Source code for sionna.utils.misc

# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright (c) 2021-2024 NVIDIA CORPORATION & AFFILIATES. All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
"""Miscellaneous utility functions of the Sionna package."""

import time
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow.keras.layers import Layer
from tensorflow.experimental.numpy import log10 as _log10
from tensorflow.experimental.numpy import log2 as _log2
import sionna
from sionna.utils.metrics import count_errors, count_block_errors
from sionna.mapping import Mapper, Constellation
from sionna import signal

[docs] def ebnodb2no(ebno_db, num_bits_per_symbol, coderate, resource_grid=None): r"""Compute the noise variance `No` for a given `Eb/No` in dB. The function takes into account the number of coded bits per constellation symbol, the coderate, as well as possible additional overheads related to OFDM transmissions, such as the cyclic prefix and pilots. The value of `No` is computed according to the following expression .. math:: N_o = \left(\frac{E_b}{N_o} \frac{r M}{E_s}\right)^{-1} where :math:`2^M` is the constellation size, i.e., :math:`M` is the average number of coded bits per constellation symbol, :math:`E_s=1` is the average energy per constellation per symbol, :math:`r\in(0,1]` is the coderate, :math:`E_b` is the energy per information bit, and :math:`N_o` is the noise power spectral density. For OFDM transmissions, :math:`E_s` is scaled according to the ratio between the total number of resource elements in a resource grid with non-zero energy and the number of resource elements used for data transmission. Also the additionally transmitted energy during the cyclic prefix is taken into account, as well as the number of transmitted streams per transmitter. Input ----- ebno_db : float The `Eb/No` value in dB. num_bits_per_symbol : int The number of bits per symbol. coderate : float The coderate used. resource_grid : ResourceGrid An (optional) instance of :class:`~sionna.ofdm.ResourceGrid` for OFDM transmissions. Output ------ : float The value of :math:`N_o` in linear scale. """ if tf.is_tensor(ebno_db): dtype = ebno_db.dtype else: dtype = tf.float32 ebno = tf.math.pow(tf.cast(10., dtype), ebno_db/10.) energy_per_symbol = 1 if resource_grid is not None: # Divide energy per symbol by the number of transmitted streams energy_per_symbol /= resource_grid.num_streams_per_tx # Number of nonzero energy symbols. # We do not account for the nulled DC and guard carriers. cp_overhead = resource_grid.cyclic_prefix_length \ / resource_grid.fft_size num_syms = resource_grid.num_ofdm_symbols * (1 + cp_overhead) \ * resource_grid.num_effective_subcarriers energy_per_symbol *= num_syms / resource_grid.num_data_symbols no = 1/(ebno * coderate * tf.cast(num_bits_per_symbol, dtype) \ / tf.cast(energy_per_symbol, dtype)) return no
[docs] def hard_decisions(llr): """Transforms LLRs into hard decisions. Positive values are mapped to :math:`1`. Nonpositive values are mapped to :math:`0`. Input ----- llr : any non-complex tf.DType Tensor of LLRs. Output ------ : Same shape and dtype as ``llr`` The hard decisions. """ zero = tf.constant(0, dtype=llr.dtype) return tf.cast(tf.math.greater(llr, zero), dtype=llr.dtype)
[docs] def log10(x): # pylint: disable=C0301 """TensorFlow implementation of NumPy's `log10` function. Simple extension to `tf.experimental.numpy.log10` which casts the result to the `dtype` of the input. For more details see the `TensorFlow <>`__ and `NumPy <>`__ documentation. """ return tf.cast(_log10(x), x.dtype)
[docs] def log2(x): # pylint: disable=C0301 """TensorFlow implementation of NumPy's `log2` function. Simple extension to `tf.experimental.numpy.log2` which casts the result to the `dtype` of the input. For more details see the `TensorFlow <>`_ and `NumPy <>`_ documentation. """ return tf.cast(_log2(x), x.dtype)
[docs] class BinarySource(Layer): """BinarySource(dtype=tf.float32, seed=None, **kwargs) Layer generating random binary tensors. Parameters ---------- dtype : tf.DType Defines the output datatype of the layer. Defaults to `tf.float32`. seed : int or None Set the seed for the random generator used to generate the bits. Set to `None` for random initialization of the RNG. Input ----- shape : 1D tensor/array/list, int The desired shape of the output tensor. Output ------ : ``shape``, ``dtype`` Tensor filled with random binary values. """ def __init__(self, dtype=tf.float32, seed=None, **kwargs): super().__init__(dtype=dtype, **kwargs) self._seed = seed if self._seed is not None: self._rng = tf.random.Generator.from_seed(self._seed) else: self._rng = sionna.config.tf_rng def call(self, inputs): return tf.cast(self._rng.uniform(inputs, 0, 2, tf.int32), dtype=super().dtype)
[docs] class SymbolSource(Layer): # pylint: disable=line-too-long r"""SymbolSource(constellation_type=None, num_bits_per_symbol=None, constellation=None, return_indices=False, return_bits=False, seed=None, dtype=tf.complex64, **kwargs) Layer generating a tensor of arbitrary shape filled with random constellation symbols. Optionally, the symbol indices and/or binary representations of the constellation symbols can be returned. Parameters ---------- constellation_type : One of ["qam", "pam", "custom"], str For "custom", an instance of :class:`~sionna.mapping.Constellation` must be provided. num_bits_per_symbol : int The number of bits per constellation symbol. Only required for ``constellation_type`` in ["qam", "pam"]. constellation : Constellation An instance of :class:`~sionna.mapping.Constellation` or `None`. In the latter case, ``constellation_type`` and ``num_bits_per_symbol`` must be provided. return_indices : bool If enabled, the function also returns the symbol indices. Defaults to `False`. return_bits : bool If enabled, the function also returns the binary symbol representations (i.e., bit labels). Defaults to `False`. seed : int or None The seed for the random generator. `None` leads to a random initialization of the RNG. Defaults to `None`. dtype : One of [tf.complex64, tf.complex128], tf.DType The output dtype. Defaults to tf.complex64. Input ----- shape : 1D tensor/array/list, int The desired shape of the output tensor. Output ------ symbols : ``shape``, ``dtype`` Tensor filled with random symbols of the chosen ``constellation_type``. symbol_indices : ``shape``, tf.int32 Tensor filled with the symbol indices. Only returned if ``return_indices`` is `True`. bits : [``shape``, ``num_bits_per_symbol``], tf.int32 Tensor filled with the binary symbol representations (i.e., bit labels). Only returned if ``return_bits`` is `True`. """ def __init__(self, constellation_type=None, num_bits_per_symbol=None, constellation=None, return_indices=False, return_bits=False, seed=None, dtype=tf.complex64, **kwargs ): super().__init__(dtype=dtype, **kwargs) constellation = Constellation.create_or_check_constellation( constellation_type, num_bits_per_symbol, constellation, dtype) self._num_bits_per_symbol = constellation.num_bits_per_symbol self._return_indices = return_indices self._return_bits = return_bits self._binary_source = BinarySource(seed=seed, dtype=dtype.real_dtype) self._mapper = Mapper(constellation=constellation, return_indices=return_indices, dtype=dtype) def call(self, inputs): shape = tf.concat([inputs, [self._num_bits_per_symbol]], axis=-1) b = self._binary_source(tf.cast(shape, tf.int32)) if self._return_indices: x, ind = self._mapper(b) else: x = self._mapper(b) result = tf.squeeze(x, -1) if self._return_indices or self._return_bits: result = [result] if self._return_indices: result.append(tf.squeeze(ind, -1)) if self._return_bits: result.append(b) return result
[docs] class QAMSource(SymbolSource): # pylint: disable=line-too-long r"""QAMSource(num_bits_per_symbol=None, return_indices=False, return_bits=False, seed=None, dtype=tf.complex64, **kwargs) Layer generating a tensor of arbitrary shape filled with random QAM symbols. Optionally, the symbol indices and/or binary representations of the constellation symbols can be returned. Parameters ---------- num_bits_per_symbol : int The number of bits per constellation symbol, e.g., 4 for QAM16. return_indices : bool If enabled, the function also returns the symbol indices. Defaults to `False`. return_bits : bool If enabled, the function also returns the binary symbol representations (i.e., bit labels). Defaults to `False`. seed : int or None The seed for the random generator. `None` leads to a random initialization of the RNG. Defaults to `None`. dtype : One of [tf.complex64, tf.complex128], tf.DType The output dtype. Defaults to tf.complex64. Input ----- shape : 1D tensor/array/list, int The desired shape of the output tensor. Output ------ symbols : ``shape``, ``dtype`` Tensor filled with random QAM symbols. symbol_indices : ``shape``, tf.int32 Tensor filled with the symbol indices. Only returned if ``return_indices`` is `True`. bits : [``shape``, ``num_bits_per_symbol``], tf.int32 Tensor filled with the binary symbol representations (i.e., bit labels). Only returned if ``return_bits`` is `True`. """ def __init__(self, num_bits_per_symbol=None, return_indices=False, return_bits=False, seed=None, dtype=tf.complex64, **kwargs ): super().__init__(constellation_type="qam", num_bits_per_symbol=num_bits_per_symbol, return_indices=return_indices, return_bits=return_bits, seed=seed, dtype=dtype, **kwargs)
[docs] class PAMSource(SymbolSource): # pylint: disable=line-too-long r"""PAMSource(num_bits_per_symbol=None, return_indices=False, return_bits=False, seed=None, dtype=tf.complex64, **kwargs) Layer generating a tensor of arbitrary shape filled with random PAM symbols. Optionally, the symbol indices and/or binary representations of the constellation symbols can be returned. Parameters ---------- num_bits_per_symbol : int The number of bits per constellation symbol, e.g., 1 for BPSK. return_indices : bool If enabled, the function also returns the symbol indices. Defaults to `False`. return_bits : bool If enabled, the function also returns the binary symbol representations (i.e., bit labels). Defaults to `False`. seed : int or None The seed for the random generator. `None` leads to a random initialization of the RNG. Defaults to `None`. dtype : One of [tf.complex64, tf.complex128], tf.DType The output dtype. Defaults to tf.complex64. Input ----- shape : 1D tensor/array/list, int The desired shape of the output tensor. Output ------ symbols : ``shape``, ``dtype`` Tensor filled with random PAM symbols. symbol_indices : ``shape``, tf.int32 Tensor filled with the symbol indices. Only returned if ``return_indices`` is `True`. bits : [``shape``, ``num_bits_per_symbol``], tf.int32 Tensor filled with the binary symbol representations (i.e., bit labels). Only returned if ``return_bits`` is `True`. """ def __init__(self, num_bits_per_symbol=None, return_indices=False, return_bits=False, seed=None, dtype=tf.complex64, **kwargs ): super().__init__(constellation_type="pam", num_bits_per_symbol=num_bits_per_symbol, return_indices=return_indices, return_bits=return_bits, seed=seed, dtype=dtype, **kwargs)
[docs] def sim_ber(mc_fun, ebno_dbs, batch_size, max_mc_iter, soft_estimates=False, num_target_bit_errors=None, num_target_block_errors=None, target_ber=None, target_bler=None, early_stop=True, graph_mode=None, distribute=None, verbose=True, forward_keyboard_interrupt=True, callback=None, dtype=tf.complex64): # pylint: disable=line-too-long """Simulates until target number of errors is reached and returns BER/BLER. The simulation continues with the next SNR point if either ``num_target_bit_errors`` bit errors or ``num_target_block_errors`` block errors is achieved. Further, it continues with the next SNR point after ``max_mc_iter`` batches of size ``batch_size`` have been simulated. Early stopping allows to stop the simulation after the first error-free SNR point or after reaching a certain ``target_ber`` or ``target_bler``. Input ----- mc_fun: callable Callable that yields the transmitted bits `b` and the receiver's estimate `b_hat` for a given ``batch_size`` and ``ebno_db``. If ``soft_estimates`` is True, `b_hat` is interpreted as logit. ebno_dbs: tf.float32 A tensor containing SNR points to be evaluated. batch_size: tf.int32 Batch-size for evaluation. max_mc_iter: tf.int32 Maximum number of Monte-Carlo iterations per SNR point. soft_estimates: bool A boolean, defaults to `False`. If `True`, `b_hat` is interpreted as logit and an additional hard-decision is applied internally. num_target_bit_errors: tf.int32 Defaults to `None`. Target number of bit errors per SNR point until the simulation continues to next SNR point. num_target_block_errors: tf.int32 Defaults to `None`. Target number of block errors per SNR point until the simulation continues target_ber: tf.float32 Defaults to `None`. The simulation stops after the first SNR point which achieves a lower bit error rate as specified by ``target_ber``. This requires ``early_stop`` to be `True`. target_bler: tf.float32 Defaults to `None`. The simulation stops after the first SNR point which achieves a lower block error rate as specified by ``target_bler``. This requires ``early_stop`` to be `True`. early_stop: bool A boolean defaults to `True`. If `True`, the simulation stops after the first error-free SNR point (i.e., no error occurred after ``max_mc_iter`` Monte-Carlo iterations). graph_mode: One of ["graph", "xla"], str A string describing the execution mode of ``mc_fun``. Defaults to `None`. In this case, ``mc_fun`` is executed as is. distribute: `None` (default) | "all" | list of indices | `tf.distribute.strategy` Distributes simulation on multiple parallel devices. If `None`, multi-device simulations are deactivated. If "all", the workload will be automatically distributed across all available GPUs via the `tf.distribute.MirroredStrategy`. If an explicit list of indices is provided, only the GPUs with the given indices will be used. Alternatively, a custom `tf.distribute.strategy` can be provided. Note that the same `batch_size` will be used for all GPUs in parallel, but the number of Monte-Carlo iterations ``max_mc_iter`` will be scaled by the number of devices such that the same number of total samples is simulated. However, all stopping conditions are still in-place which can cause slight differences in the total number of simulated samples. verbose: bool A boolean defaults to `True`. If `True`, the current progress will be printed. forward_keyboard_interrupt: bool A boolean defaults to `True`. If `False`, KeyboardInterrupts will be catched internally and not forwarded (e.g., will not stop outer loops). If `False`, the simulation ends and returns the intermediate simulation results. callback: `None` (default) | callable If specified, ``callback`` will be called after each Monte-Carlo step. Can be used for logging or advanced early stopping. Input signature of ``callback`` must match `callback(mc_iter, snr_idx, ebno_dbs, bit_errors, block_errors, nb_bits, nb_blocks)` where ``mc_iter`` denotes the number of processed batches for the current SNR point, ``snr_idx`` is the index of the current SNR point, ``ebno_dbs`` is the vector of all SNR points to be evaluated, ``bit_errors`` the vector of number of bit errors for each SNR point, ``block_errors`` the vector of number of block errors, ``nb_bits`` the vector of number of simulated bits, ``nb_blocks`` the vector of number of simulated blocks, respectively. If ``callable`` returns `sim_ber.CALLBACK_NEXT_SNR`, early stopping is detected and the simulation will continue with the next SNR point. If ``callable`` returns `sim_ber.CALLBACK_STOP`, the simulation is stopped immediately. For `sim_ber.CALLBACK_CONTINUE` continues with the simulation. dtype: tf.complex64 Datatype of the callable ``mc_fun`` to be used as input/output. Output ------ (ber, bler) : Tuple: ber: tf.float32 The bit-error rate. bler: tf.float32 The block-error rate. Raises ------ AssertionError If ``soft_estimates`` is not bool. AssertionError If ``dtype`` is not `tf.complex`. Note ---- This function is implemented based on tensors to allow full compatibility with tf.function(). However, to run simulations in graph mode, the provided ``mc_fun`` must use the `@tf.function()` decorator. """ # utility function to print progress def _print_progress(is_final, rt, idx_snr, idx_it, header_text=None): """Print summary of current simulation progress. Input ----- is_final: bool A boolean. If True, the progress is printed into a new line. rt: float The runtime of the current SNR point in seconds. idx_snr: int Index of current SNR point. idx_it: int Current iteration index. header_text: list of str Elements will be printed instead of current progress, iff not None. Can be used to generate table header. """ # set carriage return if not final step if is_final: end_str = "\n" else: end_str = "\r" # prepare to print table header if header_text is not None: row_text = header_text end_str = "\n" else: # calculate intermediate ber / bler ber_np = (tf.cast(bit_errors[idx_snr], tf.float64) / tf.cast(nb_bits[idx_snr], tf.float64)).numpy() ber_np = np.nan_to_num(ber_np) # avoid nan for first point bler_np = (tf.cast(block_errors[idx_snr], tf.float64) / tf.cast(nb_blocks[idx_snr], tf.float64)).numpy() bler_np = np.nan_to_num(bler_np) # avoid nan for first point # load statuslevel # print current iter if simulation is still running if status[idx_snr]==0: status_txt = f"iter: {idx_it:.0f}/{max_mc_iter:.0f}" else: status_txt = status_levels[int(status[idx_snr])] # generate list with all elements to be printed row_text = [str(np.round(ebno_dbs[idx_snr].numpy(), 3)), f"{ber_np:.4e}", f"{bler_np:.4e}", np.round(bit_errors[idx_snr].numpy(), 0), np.round(nb_bits[idx_snr].numpy(), 0), np.round(block_errors[idx_snr].numpy(), 0), np.round(nb_blocks[idx_snr].numpy(), 0), np.round(rt, 1), status_txt] # pylint: disable=line-too-long, consider-using-f-string print("{: >9} |{: >11} |{: >11} |{: >12} |{: >12} |{: >13} |{: >12} |{: >12} |{: >10}".format(*row_text), end=end_str) # distributed execution should not be done in Eager mode # XLA mode seems to have difficulties with TF2.13 @tf.function(jit_compile=False) def _run_distributed(strategy, mc_fun, batch_size, ebno_db): # use tf.distribute to execute on parallel devices (=replicas) outputs_rep =, args=(batch_size, ebno_db)) # copy replicas back to single device b = strategy.gather(outputs_rep[0], axis=0) b_hat = strategy.gather(outputs_rep[1], axis=0) return b, b_hat # init table headers header_text = ["EbNo [dB]", "BER", "BLER", "bit errors", "num bits", "block errors", "num blocks", "runtime [s]", "status"] # replace status by text status_levels = ["not simulated", # status=0 "reached max iter ", # status=1; spacing for impr. layout "no errors - early stop", # status=2 "reached target bit errors", # status=3 "reached target block errors", # status=4 "reached target BER - early stop", # status=5 "reached target BLER - early stop", # status=6 "callback triggered stopping"] # status=7 # check inputs for consistency assert isinstance(early_stop, bool), "early_stop must be bool." assert isinstance(soft_estimates, bool), "soft_estimates must be bool." assert dtype.is_complex, "dtype must be a complex type." assert isinstance(verbose, bool), "verbose must be bool." # target_ber / target_bler only works if early stop is activated if target_ber is not None: if not early_stop: print("Warning: early stop is deactivated. Thus, target_ber " \ "is ignored.") else: target_ber = -1. # deactivate early stopping condition if target_bler is not None: if not early_stop: print("Warning: early stop is deactivated. Thus, target_bler " \ "is ignored.") else: target_bler = -1. # deactivate early stopping condition if graph_mode is None: graph_mode="default" # applies default graph mode assert isinstance(graph_mode, str), "graph_mode must be str." if graph_mode=="default": pass # nothing to do elif graph_mode=="graph": # avoid retracing -> check if mc_fun is already a function if not isinstance(mc_fun, tf.types.experimental.GenericFunction): mc_fun = tf.function(mc_fun, jit_compile=False, experimental_follow_type_hints=True) elif graph_mode=="xla": # avoid retracing -> check if mc_fun is already a function if not isinstance(mc_fun, tf.types.experimental.GenericFunction) or \ not mc_fun.function_spec.jit_compile: mc_fun = tf.function(mc_fun, jit_compile=True, experimental_follow_type_hints=True) else: raise TypeError("Unknown graph_mode selected.") # support multi-device simulations by using the tf.distribute package if len(tf.config.list_logical_devices('GPU'))==0: run_multigpu = False distribute = None if distribute is None: # disabled per default run_multigpu = False # use strategy if explicitly provided elif isinstance(distribute, tf.distribute.Strategy): run_multigpu = True strategy = distribute # distribute is already a tf.distribute.strategy else: run_multigpu = True # use all available gpus if distribute=="all": gpus = tf.config.list_logical_devices('GPU') # mask active GPUs if indices are provided elif isinstance(distribute, (tuple, list)): gpus_avail = tf.config.list_logical_devices('GPU') gpus = [gpus_avail[i] for i in distribute if i < len(gpus_avail)] else: raise ValueError("Unknown value for distribute.") # deactivate logging of tf.device placement if verbose: print("Setting tf.debugging.set_log_device_placement to False.") tf.debugging.set_log_device_placement(False) # we reduce to the first device by default strategy = tf.distribute.MirroredStrategy(gpus, cross_device_ops=tf.distribute.ReductionToOneDevice( reduce_to_device=gpus[0].name)) # reduce max_mc_iter if multi_gpu simulations are activated if run_multigpu: num_replicas = strategy.num_replicas_in_sync # pylint: disable=possibly-used-before-assignment max_mc_iter = int(np.ceil(max_mc_iter/num_replicas)) print(f"Distributing simulation across {num_replicas} devices.") print(f"Reducing max_mc_iter to {max_mc_iter}") ebno_dbs = tf.cast(ebno_dbs, dtype.real_dtype) batch_size = tf.cast(batch_size, tf.int32) num_points = tf.shape(ebno_dbs)[0] bit_errors = tf.Variable( tf.zeros([num_points], dtype=tf.int64), dtype=tf.int64) block_errors = tf.Variable( tf.zeros([num_points], dtype=tf.int64), dtype=tf.int64) nb_bits = tf.Variable( tf.zeros([num_points], dtype=tf.int64), dtype=tf.int64) nb_blocks = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([num_points], dtype=tf.int64), dtype=tf.int64) # track status of simulation (early termination etc.) status = np.zeros(num_points) # measure runtime per SNR point runtime = np.zeros(num_points) # ensure num_target_errors is a tensor if num_target_bit_errors is not None: num_target_bit_errors = tf.cast(num_target_bit_errors, tf.int64) if num_target_block_errors is not None: num_target_block_errors = tf.cast(num_target_block_errors, tf.int64) try: # simulate until a target number of errors is reached for i in tf.range(num_points): runtime[i] = time.perf_counter() # save start time iter_count = -1 # for print in verbose mode for ii in tf.range(max_mc_iter): iter_count += 1 if run_multigpu: # distributed execution b, b_hat = _run_distributed(strategy, mc_fun, batch_size, ebno_dbs[i]) else: outputs = mc_fun(batch_size=batch_size, ebno_db=ebno_dbs[i]) # assume first and second return value is b and b_hat # other returns are ignored b = outputs[0] b_hat = outputs[1] if soft_estimates: b_hat = hard_decisions(b_hat) # count errors bit_e = count_errors(b, b_hat) block_e = count_block_errors(b, b_hat) # count total number of bits bit_n = tf.size(b) block_n = tf.size(b[...,-1]) # update variables bit_errors = tf.tensor_scatter_nd_add( bit_errors, [[i]], tf.cast([bit_e], tf.int64)) block_errors = tf.tensor_scatter_nd_add( block_errors, [[i]], tf.cast([block_e], tf.int64)) nb_bits = tf.tensor_scatter_nd_add( nb_bits, [[i]], tf.cast([bit_n], tf.int64)) nb_blocks = tf.tensor_scatter_nd_add( nb_blocks, [[i]], tf.cast([block_n], tf.int64)) cb_state = sim_ber.CALLBACK_CONTINUE if callback is not None: cb_state = callback (ii, i, ebno_dbs, bit_errors, block_errors, nb_bits, nb_blocks) if cb_state in (sim_ber.CALLBACK_STOP, sim_ber.CALLBACK_NEXT_SNR): # stop runtime timer runtime[i] = time.perf_counter() - runtime[i] status[i] = 7 # change internal status for summary break # stop for this SNR point have been simulated # print progress summary if verbose: # print summary header during first iteration if i==0 and iter_count==0: _print_progress(is_final=True, rt=0, idx_snr=0, idx_it=0, header_text=header_text) # print seperator after headline print('-' * 135) # evaluate current runtime rt = time.perf_counter() - runtime[i] # print current progress _print_progress(is_final=False, idx_snr=i, idx_it=ii, rt=rt) # bit-error based stopping cond. if num_target_bit_errors is not None: if tf.greater_equal(bit_errors[i], num_target_bit_errors): status[i] = 3 # change internal status for summary # stop runtime timer runtime[i] = time.perf_counter() - runtime[i] break # enough errors for SNR point have been simulated # block-error based stopping cond. if num_target_block_errors is not None: if tf.greater_equal(block_errors[i], num_target_block_errors): # stop runtime timer runtime[i] = time.perf_counter() - runtime[i] status[i] = 4 # change internal status for summary break # enough errors for SNR point have been simulated # max iter have been reached -> continue with next SNR point if iter_count==max_mc_iter-1: # all iterations are done # stop runtime timer runtime[i] = time.perf_counter() - runtime[i] status[i] = 1 # change internal status for summary # print results again AFTER last iteration / early stop (new status) if verbose: _print_progress(is_final=True, idx_snr=i, idx_it=iter_count, rt=runtime[i]) # early stop if no error occurred or target_ber/target_bler reached if early_stop: # only if early stop is active if block_errors[i]==0: status[i] = 2 # change internal status for summary if verbose: print("\nSimulation stopped as no error occurred " \ f"@ EbNo = {ebno_dbs[i].numpy():.1f} dB.\n") break # check for target_ber / target_bler ber_true = bit_errors[i] / nb_bits[i] bler_true = block_errors[i] / nb_blocks[i] if ber_true <target_ber: status[i] = 5 # change internal status for summary if verbose: print("\nSimulation stopped as target BER is reached" \ f"@ EbNo = {ebno_dbs[i].numpy():.1f} dB.\n") break if bler_true <target_bler: status[i] = 6 # change internal status for summary if verbose: print("\nSimulation stopped as target BLER is " \ f"reached @ EbNo = {ebno_dbs[i].numpy():.1f} " \ "dB.\n") break # allow callback to end the entire simulation if cb_state is sim_ber.CALLBACK_STOP: # stop runtime timer status[i] = 7 # change internal status for summary if verbose: print("\nSimulation stopped by callback function " \ f"@ EbNo = {ebno_dbs[i].numpy():.1f} dB.\n") break # Stop if KeyboardInterrupt is detected and set remaining SNR points to -1 except KeyboardInterrupt as e: # Raise Interrupt again to stop outer loops if forward_keyboard_interrupt: raise e print("\nSimulation stopped by the user " \ f"@ EbNo = {ebno_dbs[i].numpy()} dB.") # overwrite remaining BER / BLER positions with -1 for idx in range(i+1, num_points): bit_errors = tf.tensor_scatter_nd_update( bit_errors, [[idx]], tf.cast([-1], tf.int64)) block_errors = tf.tensor_scatter_nd_update( block_errors, [[idx]], tf.cast([-1], tf.int64)) nb_bits = tf.tensor_scatter_nd_update( nb_bits, [[idx]], tf.cast([1], tf.int64)) nb_blocks = tf.tensor_scatter_nd_update( nb_blocks, [[idx]], tf.cast([1], tf.int64)) # calculate BER / BLER ber = tf.cast(bit_errors, tf.float64) / tf.cast(nb_bits, tf.float64) bler = tf.cast(block_errors, tf.float64) / tf.cast(nb_blocks, tf.float64) # replace nans (from early stop) ber = tf.where(tf.math.is_nan(ber), tf.zeros_like(ber), ber) bler = tf.where(tf.math.is_nan(bler), tf.zeros_like(bler), bler) return ber, bler
sim_ber.CALLBACK_CONTINUE = None sim_ber.CALLBACK_STOP = 2 sim_ber.CALLBACK_NEXT_SNR = 1
[docs] def complex_normal(shape, var=1.0, dtype=tf.complex64): r"""Generates a tensor of complex normal random variables. Input ----- shape : tf.shape, or list The desired shape. var : float The total variance., i.e., each complex dimension has variance ``var/2``. dtype: tf.complex The desired dtype. Defaults to `tf.complex64`. Output ------ : ``shape``, ``dtype`` Tensor of complex normal random variables. """ # Half the variance for each dimension var_dim = tf.cast(var, dtype.real_dtype)/tf.cast(2, dtype.real_dtype) stddev = tf.sqrt(var_dim) # Generate complex Gaussian noise with the right variance xr = sionna.config.tf_rng.normal(shape, stddev=stddev, dtype=dtype.real_dtype) xi = sionna.config.tf_rng.normal(shape, stddev=stddev, dtype=dtype.real_dtype) x = tf.complex(xr, xi) return x
########################################################### # Deprecated aliases that will not be included in the next # major release ########################################################### def fft(tensor, axis=-1): print( "Warning: The alias utils.fft will not be included in Sionna 1.0." " Please use signal.fft instead.") return signal.fft(tensor, axis) def ifft(tensor, axis=-1): print( "Warning: The alias utils.ifft will not be included in Sionna 1.0." " Please use signal.ifft instead.") return signal.ifft(tensor, axis) def empirical_psd(x, show=True, oversampling=1.0, ylim=(-30,3)): print( "Warning: The alias utils.empirical_psd will not be included in" " Sionna 1.0. Please use signal.empirical_psd instead.") return signal.empirical_psd(x, show, oversampling, ylim)