + [3], tf.float
Vector :math:`\hat{\mathbf{r}}(\theta, \phi)` on unit sphere
rho_hat = tf.stack([tf.sin(theta)*tf.cos(phi),
tf.cos(theta)], axis=-1)
return rho_hat
[docs]def theta_hat(theta, phi):
Computes the spherical unit vector
:math:`\hat{\boldsymbol{\theta}}(\theta, \varphi)`
as defined in :eq:`spherical_vecs`
theta : arbitrary shape, tf.float
Zenith angles :math:`\theta` [rad]
phi : same shape as ``theta``, tf.float
Azimuth angles :math:`\varphi` [rad]
theta_hat : ``phi.shape`` + [3], tf.float
Vector :math:`\hat{\boldsymbol{\theta}}(\theta, \varphi)`
x = tf.cos(theta)*tf.cos(phi)
y = tf.cos(theta)*tf.sin(phi)
z = -tf.sin(theta)
return tf.stack([x,y,z], -1)
[docs]def phi_hat(phi):
Computes the spherical unit vector
:math:`\hat{\boldsymbol{\varphi}}(\theta, \varphi)`
as defined in :eq:`spherical_vecs`
phi : same shape as ``theta``, tf.float
Azimuth angles :math:`\varphi` [rad]
theta_hat : ``phi.shape`` + [3], tf.float
Vector :math:`\hat{\boldsymbol{\varphi}}(\theta, \varphi)`
x = -tf.sin(phi)
y = tf.cos(phi)
z = tf.zeros_like(x)
return tf.stack([x,y,z], -1)
[docs]def cross(u, v):
Computes the cross (or vector) product between u and v
u : [...,3]
First vector
v : [...,3]
Second vector
: [...,3]
Cross product between ``u`` and ``v``
u_x = u[...,0]
u_y = u[...,1]
u_z = u[...,2]
v_x = v[...,0]
v_y = v[...,1]
v_z = v[...,2]
w = tf.stack([u_y*v_z - u_z*v_y,
u_z*v_x - u_x*v_z,
u_x*v_y - u_y*v_x], axis=-1)
return w
[docs]def dot(u, v, keepdim=False, clip=False):
Computes and the dot (or scalar) product between u and v
u : [...,3]
First vector
v : [...,3]
Second vector
keepdim : bool
If `True`, keep the last dimension.
Defaults to `False`.
clip : bool
If `True`, clip output to [-1,1].
Defaults to `False`.
: [...,1] or [...]
Dot product between ``u`` and ``v``.
The last dimension is removed if ``keepdim``
is set to `False`.
res = tf.reduce_sum(u*v, axis=-1, keepdims=keepdim)
if clip:
one = tf.ones((), u.dtype)
res = tf.clip_by_value(res, -one, one)
return res
[docs]def outer(u,v):
Computes the outer product between u and v
u : [...,3]
First vector
v : [...,3]
Second vector
: [...,3,3]
Outer product between ``u`` and ``v``
return u[...,tf.newaxis] * v[...,tf.newaxis,:]
[docs]def normalize(v):
Normalizes ``v`` to unit norm
v : [...,3], tf.float
: [...,3], tf.float
Normalized vector
: [...], tf.float
Norm of the unnormalized vector
norm = tf.norm(v, axis=-1, keepdims=True)
n_v = tf.math.divide_no_nan(v, norm)
norm = tf.squeeze(norm, axis=-1)
return n_v, norm
def moller_trumbore(o, d, p0, p1, p2, epsilon):
Computes the intersection between a ray ``ray`` and a triangle defined
by its vertices ``p0``, ``p1``, and ``p2`` using the Moller–Trumbore
intersection algorithm.
o, d: [..., 3], tf.float
Ray origin and direction.
The direction `d` must be a unit vector.
p0, p1, p2: [..., 3], tf.float
Vertices defining the triangle
epsilon : (), tf.float
Small value used to avoid errors due to numerical precision
t : [...], tf.float
Position along the ray from the origin at which the intersection
occurs (if any)
hit : [...], bool
`True` if the ray intersects the triangle. `False` otherwise.
rdtype = o.dtype
zero = tf.cast(0.0, rdtype)
one = tf.ones((), rdtype)
# [..., 3]
e1 = p1 - p0
e2 = p2 - p0
# [...,3]
pvec = cross(d, e2)
# [...,1]
det = dot(e1, pvec, keepdim=True)
# If the ray is parallel to the triangle, then det = 0.
hit = tf.greater(tf.abs(det), zero)
# [...,3]
tvec = o - p0
# [...,1]
u = tf.math.divide_no_nan(dot(tvec, pvec, keepdim=True), det)
# [...,1]
hit = tf.logical_and(hit,
tf.logical_and(tf.greater_equal(u, -epsilon),
tf.less_equal(u, one + epsilon)))
# [..., 3]
qvec = cross(tvec, e1)
# [...,1]
v = tf.math.divide_no_nan(dot(d, qvec, keepdim=True), det)
# [..., 1]
hit = tf.logical_and(hit,
tf.logical_and(tf.greater_equal(v, -epsilon),
tf.less_equal(u + v, one + epsilon)))
# [..., 1]
t = tf.math.divide_no_nan(dot(e2, qvec, keepdim=True), det)
# [..., 1]
hit = tf.logical_and(hit, tf.greater_equal(t, epsilon))
# [...]
t = tf.squeeze(t, axis=-1)
hit = tf.squeeze(hit, axis=-1)
return t, hit
def component_transform(e_s, e_p, e_i_s, e_i_p):
Compute basis change matrix for reflections
e_s : [..., 3], tf.float
Source unit vector for S polarization
e_p : [..., 3], tf.float
Source unit vector for P polarization
e_i_s : [..., 3], tf.float
Target unit vector for S polarization
e_i_p : [..., 3], tf.float
Target unit vector for P polarization
r : [..., 2, 2], tf.float
Change of basis matrix for going from (e_s, e_p) to (e_i_s, e_i_p)
r_11 = dot(e_i_s, e_s)
r_12 = dot(e_i_s, e_p)
r_21 = dot(e_i_p, e_s)
r_22 = dot(e_i_p, e_p)
r1 = tf.stack([r_11, r_12], axis=-1)
r2 = tf.stack([r_21, r_22], axis=-1)
r = tf.stack([r1, r2], axis=-2)
return r
def mi_to_tf_tensor(mi_tensor, dtype):
Get a TensorFlow eager tensor from a Mitsuba/DrJIT tensor
# When there is only one input, the .tf() methods crashes.
# The following hack takes care of this corner case
if dr.shape(mi_tensor)[-1] == 1:
mi_tensor = dr.repeat(mi_tensor, 2)
tf_tensor = tf.cast(mi_tensor.tf(), dtype)[:1]
tf_tensor = tf.cast(mi_tensor.tf(), dtype)
return tf_tensor
def gen_orthogonal_vector(k, epsilon):
Generate an arbitrary vector that is orthogonal to ``k``.
k : [..., 3], tf.float
epsilon : (), tf.float
Small value used to avoid errors due to numerical precision
: [..., 3], tf.float
Vector orthogonal to ``k``
rdtype = k.dtype
ex = tf.cast([1.0, 0.0, 0.0], rdtype)
ex = expand_to_rank(ex, tf.rank(k), 0)
ey = tf.cast([0.0, 1.0, 0.0], rdtype)
ey = expand_to_rank(ey, tf.rank(k), 0)
n1 = cross(k, ex)
n1_norm = tf.norm(n1, axis=-1, keepdims=True)
n2 = cross(k, ey)
return tf.where(tf.greater(n1_norm, epsilon), n1, n2)
def compute_field_unit_vectors(k_i, k_r, n, epsilon, return_e_r=True):
Compute unit vector parallel and orthogonal to incident plane
k_i : [..., 3], tf.float
Direction of arrival
k_r : [..., 3], tf.float
Direction of reflection
n : [..., 3], tf.float
Surface normal
epsilon : (), tf.float
Small value used to avoid errors due to numerical precision
return_e_r : bool
If `False`, only ``e_i_s`` and ``e_i_p`` are returned.
e_i_s : [..., 3], tf.float
Incident unit field vector for S polarization
e_i_p : [..., 3], tf.float
Incident unit field vector for P polarization
e_r_s : [..., 3], tf.float
Reflection unit field vector for S polarization.
Only returned if ``return_e_r`` is `True`.
e_r_p : [..., 3], tf.float
Reflection unit field vector for P polarization
Only returned if ``return_e_r`` is `True`.
e_i_s = cross(k_i, n)
e_i_s_norm = tf.norm(e_i_s, axis=-1, keepdims=True)
# In case of normal incidence, the incidence plan is not uniquely
# define and the Fresnel coefficent is the same for both polarization
# (up to a sign flip for the parallel component due to the definition of
# polarization).
# It is required to detect such scenarios and define an arbitrary valid
# e_i_s to fix an incidence plane, as the result from previous
# computation leads to e_i_s = 0.
e_i_s = tf.where(tf.greater(e_i_s_norm, epsilon), e_i_s,
gen_orthogonal_vector(n, epsilon))
e_i_s,_ = normalize(e_i_s)
e_i_p,_ = normalize(cross(e_i_s, k_i))
if not return_e_r:
return e_i_s, e_i_p
e_r_s = e_i_s
e_r_p,_ = normalize(cross(e_r_s, k_r))
return e_i_s, e_i_p, e_r_s, e_r_p
def reflection_coefficient(eta, cos_theta):
Compute simplified reflection coefficients
eta : Any shape, tf.complex
Complex relative permittivity
cos_theta : Same as ``eta``, tf.float
Cosine of the incident angle
r_te : Same as input, tf.complex
Fresnel reflection coefficient for S direction
r_tm : Same as input, tf.complex
Fresnel reflection coefficient for P direction
cos_theta = tf.complex(cos_theta, tf.zeros_like(cos_theta))
# Fresnel equations
a = cos_theta
b = tf.sqrt(eta-1.+cos_theta**2)
r_te = tf.math.divide_no_nan(a-b, a+b)
c = eta*a
d = b
r_tm = tf.math.divide_no_nan(c-d, c+d)
return r_te, r_tm
def paths_to_segments(paths):
Extract the segments corresponding to a set of ``paths``
paths : :class:`~sionna.rt.Paths`
A set of paths
starts, ends : [n,3], float
Endpoints of the segments making the paths.
vertices = paths.vertices.numpy()
objects = paths.objects.numpy()
mask = paths.targets_sources_mask
sources, targets = paths.sources.numpy(), paths.targets.numpy()
# Emit directly two lists of the beginnings and endings of line segments
starts = []
ends = []
for rx in range(vertices.shape[1]): # For each receiver
for tx in range(vertices.shape[2]): # For each transmitter
for p in range(vertices.shape[3]): # For each path depth
if not mask[rx, tx, p]:
start = sources[tx]
i = 0
while ( (i < objects.shape[0])
and (objects[i, rx, tx, p] != -1) ):
end = vertices[i, rx, tx, p]
start = end
i += 1
# Explicitly add the path endpoint
return starts, ends
def scene_scale(scene):
bbox = scene.mi_scene.bbox()
tx_positions, rx_positions, ris_positions = {}, {}, {}
devices = ((scene.transmitters, tx_positions),
(scene.receivers, rx_positions),
(scene.ris, ris_positions)
for source, destination in devices:
for k, rd in source.items():
p = rd.position.numpy()
destination[k] = p
sc = 2. * bbox.bounding_sphere().radius
return sc, tx_positions, rx_positions, ris_positions, bbox
def fibonacci_lattice(num_points, dtype=tf.float32):
Generates a Fibonacci lattice for the unit square
num_points : int
Number of points
type : tf.DType
Datatype to use for the output
points : [num_points, 2]
Generated rectangular coordinates of the lattice points
golden_ratio = (1.+tf.sqrt(tf.cast(5., tf.float64)))/2.
ns = tf.range(0, num_points, dtype=tf.float64)
x = ns/golden_ratio
x = x - tf.floor(x)
y = ns/(num_points-1)
points = tf.stack([x,y], axis=1)
points = tf.cast(points, dtype)
return points
def cot(x):
Cotangens function
x : [...], tf.float
: [...], tf.float
Cotangent of x
return tf.math.divide_no_nan(tf.ones_like(x), tf.math.tan(x))
def sign(x):
Returns +1 if ``x`` is non-negative, -1 otherwise
x : [...], tf.float
A real-valued number
: [...], tf.float
+1 if ``x`` is non-negative, -1 otherwise
two = tf.cast(2, x.dtype)
one = tf.cast(1, x.dtype)
return two*tf.cast(tf.greater_equal(x, 0), x.dtype)-one
[docs]def rot_mat_from_unit_vecs(a, b):
Computes Rodrigues` rotation formula :eq:`rodrigues_matrix`
a : [...,3], tf.float
First unit vector
b : [...,3], tf.float
Second unit vector
: [...,3,3], tf.float
Rodrigues' rotation matrix
rdtype = a.dtype
# Compute rotation axis vector
k, _ = normalize(cross(a, b))
# Deal with special case where a and b are parallel
o = gen_orthogonal_vector(a, 1e-6)
k = tf.where(tf.reduce_sum(tf.abs(k), axis=-1, keepdims=True)==0, o, k)
# Compute K matrix
shape = tf.concat([tf.shape(k)[:-1],[1]], axis=-1)
zeros = tf.zeros(shape, rdtype)
kx, ky, kz = tf.split(k, 3, axis=-1)
l1 = tf.concat([zeros, -kz, ky], axis=-1)
l2 = tf.concat([kz, zeros, -kx], axis=-1)
l3 = tf.concat([-ky, kx, zeros], axis=-1)
k_mat = tf.stack([l1, l2, l3], axis=-2)
# Assemble full rotation matrix
eye = tf.eye(3, batch_shape=tf.shape(k)[:-1], dtype=rdtype)
cos_theta = dot(a, b, clip=True)
sin_theta = tf.sin(acos_diff(cos_theta))
cos_theta = expand_to_rank(cos_theta, tf.rank(eye), axis=-1)
sin_theta = expand_to_rank(sin_theta, tf.rank(eye), axis=-1)
rot_mat = eye + k_mat*sin_theta + \
tf.linalg.matmul(k_mat, k_mat) * (1-cos_theta)
return rot_mat
[docs]def sample_points_on_hemisphere(normals, num_samples=1):
# pylint: disable=line-too-long
Randomly sample points on hemispheres defined by their normal vectors
normals : [batch_size, 3], tf.float
Normal vectors defining hemispheres
num_samples : int
Number of random samples to draw for each hemisphere
defined by its normal vector.
Defaults to 1.
points : [batch_size, num_samples, 3], tf.float or [batch_size, 3], tf.float if num_samples=1.
Random points on the hemispheres
dtype = normals.dtype
batch_size = tf.shape(normals)[0]
shape = [batch_size, num_samples]
# Sample phi uniformly distributed on [0,2*PI]
phi = tf.random.uniform(shape, maxval=2*PI, dtype=dtype)
# Generate samples of theta for uniform distribution on the hemisphere
u = tf.random.uniform(shape, maxval=1, dtype=dtype)
theta = tf.acos(u)
# Transform spherical to Cartesian coordinates
points = r_hat(theta, phi)
# Compute rotation matrices
z_hat = tf.constant([[0,0,1]], dtype=dtype)
z_hat = tf.broadcast_to(z_hat, tf.shape(normals))
rot_mat = rot_mat_from_unit_vecs(z_hat, normals)
rot_mat = tf.expand_dims(rot_mat, axis=1)
# Compute rotated points
points = tf.linalg.matvec(rot_mat, points)
# Numerical errors can cause sampling from the other hemisphere.
# Correct the sampled vector to avoid sampling in the wrong hemisphere.
normals = tf.expand_dims(normals, axis=1)
s = dot(points, normals, keepdim=True)
s = tf.where(s < 0., s, 0.)
points = points - 2.*s*normals
if num_samples==1:
points = tf.squeeze(points, axis=1)
return points
def acos_diff(x, epsilon=1e-7):
Implementation of arccos(x) that avoids evaluating the gradient at x
-1 or 1 by using straight through estimation, i.e., in the
forward pass, x is clipped to (-1, 1), but in the backward pass, x is
clipped to (-1 + epsilon, 1 - epsilon).
x : any shape, tf.float
Value at which to evaluate arccos
epsilon : tf.float
Small backoff to avoid evaluating the gradient at -1 or 1.
Defaults to 1e-7.
: same shape as x, tf.float
x_clip_1 = tf.clip_by_value(x, -1., 1.)
x_clip_2 = tf.clip_by_value(x, -1. + epsilon, 1. - epsilon)
eps = tf.stop_gradient(x - x_clip_2)
x_1 = x - eps
acos_x_1 = tf.acos(x_1)
y = acos_x_1 + tf.stop_gradient(tf.acos(x_clip_1)-acos_x_1)
return y
def angles_to_mitsuba_rotation(angles):
Build a Mitsuba transform from angles in radian
angles : [3], tf.float
Angles [rad]
: :class:`mitsuba.ScalarTransform4f`
Mitsuba rotation
angles = 180. * angles / PI
if angles.dtype == tf.float32:
mi_transform_t = mi.Transform4f
angles = mi.Float(angles)
mi_transform_t = mi.Transform4d
angles = mi.Float64(angles)
return (
mi_transform_t.rotate(axis=[0., 0., 1.], angle=angles[0])
@ mi_transform_t.rotate(axis=[0., 1., 0.], angle=angles[1])
@ mi_transform_t.rotate(axis=[1., 0., 0.], angle=angles[2])
def gen_basis_from_z(z, epsilon):
Generate a pair of vectors (x,y) such that (x,y,z) is an orthonormal basis.
z : [..., 3], tf.float
Unit vector
epsilon : (), tf.float
Small value used to avoid errors due to numerical precision
x : [..., 3], tf.float
Unit vector
y : [..., 3], tf.float
Unit vector
x = gen_orthogonal_vector(z, epsilon)
x,_ = normalize(x)
y = cross(z, x)
return x,y
def compute_spreading_factor(rho_1, rho_2, s):
Computes the spreading factor
:math:`\sqrt{\frac{\rho_1 \rho_2}{(\rho_1 + s)(\rho_2 + s)}}`
rho_1, rho_2 : [...], tf.float
Principal radii of curvature
s : [...], tf.float
Position along the axial ray at which to evaluate the squared
spreading factor
: float
Squared spreading factor
# In the case of a spherical wave, when the origin (s = 0) is set to unique
# caustic point, then both principal radii of curvature are set to zero.
# The spreading factor is then equal to 1/s.
spherical = tf.logical_and(tf.equal(rho_1, 0.), tf.equal(rho_2, 0.))
a2_spherical = tf.math.reciprocal_no_nan(s)
# General formula for the spreading factor
a2 = tf.sqrt(rho_1*rho_2/((rho_1+s)*(rho_2+s)))
a2 = tf.where(spherical, a2_spherical, a2)
return a2
def mitsuba_rectangle_to_world(center, orientation, size, ris=False):
Build the `to_world` transformation that maps a default Mitsuba rectangle
to the rectangle that defines the coverage map surface.
center : [3], tf.float
Center of the rectangle
orientation : [3], tf.float
Orientation of the rectangle.
An orientation of `(0,0,0)` correspond to a rectangle oriented such that
z+ is its normal.
size : [2], tf.float
Scale of the rectangle.
The width of the rectangle (in the local X direction) is scale[0]
and its height (in the local Y direction) scale[1].
to_world : :class:`mitsuba.ScalarTransform4f`
Rectangle to world transformation.
orientation = 180. * orientation / PI
trans = \
@ mi.ScalarTransform4f.rotate(axis=[0, 0, 1], angle=orientation[0])\
@ mi.ScalarTransform4f.rotate(axis=[0, 1, 0], angle=orientation[1])\
@ mi.ScalarTransform4f.rotate(axis=[1, 0, 0], angle=orientation[2])
if ris:
# The RIS normal points at [1,0,0].
# We hence rotate the normal of the rectangle which points
# at [0,0,1] by 90 degrees around the [0,1,0] axis.
trans = trans\
@mi.ScalarTransform4f.rotate(axis=[0, 1, 0], angle=90)
# size = [width (=y), height (=z)]
# Since the RIS is rotated w.r.t to rectangle,
# The z axis corresponds to the x axis
size = [size[1], size[0]]
return (trans
@mi.ScalarTransform4f.scale([0.5 * size[0], 0.5 * size[1], 1])