MIMO OFDM Transmissions over the CDL Channel Model

In this notebook, you will learn how to setup a realistic simulation of a MIMO point-to-point link between a mobile user terminal (UT) and a base station (BS). Both, uplink and downlink directions are considered. Here is a schematic diagram of the system model with all required components:

System Model

The setup includes:


  • QAM modulation

  • OFDM resource grid with configurabel pilot pattern

  • Multiple data streams

  • 3GPP 38.901 CDL channel models and antenna patterns

  • ZF Precoding with perfect channel state information

  • LS Channel estimation with nearest-neighbor interpolation as well as perfect CSI

  • LMMSE MIMO equalization

You will learn how to simulate the channel in the time and frequency domains and understand when to use which option.

In particular, you will investigate:

  • The performance over different CDL models

  • The impact of imperfect CSI

  • Channel aging due to mobility

  • Inter-symbol interference due to insufficient cyclic prefix length

We will first walk through the configuration of all components of the system model, before simulating some simple transmissions in the time and frequency domain. Then, we will build a general end-to-end model which will allow us to run efficiently simulations with different parameter settings.

This is a notebook demonstrating a fairly advanced use of the Sionna library. It is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the API documentation of the Channel module and understand the difference between time- and frequency-domain modeling. Some of the simulations take some time, especially when you have no GPU available. For this reason, we provide the simulation results within the cells generating the figures. If you want to visualize your own results, just comment the corresponding line.

Table of Contents

GPU Configuration and Imports

import os
if os.getenv("CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES") is None:
    gpu_num = 0 # Use "" to use the CPU
    os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = f"{gpu_num}"
os.environ['TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL'] = '3'

# Import Sionna
    import sionna.phy
except ImportError as e:
    import sys
    if 'google.colab' in sys.modules:
       # Install Sionna in Google Colab
       print("Installing Sionna and restarting the runtime. Please run the cell again.")
       os.system("pip install sionna")
       os.kill(os.getpid(), 5)
       raise e

# Configure the notebook to use only a single GPU and allocate only as much memory as needed
# For more details, see https://www.tensorflow.org/guide/gpu
import tensorflow as tf
gpus = tf.config.list_physical_devices('GPU')
if gpus:
        tf.config.experimental.set_memory_growth(gpus[0], True)
    except RuntimeError as e:

# Set random seed for reproducibility
sionna.phy.config.seed = 42
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import time

from sionna.phy import Block
from sionna.phy.mimo import StreamManagement
from sionna.phy.ofdm import ResourceGrid, ResourceGridMapper, LSChannelEstimator, LMMSEEqualizer, \
                            OFDMModulator, OFDMDemodulator, RZFPrecoder, RemoveNulledSubcarriers
from sionna.phy.channel.tr38901 import AntennaArray, CDL
from sionna.phy.channel import subcarrier_frequencies, cir_to_ofdm_channel, cir_to_time_channel, \
                               time_lag_discrete_time_channel, ApplyOFDMChannel, ApplyTimeChannel, \
                               OFDMChannel, TimeChannel
from sionna.phy.fec.ldpc import LDPC5GEncoder, LDPC5GDecoder
from sionna.phy.mapping import Mapper, Demapper, BinarySource
from sionna.phy.utils import ebnodb2no, sim_ber, compute_ber

System Setup

We will now configure all components of the system model step-by-step.

Stream Management

For any type of MIMO simulations, it is useful to setup a StreamManagement object. It determines which transmitters and receivers communicate data streams with each other. In our scenario, we will configure a single UT and BS with multiple antennas each. Whether the UT or BS is considered as a transmitter depends on the direction, which can be either uplink or downlink. The StreamManagement has many properties that are used by other components, such as precoding and equalization.

We will configure the system here such that the number of streams per transmitter (in both uplink and donwlink) is equal to the number of UT antennas.

# Define the number of UT and BS antennas.
# For the CDL model, that will be used in this notebook, only
# a single UT and BS are supported.
num_ut = 1
num_bs = 1
num_ut_ant = 4
num_bs_ant = 8

# The number of transmitted streams is equal to the number of UT antennas
# in both uplink and downlink
num_streams_per_tx = num_ut_ant

# Create an RX-TX association matrix
# rx_tx_association[i,j]=1 means that receiver i gets at least one stream
# from transmitter j. Depending on the transmission direction (uplink or downlink),
# the role of UT and BS can change. However, as we have only a single
# transmitter and receiver, this does not matter:
rx_tx_association = np.array([[1]])

# Instantiate a StreamManagement object
# This determines which data streams are determined for which receiver.
# In this simple setup, this is fairly easy. However, it can get more involved
# for simulations with many transmitters and receivers.
sm = StreamManagement(rx_tx_association, num_streams_per_tx)

OFDM Resource Grid & Pilot Pattern

Next, we configure an OFDM ResourceGrid spanning multiple OFDM symbols. The resource grid contains data symbols and pilots and is equivalent to a slot in 4G/5G terminology. Although it is not relevant for our simulation, we null the DC subcarrier and a few guard carriers to the left and right of the spectrum. Also a cyclic prefix is added.

During the creation of the ResourceGrid, a PilotPattern is automatically generated. We could have alternatively created a PilotPattern first and then provided it as initialization parameter.

rg = ResourceGrid(num_ofdm_symbols=14,

As can be seen in the figure above, the resource grid spans 76 subcarriers over 14 OFDM symbols. A DC guard carrier as well as some guard carriers to the left and right of the spectrum are nulled. The third and twelfth OFDM symbol are dedicated to pilot transmissions.

Let us now have a look at the pilot pattern used by the transmitter.


The pilot patterns are defined over the resource grid of effective subcarriers from which the nulled DC and guard carriers have been removed. This leaves us in our case with 76 - 1 (DC) - 5 (left guards) - 6 (right guards) = 64 effective subcarriers.

While the resource grid only knows which resource elements are reserved for pilots, it is the pilot pattern that defines what is actually transmitted on them. In our scenario, we have four transmit streams and configured the KroneckerPilotPattern. All streams use orthogonal pilot sequences, i.e., one pilot on every fourth subcarrier. You have full freedom to configure your own PilotPattern.

Let us now have a look at the actual pilot sequences for all streams which consists of random QPSK symbols. By default, the pilot sequences are normalized, such that the average power per pilot symbol is equal to one. As only every fourth pilot symbol in the sequence is used, their amplitude is scaled by a factor of two.

plt.title("Real Part of the Pilot Sequences")
for i in range(num_streams_per_tx):
    plt.stem(np.real(rg.pilot_pattern.pilots[0, i]),
             markerfmt="C{}.".format(i), linefmt="C{}-".format(i),
             label="Stream {}".format(i))
print("Average energy per pilot symbol: {:1.2f}".format(np.mean(np.abs(rg.pilot_pattern.pilots[0,0])**2)))
Average energy per pilot symbol: 1.00

Antenna Arrays

Next, we need to configure the antenna arrays used by the UT and BS. This can be ignored for simple channel models, such as AWGN, flat-fading, RayleighBlockFading, or TDL which do not account for antenna array geometries and antenna radiation patterns. However, other models, such as CDL, UMi, UMa, and RMa from the 3GPP 38.901 specification, require it.

We will assume here that UT and BS antenna arrays are composed of dual cross-polarized antenna elements with an antenna pattern defined in the 3GPP 38.901 specification. By default, the antenna elements are spaced half of a wavelength apart in both vertical and horizontal directions. You can define your own antenna geometries an radiation patterns if needed.

An AntennaArray is always defined in the y-z plane. It’s final orientation will be determined by the orientation of the UT or BS. This parameter can be configured in the ChannelModel that we will create later.

carrier_frequency = 2.6e9 # Carrier frequency in Hz.
                          # This is needed here to define the antenna element spacing.

ut_array = AntennaArray(num_rows=1,

bs_array = AntennaArray(num_rows=1,

We can also visualize the radiation pattern of an individual antenna element:


CDL Channel Model

Now, we will create an instance of the CDL channel model.

delay_spread = 300e-9 # Nominal delay spread in [s]. Please see the CDL documentation
                      # about how to choose this value.

direction = "uplink"  # The `direction` determines if the UT or BS is transmitting.
                      # In the `uplink`, the UT is transmitting.
cdl_model = "B"       # Suitable values are ["A", "B", "C", "D", "E"]

speed = 10            # UT speed [m/s]. BSs are always assumed to be fixed.
                      # The direction of travel will chosen randomly within the x-y plane.

# Configure a channel impulse reponse (CIR) generator for the CDL model.
# cdl() will generate CIRs that can be converted to discrete time or discrete frequency.
cdl = CDL(cdl_model, delay_spread, carrier_frequency, ut_array, bs_array, direction, min_speed=speed)

CIR Sampling Process

The instance cdl of the CDL ChannelModel can be used to generate batches of random realizations of continuous-time channel impulse responses, consisting of complex gains a and delays tau for each path. To account for time-varying channels, a channel impulse responses is sampled at the sampling_frequency for num_time_samples samples. For more details on this, please have a look at the API documentation of the channel models.

In order to model the channel in the frequency domain, we need num_ofdm_symbols samples that are taken once per ofdm_symbol_duration, which corresponds to the length of an OFDM symbol plus the cyclic prefix.

a, tau = cdl(batch_size=32, num_time_steps=rg.num_ofdm_symbols, sampling_frequency=1/rg.ofdm_symbol_duration)
The path gains a have shape
[batch size, num_rx, num_rx_ant, num_tx, num_tx_ant, num_paths, num_time_steps]
and the delays tau have shape
[batch_size, num_rx, num_tx, num_paths].
print("Shape of the path gains: ", a.shape)
print("Shape of the delays:", tau.shape)
Shape of the path gains:  (32, 1, 8, 1, 4, 23, 14)
Shape of the delays: (32, 1, 1, 23)

The delays are assumed to be static within the time-window of interest. Only the complex path gains change over time. The following two figures depict the channel impulse response at a particular time instant and the time-evolution of the gain of one path, respectively.

plt.title("Channel impulse response realization")
plt.stem(tau[0,0,0,:]/1e-9, np.abs(a)[0,0,0,0,0,:,0])
plt.xlabel(r"$\tau$ [ns]")

plt.title("Time evolution of path gain")
plt.plot(np.arange(rg.num_ofdm_symbols)*rg.ofdm_symbol_duration/1e-6, np.real(a)[0,0,0,0,0,0,:])
plt.plot(np.arange(rg.num_ofdm_symbols)*rg.ofdm_symbol_duration/1e-6, np.imag(a)[0,0,0,0,0,0,:])
plt.legend(["Real part", "Imaginary part"])

plt.xlabel(r"$t$ [us]")

Generate the Channel Frequency Response

If we want to use the continuous-time channel impulse response to simulate OFDM transmissions under ideal conditions, i.e., no inter-symbol interference, inter-carrier interference, etc., we need to convert it to the frequency domain.

This can be done with the function cir_to_ofdm_channel that computes the Fourier transform of the continuous-time channel impulse response at a set of frequencies, corresponding to the different subcarriers. The frequencies can be obtained with the help of the convenience function subcarrier_frequencies.

frequencies = subcarrier_frequencies(rg.fft_size, rg.subcarrier_spacing)
h_freq = cir_to_ofdm_channel(frequencies, a, tau, normalize=True)

Let us have a look at the channel frequency response at a given time instant:

plt.title("Channel frequency response")
plt.xlabel("OFDM Symbol Index")
plt.legend(["Real part", "Imaginary part"]);

We can apply the channel frequency response to a given input with the ApplyOFDMChannel block. This block can also add additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) to the channel output.

# Function that will apply the channel frequency response to an input signal
channel_freq = ApplyOFDMChannel(add_awgn=True)

Generate the Discrete-Time Channel Impulse Response

In the same way as we have created the frequency channel impulse response from the continuous-time response, we can use the latter to compute a discrete-time impulse response. This can then be used to model the channel in the time-domain through discrete convolution with an input signal. Time-domain channel modeling is necessary whenever we want to deviate from the perfect OFDM scenario, e.g., OFDM without cyclic prefix, inter-subcarrier interference due to carrier-frequency offsets, phase noise, or very high Doppler spread scenarios, as well as other single or multicarrier waveforms (OTFS, FBMC, UFMC, etc).

A discrete-time impulse response can be obtained with the help of the function cir_to_time_channel that requires a bandwidth parameter. This function first applies a perfect low-pass filter of the provided bandwith to the continuous-time channel impulse response and then samples the filtered response at the Nyquist rate. The resulting discrete-time impulse response is then truncated to finite length, depending on the delay spread. l_min and l_max denote truncation boundaries and the resulting channel has l_tot=l_max-l_min+1 filter taps. A detailed mathematical description of this process is provided in the API documentation of the channel models. You can freely chose both parameters if you do not want to rely on the default values.

In order to model the channel in the domain, the continuous-time channel impulse response must be sampled at the Nyquist rate. We also need now num_ofdm_symbols x (fft_size + cyclic_prefix_length) + l_tot-1 samples in contrast to num_ofdm_symbols samples for modeling in the frequency domain. This implies that the memory requirements of time-domain channel modeling is significantly higher. We therefore recommend to only use this feature if it is really necessary. Simulations with many transmitters, receivers, and/or large antenna arrays become otherwise quickly prohibitively complex.

# The following values for truncation are recommended.
# Please feel free to tailor them to you needs.
l_min, l_max = time_lag_discrete_time_channel(rg.bandwidth)
l_tot = l_max-l_min+1

a, tau = cdl(batch_size=2, num_time_steps=rg.num_time_samples+l_tot-1, sampling_frequency=rg.bandwidth)
h_time = cir_to_time_channel(rg.bandwidth, a, tau, l_min=l_min, l_max=l_max, normalize=True)
plt.title("Discrete-time channel impulse response")
plt.xlabel(r"Time step $\ell$")

We can apply the discrete-time impulse response to a given input with the ApplyTimeChannel block. This block can also add additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) to the channel output.

# Function that will apply the discrete-time channel impulse response to an input signal
channel_time = ApplyTimeChannel(rg.num_time_samples, l_tot=l_tot, add_awgn=True)

Other Physical Layer Components

Finally, we create instances of all other physical layer components we need. Most of these blocks are self-explanatory. For more information, please have a look at the API documentation.

num_bits_per_symbol = 2 # QPSK modulation
coderate = 0.5 # Code rate
n = int(rg.num_data_symbols*num_bits_per_symbol) # Number of coded bits
k = int(n*coderate) # Number of information bits

# The binary source will create batches of information bits
binary_source = BinarySource()

# The encoder maps information bits to coded bits
encoder = LDPC5GEncoder(k, n)

# The mapper maps blocks of information bits to constellation symbols
mapper = Mapper("qam", num_bits_per_symbol)

# The resource grid mapper maps symbols onto an OFDM resource grid
rg_mapper = ResourceGridMapper(rg)

# The zero forcing precoder precodes the transmit stream towards the intended antennas
zf_precoder = RZFPrecoder(rg, sm, return_effective_channel=True)

# OFDM modulator and demodulator
modulator = OFDMModulator(rg.cyclic_prefix_length)
demodulator = OFDMDemodulator(rg.fft_size, l_min, rg.cyclic_prefix_length)

# This function removes nulled subcarriers from any tensor having the shape of a resource grid
remove_nulled_scs = RemoveNulledSubcarriers(rg)

# The LS channel estimator will provide channel estimates and error variances
ls_est = LSChannelEstimator(rg, interpolation_type="nn")

# The LMMSE equalizer will provide soft symbols together with noise variance estimates
lmmse_equ = LMMSEEqualizer(rg, sm)

# The demapper produces LLR for all coded bits
demapper = Demapper("app", "qam", num_bits_per_symbol)

# The decoder provides hard-decisions on the information bits
decoder = LDPC5GDecoder(encoder, hard_out=True)


Understand the Difference Between the CDL Models

Before we proceed with more advanced simulations, it is important to understand the differences between the different CDL models. The models “A”, “B”, and “C” are non-line-of-sight (NLOS) models, while “D” and “E” are LOS. In the following code snippet, we compute the empirical cummulative distribution function (CDF) of the condition number of the channel frequency response matrix between all receiver and transmit antennas.

def fun(cdl_model):
    """Generates a histogram of the channel condition numbers"""

    # Setup a CIR generator
    cdl = CDL(cdl_model, delay_spread, carrier_frequency,
              ut_array, bs_array, "uplink", min_speed=0)

    # Generate random CIR realizations
    # As we nned only a single sample in time, the sampling_frequency
    # does not matter.
    cir = cdl(2000, 1, 1)

    # Compute the frequency response
    h = cir_to_ofdm_channel(frequencies, *cir, normalize=True)

    # Reshape to [batch_size, fft_size, num_rx_ant, num_tx_ant]
    h = tf.squeeze(h)
    h = tf.transpose(h, [0,3,1,2])

    # Compute condition number
    c = np.reshape(np.linalg.cond(h), [-1])

    # Compute normalized histogram
    hist, bins = np.histogram(c, 150, (1, 150))
    hist = hist/np.sum(hist)
    return bins[:-1], hist

for cdl_model in ["A", "B", "C", "D", "E"]:
    bins, hist = fun(cdl_model)
    plt.plot(bins, np.cumsum(hist))
plt.legend(["CDL-A", "CDL-B", "CDL-C", "CDL-D", "CDL-E"]);
plt.xlabel("Channel Condition Number")
plt.title("CDF of the condition number of 8x4 MIMO channels");

From the figure above, you can observe that the CDL-B and CDL-C models are substantially better conditioned than the other models. This makes them more suitable for MIMO transmissions as we will observe in the next section.

Create an End-to-End Model

For longer simulations, it is often convenient to pack all code into a single model that outputs batches of transmitted and received information bits at a given Eb/No point. The following code defines a very general model that can simulate uplink and downlink transmissions with time or frequency domain modeling over the different CDL models. It allows to configure perfect or imperfect CSI, UT speed, cyclic prefix length, and the number of OFDM symbols for pilot transmissions.

class Model(Block):
    """This block simulates OFDM MIMO transmissions over the CDL model.

    Simulates point-to-point transmissions between a UT and a BS.
    Uplink and downlink transmissions can be realized with either perfect CSI
    or channel estimation. ZF Precoding for downlink transmissions is assumed.
    The receiver (in both uplink and downlink) applies LS channel estimation
    and LMMSE MIMO equalization. A 5G LDPC code as well as QAM modulation are

    domain : One of ["time", "freq"], str
        Determines if the channel is modeled in the time or frequency domain.
        Time-domain simulations are generally slower and consume more memory.
        They allow modeling of inter-symbol interference and channel changes
        during the duration of an OFDM symbol.

    direction : One of ["uplink", "downlink"], str
        For "uplink", the UT transmits. For "downlink" the BS transmits.

    cdl_model : One of ["A", "B", "C", "D", "E"], str
        The CDL model to use. Note that "D" and "E" are LOS models that are
        not well suited for the transmissions of multiple streams.

    delay_spread : float
        The nominal delay spread [s].

    perfect_csi : bool
        Indicates if perfect CSI at the receiver should be assumed. For downlink
        transmissions, the transmitter is always assumed to have perfect CSI.

    speed : float
        The UT speed [m/s].

    cyclic_prefix_length : int
        The length of the cyclic prefix in number of samples.

    pilot_ofdm_symbol_indices : list, int
        List of integers defining the OFDM symbol indices that are reserved
        for pilots.

    subcarrier_spacing : float
        The subcarrier spacing [Hz]. Defaults to 15e3.

    batch_size : int
        The batch size, i.e., the number of independent Mote Carlo simulations
        to be performed at once. The larger this number, the larger the memory

    ebno_db : float
        The Eb/No [dB]. This value is converted to an equivalent noise power
        by taking the modulation order, coderate, pilot and OFDM-related
        overheads into account.

    b : [batch_size, 1, num_streams, k], tf.float32
        The tensor of transmitted information bits for each stream.

    b_hat : [batch_size, 1, num_streams, k], tf.float32
        The tensor of received information bits for each stream.

    def __init__(self,
                 subcarrier_spacing = 15e3

        # Provided parameters
        self._domain = domain
        self._direction = direction
        self._cdl_model = cdl_model
        self._delay_spread = delay_spread
        self._perfect_csi = perfect_csi
        self._speed = speed
        self._cyclic_prefix_length = cyclic_prefix_length
        self._pilot_ofdm_symbol_indices = pilot_ofdm_symbol_indices

        # System parameters
        self._carrier_frequency = 2.6e9
        self._subcarrier_spacing = subcarrier_spacing
        self._fft_size = 72
        self._num_ofdm_symbols = 14
        self._num_ut_ant = 4 # Must be a multiple of two as dual-polarized antennas are used
        self._num_bs_ant = 8 # Must be a multiple of two as dual-polarized antennas are used
        self._num_streams_per_tx = self._num_ut_ant
        self._dc_null = True
        self._num_guard_carriers = [5, 6]
        self._pilot_pattern = "kronecker"
        self._pilot_ofdm_symbol_indices = pilot_ofdm_symbol_indices
        self._num_bits_per_symbol = 2
        self._coderate = 0.5

        # Required system components
        self._sm = StreamManagement(np.array([[1]]), self._num_streams_per_tx)

        self._rg = ResourceGrid(num_ofdm_symbols=self._num_ofdm_symbols,
                                subcarrier_spacing = self._subcarrier_spacing,

        self._n = int(self._rg.num_data_symbols * self._num_bits_per_symbol)
        self._k = int(self._n * self._coderate)

        self._ut_array = AntennaArray(num_rows=1,

        self._bs_array = AntennaArray(num_rows=1,

        self._cdl = CDL(model=self._cdl_model,

        self._frequencies = subcarrier_frequencies(self._rg.fft_size, self._rg.subcarrier_spacing)

        if self._domain == "freq":
            self._channel_freq = ApplyOFDMChannel(add_awgn=True)

        elif self._domain == "time":
            self._l_min, self._l_max = time_lag_discrete_time_channel(self._rg.bandwidth)
            self._l_tot = self._l_max - self._l_min + 1
            self._channel_time = ApplyTimeChannel(self._rg.num_time_samples,
            self._modulator = OFDMModulator(self._cyclic_prefix_length)
            self._demodulator = OFDMDemodulator(self._fft_size, self._l_min, self._cyclic_prefix_length)

        self._binary_source = BinarySource()
        self._encoder = LDPC5GEncoder(self._k, self._n)
        self._mapper = Mapper("qam", self._num_bits_per_symbol)
        self._rg_mapper = ResourceGridMapper(self._rg)

        if self._direction == "downlink":
            self._zf_precoder = RZFPrecoder(self._rg, self._sm, return_effective_channel=True)

        self._ls_est = LSChannelEstimator(self._rg, interpolation_type="nn")
        self._lmmse_equ = LMMSEEqualizer(self._rg, self._sm)
        self._demapper = Demapper("app", "qam", self._num_bits_per_symbol)
        self._decoder = LDPC5GDecoder(self._encoder, hard_out=True)
        self._remove_nulled_scs = RemoveNulledSubcarriers(self._rg)

    @tf.function # Run in graph mode. See the following guide: https://www.tensorflow.org/guide/function
    def call(self, batch_size, ebno_db):

        no = ebnodb2no(ebno_db, self._num_bits_per_symbol, self._coderate, self._rg)
        b = self._binary_source([batch_size, 1, self._num_streams_per_tx, self._k])
        c = self._encoder(b)
        x = self._mapper(c)
        x_rg = self._rg_mapper(x)

        if self._domain == "time":
            # Time-domain simulations

            a, tau = self._cdl(batch_size, self._rg.num_time_samples+self._l_tot-1, self._rg.bandwidth)
            h_time = cir_to_time_channel(self._rg.bandwidth, a, tau,
                                         l_min=self._l_min, l_max=self._l_max, normalize=True)

            # As precoding is done in the frequency domain, we need to downsample
            # the path gains `a` to the OFDM symbol rate prior to converting the CIR
            # to the channel frequency response.
            a_freq = a[...,self._rg.cyclic_prefix_length:-1:(self._rg.fft_size+self._rg.cyclic_prefix_length)]
            a_freq = a_freq[...,:self._rg.num_ofdm_symbols]
            h_freq = cir_to_ofdm_channel(self._frequencies, a_freq, tau, normalize=True)

            if self._direction == "downlink":
                x_rg, g = self._zf_precoder(x_rg, h_freq)

            x_time = self._modulator(x_rg)
            y_time = self._channel_time(x_time, h_time, no)

            y = self._demodulator(y_time)

        elif self._domain == "freq":
            # Frequency-domain simulations

            cir = self._cdl(batch_size, self._rg.num_ofdm_symbols, 1/self._rg.ofdm_symbol_duration)
            h_freq = cir_to_ofdm_channel(self._frequencies, *cir, normalize=True)

            if self._direction == "downlink":
                x_rg, g = self._zf_precoder(x_rg, h_freq)

            y = self._channel_freq(x_rg, h_freq, no)

        if self._perfect_csi:
            if self._direction == "uplink":
                h_hat = self._remove_nulled_scs(h_freq)
            elif self._direction =="downlink":
                h_hat = g
            err_var = 0.0
            h_hat, err_var = self._ls_est (y, no)

        x_hat, no_eff = self._lmmse_equ(y, h_hat, err_var, no)
        llr = self._demapper(x_hat, no_eff)
        b_hat = self._decoder(llr)

        return b, b_hat

Evaluate the Impact of Mobility

Let us now have a look at the impact of the UT speed on the uplink performance. We compare the scenarios of perfect and imperfect CSI and 0 m/s and 20 m/s speed. To amplify the detrimental effects of high mobility, we only configure a single OFDM symbol for pilot transmissions at the beginning of the resource grid. With perfect CSI, mobility plays hardly any role. However, once channel estimation is taken into acount, the BLER saturates.

If you do not want to run the simulation your self, you skip the next cell and simply look at the result in the next cell.

    "ebno_db" : list(np.arange(0, 32, 2.0)),
    "cdl_model" : "D",
    "delay_spread" : 100e-9,
    "domain" : "freq",
    "direction" : "uplink",
    "perfect_csi" : [True, False],
    "speed" : [0.0, 20.0],
    "cyclic_prefix_length" : 6,
    "pilot_ofdm_symbol_indices" : [0],
    "ber" : [],
    "bler" : [],
    "duration" : None

start = time.time()

for perfect_csi in MOBILITY_SIMS["perfect_csi"]:
    for speed in MOBILITY_SIMS["speed"]:

        model = Model(domain=MOBILITY_SIMS["domain"],

        ber, bler = sim_ber(model,


MOBILITY_SIMS["duration"] = time.time() - start
EbNo [dB] |        BER |       BLER |  bit errors |    num bits | block errors |  num blocks | runtime [s] |    status
      0.0 | 7.2939e-02 | 5.0879e-01 |      116516 |     1597440 |         1042 |        2048 |         3.1 |reached target block errors
      2.0 | 3.1453e-02 | 2.5513e-01 |      100488 |     3194880 |         1045 |        4096 |         0.6 |reached target block errors
      4.0 | 1.0154e-02 | 9.5259e-02 |       89208 |     8785920 |         1073 |       11264 |         1.7 |reached target block errors
      6.0 | 2.5844e-03 | 2.6895e-02 |       76377 |    29552640 |         1019 |       37888 |         5.7 |reached target block errors
      8.0 | 4.3483e-04 | 4.8633e-03 |       34731 |    79872000 |          498 |      102400 |        15.4 |reached max iterations
     10.0 | 6.2500e-05 | 8.0078e-04 |        4992 |    79872000 |           82 |      102400 |        15.4 |reached max iterations

Simulation stopped as target BLER is reached @ EbNo = 10.0 dB.

EbNo [dB] |        BER |       BLER |  bit errors |    num bits | block errors |  num blocks | runtime [s] |    status
      0.0 | 7.1526e-02 | 4.8828e-01 |      114259 |     1597440 |         1000 |        2048 |         2.8 |reached target block errors
      2.0 | 3.3917e-02 | 2.6831e-01 |      108361 |     3194880 |         1099 |        4096 |         0.6 |reached target block errors
      4.0 | 1.1291e-02 | 9.9707e-02 |       90180 |     7987200 |         1021 |       10240 |         1.5 |reached target block errors
      6.0 | 2.7696e-03 | 2.7479e-02 |       79637 |    28753920 |         1013 |       36864 |         5.5 |reached target block errors
      8.0 | 4.7180e-04 | 5.5371e-03 |       37684 |    79872000 |          567 |      102400 |        15.3 |reached max iterations
     10.0 | 4.2393e-05 | 6.2500e-04 |        3386 |    79872000 |           64 |      102400 |        15.4 |reached max iterations

Simulation stopped as target BLER is reached @ EbNo = 10.0 dB.

EbNo [dB] |        BER |       BLER |  bit errors |    num bits | block errors |  num blocks | runtime [s] |    status
      0.0 | 2.6249e-01 | 9.9316e-01 |      209659 |      798720 |         1017 |        1024 |         3.0 |reached target block errors
      2.0 | 2.4350e-01 | 9.7021e-01 |      388974 |     1597440 |         1987 |        2048 |         0.3 |reached target block errors
      4.0 | 2.0585e-01 | 8.9404e-01 |      328834 |     1597440 |         1831 |        2048 |         0.3 |reached target block errors
      6.0 | 1.4909e-01 | 7.1387e-01 |      238158 |     1597440 |         1462 |        2048 |         0.3 |reached target block errors
      8.0 | 8.4108e-02 | 4.5312e-01 |      201537 |     2396160 |         1392 |        3072 |         0.5 |reached target block errors
     10.0 | 3.6978e-02 | 2.1289e-01 |      147675 |     3993600 |         1090 |        5120 |         0.8 |reached target block errors
     12.0 | 1.2211e-02 | 7.5684e-02 |      136542 |    11182080 |         1085 |       14336 |         2.2 |reached target block errors
     14.0 | 2.3035e-03 | 1.5861e-02 |      114070 |    49520640 |         1007 |       63488 |         9.6 |reached target block errors
     16.0 | 4.4387e-04 | 3.2031e-03 |       35453 |    79872000 |          328 |      102400 |        15.4 |reached max iterations
     18.0 | 4.5936e-05 | 3.7109e-04 |        3669 |    79872000 |           38 |      102400 |        15.4 |reached max iterations

Simulation stopped as target BLER is reached @ EbNo = 18.0 dB.

EbNo [dB] |        BER |       BLER |  bit errors |    num bits | block errors |  num blocks | runtime [s] |    status
      0.0 | 2.7444e-01 | 9.9902e-01 |      219198 |      798720 |         1023 |        1024 |         2.9 |reached target block errors
      2.0 | 2.5494e-01 | 9.8730e-01 |      203622 |      798720 |         1011 |        1024 |         0.2 |reached target block errors
      4.0 | 2.3164e-01 | 9.5215e-01 |      370027 |     1597440 |         1950 |        2048 |         0.3 |reached target block errors
      6.0 | 1.8992e-01 | 8.4521e-01 |      303379 |     1597440 |         1731 |        2048 |         0.3 |reached target block errors
      8.0 | 1.4158e-01 | 6.8750e-01 |      226160 |     1597440 |         1408 |        2048 |         0.3 |reached target block errors
     10.0 | 9.3948e-02 | 4.8926e-01 |      150076 |     1597440 |         1002 |        2048 |         0.3 |reached target block errors
     12.0 | 4.8350e-02 | 2.7563e-01 |      154472 |     3194880 |         1129 |        4096 |         0.7 |reached target block errors
     14.0 | 2.5454e-02 | 1.5737e-01 |      142312 |     5591040 |         1128 |        7168 |         1.1 |reached target block errors
     16.0 | 1.1697e-02 | 7.9477e-02 |      121451 |    10383360 |         1058 |       13312 |         2.1 |reached target block errors
     18.0 | 4.9192e-03 | 3.9688e-02 |       98226 |    19968000 |         1016 |       25600 |         4.0 |reached target block errors
     20.0 | 2.0987e-03 | 2.1888e-02 |       77107 |    36741120 |         1031 |       47104 |         7.3 |reached target block errors
     22.0 | 9.8481e-04 | 1.6281e-02 |       47982 |    48721920 |         1017 |       62464 |         9.7 |reached target block errors
     24.0 | 9.6179e-04 | 1.8338e-02 |       41483 |    43130880 |         1014 |       55296 |         8.5 |reached target block errors
     26.0 | 1.4267e-03 | 2.1484e-02 |       52417 |    36741120 |         1012 |       47104 |         7.2 |reached target block errors
     28.0 | 2.0896e-03 | 2.7027e-02 |       61752 |    29552640 |         1024 |       37888 |         5.7 |reached target block errors
     30.0 | 2.6936e-03 | 2.9800e-02 |       70996 |    26357760 |         1007 |       33792 |         5.1 |reached target block errors
print("Simulation duration: {:1.2f} [h]".format(MOBILITY_SIMS["duration"]/3600))

plt.xlabel(r"$E_b/N_0$ (dB)")
plt.title("CDL-D MIMO Uplink - Impact of UT mobility")

i = 0
for perfect_csi in MOBILITY_SIMS["perfect_csi"]:
    for speed in MOBILITY_SIMS["speed"]:
        style = "{}".format("-" if perfect_csi else "--")
        s = "{} CSI {}[m/s]".format("Perf." if perfect_csi else "Imperf.", speed)
                      style, label=s,)
        i += 1
plt.ylim([1e-3, 1]);
Simulation duration: 0.05 [h]

Evaluate the Impact of Insufficient Cyclic Prefix Length

As a final example, let us have a look at how to simulate OFDM with an insufficiently long cyclic prefix.

It is important to notice, that ISI cannot be simulated in the frequency domain as the OFDMChannel implicitly assumes perfectly synchronized and ISI-free transmissions. Having no cyclic prefix translates simply into an improved Eb/No as no energy for its transmission is used.

Simulating a channel in the time domain requires significantly more memory and compute which might limit the scenarios for which it can be used.

If you do not want to run the simulation your self, you skip the next cell and simply look at the result in the next cell.If you do not want to run the simulation your self, you skip the next cell and visualize the result in the next cell.

    "ebno_db" : list(np.arange(0, 17, 2.0)),
    "cdl_model" : "C",
    "delay_spread" : 100e-9,
    "subcarrier_spacing" : 15e3,
    "domain" : ["freq", "time"],
    "direction" : "uplink",
    "perfect_csi" : False,
    "speed" : 3.0,
    "cyclic_prefix_length" : [20, 2],
    "pilot_ofdm_symbol_indices" : [2, 11],
    "ber" : [],
    "bler" : [],
    "duration": None

start = time.time()

for cyclic_prefix_length in CP_SIMS["cyclic_prefix_length"]:
    for domain in CP_SIMS["domain"]:
        model = Model(domain=domain,

        ber, bler = sim_ber(model,


CP_SIMS["duration"] = time.time() - start
EbNo [dB] |        BER |       BLER |  bit errors |    num bits | block errors |  num blocks | runtime [s] |    status
      0.0 | 5.8877e-02 | 2.8683e-01 |      151931 |     2580480 |         1028 |        3584 |         3.6 |reached target block errors
      2.0 | 3.2954e-02 | 1.6504e-01 |      145776 |     4423680 |         1014 |        6144 |         1.6 |reached target block errors
      4.0 | 1.4063e-02 | 7.3568e-02 |      139973 |     9953280 |         1017 |       13824 |         3.7 |reached target block errors
      6.0 | 5.5723e-03 | 3.0228e-02 |      133521 |    23961600 |         1006 |       33280 |         8.9 |reached target block errors
      8.0 | 2.1439e-03 | 1.2143e-02 |      127243 |    59351040 |         1001 |       82432 |        21.9 |reached target block errors
     10.0 | 5.9717e-04 | 3.4492e-03 |      110070 |   184320000 |          883 |      256000 |        67.9 |reached max iterations
     12.0 | 1.8627e-04 | 1.1055e-03 |       34334 |   184320000 |          283 |      256000 |        67.8 |reached max iterations
     14.0 | 4.0679e-05 | 2.5000e-04 |        7498 |   184320000 |           64 |      256000 |        67.7 |reached max iterations

Simulation stopped as target BLER is reached @ EbNo = 14.0 dB.

EbNo [dB] |        BER |       BLER |  bit errors |    num bits | block errors |  num blocks | runtime [s] |    status
      0.0 | 6.7696e-02 | 3.1160e-01 |      162210 |     2396160 |         1037 |        3328 |         6.5 |reached target block errors
      2.0 | 3.0083e-02 | 1.5595e-01 |      144168 |     4792320 |         1038 |        6656 |         4.7 |reached target block errors
      4.0 | 1.4150e-02 | 7.5120e-02 |      135621 |     9584640 |         1000 |       13312 |         9.4 |reached target block errors
      6.0 | 5.3648e-03 | 2.9998e-02 |      129539 |    24145920 |         1006 |       33536 |        23.8 |reached target block errors
      8.0 | 1.9081e-03 | 1.0842e-02 |      126961 |    66539520 |         1002 |       92416 |        65.9 |reached target block errors
     10.0 | 6.1646e-04 | 3.5859e-03 |      113625 |   184320000 |          918 |      256000 |       182.5 |reached max iterations
     12.0 | 1.9007e-04 | 1.0781e-03 |       35034 |   184320000 |          276 |      256000 |       182.6 |reached max iterations
     14.0 | 4.1130e-05 | 2.6563e-04 |        7581 |   184320000 |           68 |      256000 |       182.6 |reached max iterations

Simulation stopped as target BLER is reached @ EbNo = 14.0 dB.

EbNo [dB] |        BER |       BLER |  bit errors |    num bits | block errors |  num blocks | runtime [s] |    status
      0.0 | 4.5926e-02 | 2.2830e-01 |      152370 |     3317760 |         1052 |        4608 |         3.8 |reached target block errors
      2.0 | 2.2464e-02 | 1.1500e-01 |      140780 |     6266880 |         1001 |        8704 |         2.3 |reached target block errors
      4.0 | 9.6553e-03 | 5.0531e-02 |      138814 |    14376960 |         1009 |       19968 |         5.2 |reached target block errors
      6.0 | 3.4924e-03 | 1.9415e-02 |      130033 |    37232640 |         1004 |       51712 |        13.4 |reached target block errors
      8.0 | 1.1323e-03 | 6.4566e-03 |      126272 |   111513600 |         1000 |      154880 |        40.3 |reached target block errors
     10.0 | 3.4135e-04 | 2.0000e-03 |       62917 |   184320000 |          512 |      256000 |        66.6 |reached max iterations
     12.0 | 7.9986e-05 | 4.6875e-04 |       14743 |   184320000 |          120 |      256000 |        66.7 |reached max iterations

Simulation stopped as target BLER is reached @ EbNo = 12.0 dB.

EbNo [dB] |        BER |       BLER |  bit errors |    num bits | block errors |  num blocks | runtime [s] |    status
      0.0 | 1.1951e-01 | 5.3809e-01 |      176225 |     1474560 |         1102 |        2048 |         4.1 |reached target block errors
      2.0 | 8.0203e-02 | 3.7678e-01 |      162614 |     2027520 |         1061 |        2816 |         1.8 |reached target block errors
      4.0 | 4.8896e-02 | 2.4035e-01 |      153212 |     3133440 |         1046 |        4352 |         2.7 |reached target block errors
      6.0 | 2.6285e-02 | 1.3385e-01 |      145343 |     5529600 |         1028 |        7680 |         4.8 |reached target block errors
      8.0 | 1.1158e-02 | 5.9718e-02 |      135737 |    12165120 |         1009 |       16896 |        10.6 |reached target block errors
     10.0 | 5.0670e-03 | 2.8448e-02 |      128886 |    25436160 |         1005 |       35328 |        22.2 |reached target block errors
     12.0 | 1.9637e-03 | 1.2724e-02 |      111121 |    56586240 |         1000 |       78592 |        49.4 |reached target block errors
     14.0 | 7.0154e-04 | 6.8189e-03 |       74223 |   105799680 |         1002 |      146944 |        92.6 |reached target block errors
     16.0 | 1.9807e-04 | 5.8829e-03 |       24242 |   122388480 |         1000 |      169984 |       106.9 |reached target block errors
print("Simulation duration: {:1.2f} [h]".format(CP_SIMS["duration"]/3600))

plt.xlabel(r"$E_b/N_0$ (dB)")
plt.title("CDL-B MIMO Uplink - Impact of Cyclic Prefix Length")

i = 0
for cyclic_prefix_length in CP_SIMS["cyclic_prefix_length"]:
    for domain in CP_SIMS["domain"]:
        s = "{} Domain, CP length: {}".format("Freq" if domain=="freq" else "Time",
        i += 1
plt.ylim([1e-3, 1]);
Simulation duration: 0.39 [h]

One can make a few important observations from the figure above:

  1. The length of the cyclic prefix has no impact on the performance if the system is simulated in the frequency domain. The reason why the two curves for both frequency-domain simulations do not overlap is that the cyclic prefix length affects the way the Eb/No is computed.

  2. With a sufficiently large cyclic prefix (in our case cyclic_prefix_length = 20 >= l_tot = 17 ), the performance of time and frequency-domain simulations are identical.

  3. With a too small cyclic prefix length, the performance degrades. At high SNR, inter-symbol interference (from multiple streams) becomes the dominating source of interference.