Source code for sionna.utils.metrics

# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright (c) 2021-2024 NVIDIA CORPORATION & AFFILIATES. All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
"""Userful metrics for the Sionna library."""

import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow.keras.metrics import Metric
from tensorflow.keras.losses import BinaryCrossentropy

[docs] class BitwiseMutualInformation(Metric): """BitwiseMutualInformation(name="bitwise_mutual_information", **kwargs) Computes the bitwise mutual information between bits and LLRs. This class implements a Keras metric for the bitwise mutual information between a tensor of bits and LLR (logits). Input ----- bits : tf.float32 A tensor of arbitrary shape filled with ones and zeros. llr : tf.float32 A tensor of the same shape as ``bits`` containing logits. Output ------ : tf.float32 A scalar, the bit-wise mutual information. """ def __init__(self, name="bitwise_mutual_information", **kwargs): super().__init__(name, **kwargs) self.bmi = self.add_weight(name="bmi", initializer="zeros", dtype=tf.float32) self.counter = self.add_weight(name="counter", initializer="zeros") self.bce = BinaryCrossentropy(from_logits=True) def update_state(self, bits, llr): self.counter.assign_add(1) self.bmi.assign_add(1-self.bce(bits, llr)/tf.math.log(2.)) def result(self): return tf.cast(tf.math.divide_no_nan(self.bmi, self.counter), dtype=tf.float32) def reset_state(self): self.bmi.assign(0.0) self.counter.assign(0.0)
[docs] class BitErrorRate(Metric): """BitErrorRate(name="bit_error_rate", **kwargs) Computes the average bit error rate (BER) between two binary tensors. This class implements a Keras metric for the bit error rate between two tensors of bits. Input ----- b : tf.float32 A tensor of arbitrary shape filled with ones and zeros. b_hat : tf.float32 A tensor of the same shape as ``b`` filled with ones and zeros. Output ------ : tf.float32 A scalar, the BER. """ def __init__(self, name="bit_error_rate", **kwargs): super().__init__(name, **kwargs) self.ber = self.add_weight(name="ber", initializer="zeros", dtype=tf.float64) self.counter = self.add_weight(name="counter", initializer="zeros", dtype=tf.float64) def update_state(self, b, b_hat): self.counter.assign_add(1) self.ber.assign_add(compute_ber(b, b_hat)) def result(self): #cast results of computer_ber for compatibility with tf.float32 return tf.cast(tf.math.divide_no_nan(self.ber, self.counter), dtype=tf.float32) def reset_state(self): self.ber.assign(0.0) self.counter.assign(0.0)
[docs] def compute_ber(b, b_hat): """Computes the bit error rate (BER) between two binary tensors. Input ----- b : tf.float32 A tensor of arbitrary shape filled with ones and zeros. b_hat : tf.float32 A tensor of the same shape as ``b`` filled with ones and zeros. Output ------ : tf.float64 A scalar, the BER. """ ber = tf.not_equal(b, b_hat) ber = tf.cast(ber, tf.float64) # tf.float64 to suport large batch-sizes return tf.reduce_mean(ber)
[docs] def compute_ser(s, s_hat): """Computes the symbol error rate (SER) between two integer tensors. Input ----- s : A tensor of arbitrary shape filled with integers indicating the symbol indices. s_hat : A tensor of the same shape as ``s`` filled with integers indicating the estimated symbol indices. Output ------ : tf.float64 A scalar, the SER. """ ser = tf.not_equal(s, s_hat) ser = tf.cast(ser, tf.float64) # tf.float64 to suport large batch-sizes return tf.reduce_mean(ser)
[docs] def compute_bler(b, b_hat): """Computes the block error rate (BLER) between two binary tensors. A block error happens if at least one element of ``b`` and ``b_hat`` differ in one block. The BLER is evaluated over the last dimension of the input, i. e., all elements of the last dimension are considered to define a block. This is also sometimes referred to as `word error rate` or `frame error rate`. Input ----- b : tf.float32 A tensor of arbitrary shape filled with ones and zeros. b_hat : tf.float32 A tensor of the same shape as ``b`` filled with ones and zeros. Output ------ : tf.float64 A scalar, the BLER. """ bler = tf.reduce_any(tf.not_equal(b, b_hat), axis=-1) bler = tf.cast(bler, tf.float64) # tf.float64 to suport large batch-sizes return tf.reduce_mean(bler)
[docs] def count_errors(b, b_hat): """Counts the number of bit errors between two binary tensors. Input ----- b : tf.float32 A tensor of arbitrary shape filled with ones and zeros. b_hat : tf.float32 A tensor of the same shape as ``b`` filled with ones and zeros. Output ------ : tf.int64 A scalar, the number of bit errors. """ errors = tf.not_equal(b,b_hat) errors = tf.cast(errors, tf.int64) return tf.reduce_sum(errors)
[docs] def count_block_errors(b, b_hat): """Counts the number of block errors between two binary tensors. A block error happens if at least one element of ``b`` and ``b_hat`` differ in one block. The BLER is evaluated over the last dimension of the input, i. e., all elements of the last dimension are considered to define a block. This is also sometimes referred to as `word error rate` or `frame error rate`. Input ----- b : tf.float32 A tensor of arbitrary shape filled with ones and zeros. b_hat : tf.float32 A tensor of the same shape as ``b`` filled with ones and zeros. Output ------ : tf.int64 A scalar, the number of block errors. """ errors = tf.reduce_any(tf.not_equal(b,b_hat), axis=-1) errors = tf.cast(errors, tf.int64) return tf.reduce_sum(errors)