Source code for sionna.signal.utils

# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright (c) 2021-2024 NVIDIA CORPORATION & AFFILIATES. All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
"""Utility functions for the filter module"""

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import tensorflow as tf
from sionna.utils.tensors import expand_to_rank
from tensorflow.experimental.numpy import swapaxes

[docs]def convolve(inp, ker, padding='full', axis=-1): # pylint: disable=line-too-long r""" Filters an input ``inp`` of length `N` by convolving it with a kernel ``ker`` of length `K`. The length of the kernel ``ker`` must not be greater than the one of the input sequence ``inp``. The `dtype` of the output is `tf.float` only if both ``inp`` and ``ker`` are `tf.float`. It is `tf.complex` otherwise. ``inp`` and ``ker`` must have the same precision. Three padding modes are available: * "full" (default): Returns the convolution at each point of overlap between ``ker`` and ``inp``. The length of the output is `N + K - 1`. Zero-padding of the input ``inp`` is performed to compute the convolution at the border points. * "same": Returns an output of the same length as the input ``inp``. The convolution is computed such that the coefficients of the input ``inp`` are centered on the coefficient of the kernel ``ker`` with index ``(K-1)/2`` for kernels of odd length, and ``K/2 - 1`` for kernels of even length. Zero-padding of the input signal is performed to compute the convolution at the border points. * "valid": Returns the convolution only at points where ``inp`` and ``ker`` completely overlap. The length of the output is `N - K + 1`. Input ------ inp : [...,N], tf.complex or tf.real Input to filter. ker : [K], tf.complex or tf.real Kernel of the convolution. padding : string Padding mode. Must be one of "full", "valid", or "same". Case insensitive. Defaults to "full". axis : int Axis along which to perform the convolution. Defaults to `-1`. Output ------- out : [...,M], tf.complex or tf.float Convolution output. It is `tf.float` only if both ``inp`` and ``ker`` are `tf.float`. It is `tf.complex` otherwise. The length `M` of the output depends on the ``padding``. """ # We don't want to be sensitive to case padding = padding.lower() assert padding in ('valid', 'same', 'full'), "Invalid padding method" # Ensure we process along the axis requested by the user inp = tf.experimental.numpy.swapaxes(inp, axis, -1) # Reshape the input to a 2D tensor batch_shape = tf.shape(inp)[:-1] inp_len = tf.shape(inp)[-1] inp_dtype = inp.dtype ker_dtype = ker.dtype inp = tf.reshape(inp, [-1, inp_len]) # Using Tensorflow convolution implementation, we need to manually flip # the kernel ker = tf.reverse(ker, axis=(0,)) # Tensorflow convolution expects convolution kernels with input and # output dims ker = expand_to_rank(ker, 3, 1) # Tensorflow convolution expects a channel dim for the convolution inp = tf.expand_dims(inp, axis=-1) # Pad the kernel or input if required depending on the convolution type. # Also, set the padding-mode for TF convolution if padding == 'valid': # No padding required in this case tf_conv_mode = 'VALID' elif padding == 'same': ker = tf.pad(ker, [[0,1],[0,0],[0,0]]) tf_conv_mode = 'SAME' elif padding == 'full': ker_len = ker.shape[0] #tf.shape(ker)[0] if (ker_len % 2) == 0: extra_padding_left = ker_len // 2 extra_padding_right = extra_padding_left-1 else: extra_padding_left = (ker_len-1) // 2 extra_padding_right = extra_padding_left inp = tf.pad(inp, [[0,0], [extra_padding_left,extra_padding_right], [0,0]]) tf_conv_mode = 'SAME' # Extract the real and imaginary components of the input and kernel inp_real = tf.math.real(inp) ker_real = tf.math.real(ker) inp_imag = tf.math.imag(inp) ker_imag = tf.math.imag(ker) # Compute convolution # The output is complex-valued if the input or the kernel is. # Defaults to False, and set to True if required later complex_output = False out_1 = tf.nn.convolution(inp_real, ker_real, padding=tf_conv_mode) if inp_dtype.is_complex: out_4 = tf.nn.convolution(inp_imag, ker_real, padding=tf_conv_mode) complex_output = True else: out_4 = tf.zeros_like(out_1) if ker_dtype.is_complex: out_3 = tf.nn.convolution(inp_real, ker_imag, padding=tf_conv_mode) complex_output = True else: out_3 = tf.zeros_like(out_1) if inp_dtype.is_complex and ker.dtype.is_complex: out_2 = tf.nn.convolution(inp_imag, ker_imag, padding=tf_conv_mode) else: out_2 = tf.zeros_like(out_1) if complex_output: out = tf.complex(out_1 - out_2, out_3 + out_4) else: out = out_1 # Reshape the output to the expected shape out = tf.squeeze(out, axis=-1) out_len = tf.shape(out)[-1] out = tf.reshape(out, tf.concat([batch_shape, [out_len]], axis=-1)) out = tf.experimental.numpy.swapaxes(out, axis, -1) return out
[docs]def fft(tensor, axis=-1): r"""Computes the normalized DFT along a specified axis. This operation computes the normalized one-dimensional discrete Fourier transform (DFT) along the ``axis`` dimension of a ``tensor``. For a vector :math:`\mathbf{x}\in\mathbb{C}^N`, the DFT :math:`\mathbf{X}\in\mathbb{C}^N` is computed as .. math:: X_m = \frac{1}{\sqrt{N}}\sum_{n=0}^{N-1} x_n \exp \left\{ -j2\pi\frac{mn}{N}\right\},\quad m=0,\dots,N-1. Input ----- tensor : tf.complex Tensor of arbitrary shape. axis : int Indicates the dimension along which the DFT is taken. Output ------ : tf.complex Tensor of the same dtype and shape as ``tensor``. """ fft_size = tf.cast(tf.shape(tensor)[axis], tensor.dtype) scale = 1/tf.sqrt(fft_size) if axis not in [-1, tensor.shape.rank]: output = tf.signal.fft(swapaxes(tensor, axis, -1)) output = swapaxes(output, axis, -1) else: output = tf.signal.fft(tensor) return scale * output
[docs]def ifft(tensor, axis=-1): r"""Computes the normalized IDFT along a specified axis. This operation computes the normalized one-dimensional discrete inverse Fourier transform (IDFT) along the ``axis`` dimension of a ``tensor``. For a vector :math:`\mathbf{X}\in\mathbb{C}^N`, the IDFT :math:`\mathbf{x}\in\mathbb{C}^N` is computed as .. math:: x_n = \frac{1}{\sqrt{N}}\sum_{m=0}^{N-1} X_m \exp \left\{ j2\pi\frac{mn}{N}\right\},\quad n=0,\dots,N-1. Input ----- tensor : tf.complex Tensor of arbitrary shape. axis : int Indicates the dimension along which the IDFT is taken. Output ------ : tf.complex Tensor of the same dtype and shape as ``tensor``. """ fft_size = tf.cast(tf.shape(tensor)[axis], tensor.dtype) scale = tf.sqrt(fft_size) if axis not in [-1, tensor.shape.rank]: output = tf.signal.ifft(swapaxes(tensor, axis, -1)) output = swapaxes(output, axis, -1) else: output = tf.signal.ifft(tensor) return scale * output
[docs]def empirical_psd(x, show=True, oversampling=1.0, ylim=(-30,3)): r"""Computes the empirical power spectral density. Computes the empirical power spectral density (PSD) of tensor ``x`` along the last dimension by averaging over all other dimensions. Note that this function simply returns the averaged absolute squared discrete Fourier spectrum of ``x``. Input ----- x : [...,N], tf.complex The signal of which to compute the PSD. show : bool Indicates if a plot of the PSD should be generated. Defaults to True, oversampling : float The oversampling factor. Defaults to 1. ylim : tuple of floats The limits of the y axis. Defaults to [-30, 3]. Only relevant if ``show`` is True. Output ------ freqs : [N], float The normalized frequencies at which the PSD was evaluated. psd : [N], float The PSD. """ psd = tf.pow(tf.abs(fft(x)), 2) psd = tf.reduce_mean(psd, tf.range(0, tf.rank(psd)-1)) psd = tf.signal.fftshift(psd) f_min = -0.5*oversampling f_max = -f_min freqs = tf.linspace(f_min, f_max, tf.shape(psd)[0]) if show: plt.figure() plt.plot(freqs, 10*np.log10(psd)) plt.title("Power Spectral Density") plt.xlabel("Normalized Frequency") plt.xlim([freqs[0], freqs[-1]]) plt.ylabel(r"$\mathbb{E}\left[|X(f)|^2\right]$ (dB)") plt.ylim(ylim) plt.grid(True, which="both") return (freqs, psd)
[docs]def empirical_aclr(x, oversampling=1.0, f_min=-0.5, f_max=0.5): r"""Computes the empirical ACLR. Computes the empirical adjacent channel leakgae ration (ACLR) of tensor ``x`` based on its empirical power spectral density (PSD) which is computed along the last dimension by averaging over all other dimensions. It is assumed that the in-band ranges from [``f_min``, ``f_max``] in normalized frequency. The ACLR is then defined as .. math:: \text{ACLR} = \frac{P_\text{out}}{P_\text{in}} where :math:`P_\text{in}` and :math:`P_\text{out}` are the in-band and out-of-band power, respectively. Input ----- x : [...,N], complex The signal for which to compute the ACLR. oversampling : float The oversampling factor. Defaults to 1. f_min : float The lower border of the in-band in normalized frequency. Defaults to -0.5. f_max : float The upper border of the in-band in normalized frequency. Defaults to 0.5. Output ------ aclr : float The ACLR in linear scale. """ freqs, psd = empirical_psd(x, oversampling=oversampling, show=False) ind_out = tf.where(tf.logical_or(tf.less(freqs, f_min), tf.greater(freqs, f_max))) ind_in = tf.where(tf.logical_and(tf.greater(freqs, f_min), tf.less(freqs, f_max))) p_out = tf.reduce_sum(tf.gather(psd, ind_out)) p_in = tf.reduce_sum(tf.gather(psd, ind_in)) aclr = p_out/p_in return aclr